My life experiences in the good times and in very difficult times will hopefully inspire, encourage, and motivate others to take time to laugh, reflect, and seek God when difficulties in life arise.
Back in the early 90s I was working as a paraprofessional, a teacher helper in NYC. I was young, well-dressed, and looking good! There was another ‘para,’ an African-American girl who was always hitting on me. “Hey Cruz…” she would say every time she saw me. “Nice shirt” or “nice pants,” she’d say. Once, after our Spring break she saw me and said, “I see you got married over the break.” I looked at her wondering what she was talking about. She said, “The ring. I see you’re wearing one now.” I told her I had been married for 8 years. She had never noticed my ring but I assured her it never came off.
One day, she says, “See, Cruz, you’re not the only well-dressed guy here now” as she pointed to a new worker. He was a younger-than-me, good-looking, well-dressed African-American guy working as a para, who was also very friendly. I was glad for her! Got her off my back! One day, not too long after that, as we were leaving for the day, I saw him and said, “Good night, see you tomorrow.” He waved smiling and we were gone.
The next morning, I walked in the office and as I wished a good morning to the payroll secretary, I noticed a woman standing before her speaking in hush tones. I thought it strange but headed to my room. During the day, some news came about.
The previous day, the young man had told the payroll secretary and the teacher he worked with that he would be absent the next day to take care of some things. At about 1:30 a.m. as he was involved in a hobby of his, communicating through a ham-radio, he got electrocuted. It was his wife in the office that morning sharing the terrible news. It almost seemed as if he knew he wouldn’t be returning.
About two days later, I walked in to the teachers’ lounge and a teacher there said, “Oh my God, it’s you, you’re alive!” I looked around wondering who she was talking to. It then hit me. She said that it had been reported that the young, well-dressed ‘para’ who worked with Ms. Rivera had died leaving behind his wife and small kids. That would’ve been me. She was so glad to see me, that she hugged me. The difference was that the other guy worked for a Ms. Riviera. Obviously, the name was mispronounced. It was very sad that the guy died at such an early age.
Years ago, I read an interesting book, Mistaken Identity by Van Ryn, Cerak, Tabb about a similar situation where two almost-look-alike girls died. Can you imagine burying a child thinking she was yours, only to learn yours is still alive? Or thinking the child before you, is actually yours, only to learn she isn’t, and you never had the chance to say your goodbyes? Some stories are definitely stranger than fiction.
As sad and heartbreaking as some stories go, there’s one thing you can be confident of: whether your name is spelled Schwartz, Schwarz, Schwartze, Swartz, (or other variants of the name), or Juan Rodriguez, or Jose Rivera (Most common names amongst Hispanics), God never mistakes you for someone else. That’s good and bad. On the plus side, if you serve Him, you’ll be getting your just rewards. On the negative side, if you don’t serve Him, you’ll be getting your just reward too. There’s no escaping Him. You won’t be getting blamed for someone else’s deeds. And surely, no one will be able to say to The Great I AM, “Do you know who I am?” Or, “Do you know who you’re messing with?” Trying to cause Him to think He’s made a mistake, or trying to impress Him with their credentials. The Eternal God makes no mistakes. “…For before I formed you in the belly, I knew you…”(Jeremiah 1:5a).
“I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14a NIV)
In a home, there may be some glamorous rooms, regular-looking rooms, as well as empty rooms. In general, empty rooms aren’t difficult to fill; apply paint color, maybe some area rugs, furniture, and some artwork. Sometimes, however, some empty rooms can’t be filled.
For four years we had our two grandsons living with us, ages 3 and 4. Overall, we had great times together. I built them a mini workshop, got them mini tools, they’d spend hours in the pool, my wife would read them nighttime stories, and they’d bake cakes with her. We laughed, cried, danced to music and crazy songs, and watched hours of Huckleberry Hound and Yogi-Bear. But they moved far away beyond our reach. Now there’s an empty room, both in the house and more importantly, in our hearts. Some rooms are difficult to fill. Maybe you have one of your own, one you’re longing to fill.
Back in the 70’s, It Don’t Matter to Me was the title to a great song by David Gates and the group, Bread. All that mattered was the girl’s happiness because there would always be an empty room in his heart waiting for her.
On the other spectrum, there are people with empty rooms they don’t care to fill. In fact, they don’t care about a lot of things. Lots of people live under the words and concept that nothing matters to them. Whether it’s hurting others, getting their own feelings hurt, failing someone, or bailing out on others, it doesn’t matter. It’s a way to cop out; a way not to bare responsibility for actions or inactions. We can carry those sentiments into other aspects of our lives. Things like pride, indifference, intolerance, impatience, etc. can come as result of our uncaring feelings. But, when does it matter?
When parents kick you out? When the boss lets you go? When the wifey kicks you to the curb? When your kids don’t want to know about you? When you’ve got the ‘anti-Midas’ touch and all you touch goes downhill? When the doctor brings you bad news?
Most people don’t realize that when this life is over, they’ll be heading straight into another one; an eternal life. Back in Genesis 2:7, when God formed man of the dust and breathed into his nostrils, he became a living soul. As far as I know, the soul never dies. It’s eternal. As the late singer, Keith Green, once wrote: “Some people won’t find out ‘til it’s too late, that they have another life to live.” That other life, the eternal one, the one that’ll outlast your current one, can be with or without God. That’s up to you, and it’s up to us; not circumstance. As Erwin W. Lutzer writes in his book, One Minute After You Die: “One minute after you slip behind the parted curtain, you will either be enjoying a personal welcome from Christ or catching your first glimpse of gloom as you have never known it. Either way, your future will be irrevocably fixed and eternally unchangeable” (page 9, Introduction).
I’m guaranteeing that that’s when it’ll matter to everyone. Regardless of who you are or what you do, or don’t do, when we can understand that we won’t be in control of anything anymore and everything that surrounds us will occur as a result of our past doings. The wretchedness and wickedness of an unchangeable and unknown future away from God, is a ‘deadly’ responsibility that all who don’t serve God have while living. That reality is ever-looming over us as long as we walk apart from God. Sadly, not everyone gets a last-minute chance to repent, change their ways, confess their sins, and call upon God when death knocks at the door.
The time to make it matter, is now. Just as singer/writer David Gates wrote, “Cause they’ll always be an empty room waiting for you.” Jesus wrote in John 14:2, “In my Fathers’ house there are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” Jesus made room (space) for you some 2000 years ago when He went to the cross. That means He was thinking of you as He was dying. Scripture says He blotted out the charges proved against you, the list of his commandments which you had not obeyed. He took this list of sins and destroyed it by nailing it to (Christ’s) cross (Colossians 2:14 LB).
Additionally, He is making a room just for you with your name on it and just the way you like it. Now it’s time to make things in your life matter. Are you preparing room in your heart for Him? Give Him all your empty rooms. In fact, trade them for the room He’s prepared for you. No, He’s not David Gates, and no, He didn’t sing for Bread, but He is The Bread of Life (John 6:48-51), the One who can sustain you.
Back in the late 60s my little brother, who was very good at board games, received the game, Pull the Rug Out. We had fun using the provided spinner to learn what weird items we were commanded to pile on top of others and then attempt to pull out the rug without any items toppling over! While most of us playing would fail, he was often very successful! Later, in the early 90s a few times a year, my wife and I would head to BJs Wholesale Club for groceries. As things were cheaper back then, money would go a lot further than it does today. We usually took one child to help keep an eye on the cart while we zipped-by filling it with much-needed goodies. I’m great at organizing and packing things. I’ll look at a space, then at the items, and I’ll know how to pack and make everything fit. My wife, on the other hand, will look into the fridge & say, “There’s no more room.” I’ll have her pass me bags of items and it’ll all go in usually with room to spare. This one time, we took our oldest daughter shopping with us. I packed our Dodge station wagon like a can of sardines with close to $600 worth of food. Our daughter was by the back, fold- down door. When that door was shut, she became part of the sardines! Her face was stuck to the glass with nowhere to move! She didn’t mind and actually, enjoyed being part of something bigger! As we drove down the highway, some drivers pointed at her and laughed at her appearance! I wanted to shout out the window, “We got her on sale!” Like a can of sardines, or better yet, the hilarious Crowded Cabin ship scene in the Marx Brothers movie, A Night at the Opera, when everyone flies out the room when the door gets opened at the end, that’s how our daughter rolled out when that hatch was opened at home! We all know life can be like that: We can be loved by everyone. We can get hugs and high-fives any day, anytime. We can be thrilled running into our friends and acquaintances, for they ‘make our day.’ Sometimes though, without explanation, life will pull the rug out from underneath our feet knocking us over. We’ll scratch our heads wondering what happened, and how. Friends may no longer greet us, and the hugs and high-fives might be gone. That’s when it’s time to rise to our feet, dust ourselves, recompose, find new perspective, and start anew. Be comforted and strengthened in the words of Jesus: “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5b). Besides, He knows how to pull the rug out and leave us standing. God Bless, Sam
It isn’t always easy to be thankful. Thousands of families here in Puerto Rico still have blue tarps over their roofs (me included) since hurricane Maria made landfall in September, 2017. Though millions of dollars were allocated for repairs and for assistance, most of those funds ‘disappeared’ through the hands of government channels. This past year, we began the year with a series of earthquakes and tremors (January 7th) on the south side of the island. Homeowners there are still waiting for their assistance. Just a little over two months later, the pandemic struck, and we’re still in hurricane season.
Hundreds of thousands of lives have been impacted by the Covid-19 virus. Thousands have lost their parents, siblings, their children, or friends. Life has been exceptionally tough for all of us. Yet, as long as we have breath, we’re commanded to praise God. Psalm 150 verse 6 reads: “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD (Yah). Praise ye the LORD.” For all that’s happened this year, this is the time more than ever, to be thankful.
God is worthy of all praise and honor, and that is independent of our situation. It has been said there are two times when we ought to praise God: When we feel like it and when we don’t. There are thousands of Christians worldwide suffering and others being tortured for their belief in the one true living God. Hundreds of thousands have little to eat, some have nowhere to sleep, while others have little to wear.
Some among the elderly in particular, live in Siberia where winters are brutal and they’re expected to survive on less than $100.00 monthly, some only on $30.00. The worst is living all alone. If you’re alone, know that God said (to Joshua), “As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee (Joshua 1:5 and Hebrews 13:5). That applies to us as well. Are you finding yourself far and distant from God as if He doesn’t hear you or even exist?” Be reassured that He is there! In the Bible, a man named Job (Job 23:8-10) experienced a similar feeling. Read his words: “Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: On the left hand, where he does work, but I cannot behold him: he hides himself on the right hand that I cannot see him: But he knows the way I should take: when he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” God is a God who hides, yet he’s always there though we may not see Him. He knows what’s best for you, follow Him.
But, how do I open a line of communication, you ask? Romans 10:13 tells us: “whosoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.” So go on, call Him and ask Him to put His arms around you. Ask Him to envelop you with His warmth and with His love. Guaranteed you’ll feel His presence!
We are to be thankful not because we may have lost a loved one or because of hardship. But in spite of those situation. Unfortunately, those things will happen. God knows those things cause us pain and heartbreak. He understands our pain and sorrows. Which is why He’s chosen a date and time in the which He shall return to make ALL things right; and He will! He hasn’t revealed that info to anyone, so don’t be fooled by those who claim to know. It’ll be here before you know it. The thing is to be ready!
So, in the midst of hardship and uncertainty, may you all have a great and blessed day of Thanksgiving-whether or not you have health, have food, have a job, have a home, companionship, or have suffered loss or gain. God is above all things. Christ is all, and in all (Colossians 3:11b). Sam
Back when I was in the fourth grade there were whispers amongst our teachers concerning a relatively new book that had made its way to our library, the book was Beastly Boys and Ghastly Girls by William Rossa Cole and Tomi Ungerer. It was about mischievous things boys did to girls, and vice-versa! Since that was a different era, teachers didn’t really want to give us new ideas…though we were probably doing them anyway! It was beastly!
In a ghastly way, or should I say, ghostly way, Halloween will be soon upon us-sort of, restrictions due to Covid19. When it rolls around, kids dress up in all types of costumes. Some are of nice & sweet characters while others can be on the terrifying side. Some are of monsters and beastly creatures. I remember trick-a-treating when I was 10 years old with my little brother. As we were steps from our building, we waved at my brother & sister-in-law and at that exact instant, an older guy, Mike, was up on the roof of a four-story building and with great precision, poured a bucket of water right on us! What a beastly thing to do!!! We were aghast as well as wet and scarier-looking than before! Life is like that: beasts and critters all around us waiting for the right moment to pounce on us!
Some of us have internal beasts to deal with. Our son usually says, “Don’t cause the monster within me to come forth!” Beasts, can present themselves in various forms, such as anger, jealousy, resentment, indifference, hatred, bitterness, vengeance, and others. They’re not pretty! Ghastly!
However, the Word of God speaks of a different type of beast, one that’s very unlike any character we’ve seen. One that’s worse and more horrific than any monster on any movie ever seen! He’s very near and coming with lots of charisma and probably good looks which will appeal to many. He’ll have a foul mouth and will speak blasphemies against God. This Beast will be nothing in comparison to the characters that we may allow our kids to imitate on Halloween, or the ‘beastly’ pranks played on siblings. His beauty is raw ugliness. It’s satanic; hellish. This beast’s ultimate accomplishments will make past world leaders like Hitler and Stalin seem like good, innocent school kids.
Revelation 13:4B-6 tells us, “…And they worshipped the beast saying,” Who is like the beast? Who is able to wage war against him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given to him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.”
Escape the Beast that’s soon to appear on this planet. He’s practically around the corner! Turn your life to God and seek Him. We may be living in tough and dire days, but this is nothing compared to what’s to come!! God has called us to sainthood, to godliness, and to be imitators (followers) of Him (Ephesians 5:1). No amount of water will quench the beast’s temper or hinder his plans!
I’m not a shoe person, I’m a sneaker guy having had 38 pairs of high-top Converse sneakers. I’ve enjoyed having them in various colors and also the superhero collection. Having always been a runner and a jumper, and having weak ankles, shoes just don’t cut it. As a teacher, I had students from 3rd grade up to the 8th grade wearing their Converse sneakers to be part of the ‘in-group’ too!
Beautiful Teal
Bottom: Wonder Woman, student top: The Flash, mine
Mine, The Joker
Group of students posing for a sneaker picture
But when it comes to robes and sandals, I have a hard time imagining heaven where everyone will be wearing them…since I’m neither a robes or sandal guy person. But I know God knows what He’s doing!
“Grant that I may not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins,” goes a Native American Indian prayer I have on a plaque. While “Walk A Mile in My Shoes” was a hit song by Joe South back in the early 1970’s. The sayings go back decades and most of us are very familiar with them. There’s plenty of truths behind those few words. Many of our national leaders as well as local politicians oftentimes expect us to do things, or live in ways they never would. They need to be in our shoes to know what some things are like. Walk in someone else’s shoes, and you probably won’t be judging them anymore. If you lose an arm, you’ll know what people who have lost one go through. Same with a leg, your back going out, etc.
At college in NYC, I had a professor in my ESL (English As A Second Language) class who once said, “Oh Yeah, racial jokes are funny…so funny—until they hit home. Suddenly, they’re not funny anymore. Guess what? If they’re not funny to you, then they’re not funny to those you say them to. Bottom line: Don’t use them.” That’s a perfect example of walking in someone else’s shoes.
Hundreds of years earlier, Jesus shared the same truth in what is known as The Golden Rule which says: Therefore, all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them. For this is the law and the prophets (Matthew 7:12). We’ve all seen kids walk around in adult shoes trying to be their mom or dad. Doing so, gives us a different perspective on life.
Walking in Mommy’s shoes
Whether we drive a fancy car, have an unlimited amount of spending money for a few hours, or visit an extravagant home such as The Biltmore Estates with 250 rooms and a dining room with 68 hand-carved arm-chairs, and some 23,000 books, etc. allows us to see how others live and what life could be like.
No one knows about filling others’ shoes more than Jesus. He ‘lived’ (actually existed) in unending splendor, had hosts of angelic beings at His disposal, had luxuries galore with trillions and trillions of riches, no sickness, no death, no sin, no beginning, no end as well as perfection and being omnipresent and omniscient. Yet, in order to relate to us, He had to live in our world. So, scripture says He emptied Himself of the glory He had in heaven. Remember, Jesus and the Father, along with the Holy Spirit have always been ONE in essence and in existence. He left it all behind to come live amongst us (Philippians 2:7). He…was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). When we complain of how hard life is, He knows. He was there.
It’s interesting that thousands of men & women want to visit Jerusalem to walk where He walked, when in fact, He decided eons ago to walk where we walked! One ‘day’ before the foundations of the world, He said, “I will walk where ____________(your name) walks; I want to know what life is like for her. I want to suffer as she suffers. I want to be hated as he is hated. I want to be falsely accused as he is. I want to lay down my life for humanity that they may know Me as the God of Love.” Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends (John 15:16).
Jesus shared one of the most touching stories in all of the Bible, the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). When the wayward son returned, the father told his servants to bring out the best robe, a ring, shoes on his feet, and kill the fatted calf so they could celebrate the return of his lost and dead (long-time missing) son. Not only does Jesus walk in our shoes but when we return to Him, he dresses us with new garments including shoes. The new garments speak of new experiences as well as a new righteousness. We’re now new people. Why shoes? Because now our steps are directed by Him. We’re now on a new journey. We now walk in tune with him. We now know we need to walk where He walked and how He walked. We now know that His paths took Him on a road to suffering-the same road we’re now to follow. Big shoes to fill, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).
Walking in my Dad’s boots. Someone’s got to get the job done
End of summer is just around the corner. Wonderful day for grilling burgers, hotdogs, steaks and fries followed by soda and intertwined with family activities. A great day for relaxing. Years ago, I was at my mechanic’s shop and asked him if he’d close for Labor Day. Expecting him to say yes, he instead asked me how Labor Day translated into Spanish. I told him, “Dia del trabajo,” (day of work) and he said, “There you go, it’s a day of work!” So, he worked and had his employees show up for work as usual. I told him that wasn’t right, but that’s how he saw it.
All across the country and even worldwide, people work all the time. Millions though, are hard at work working towards their salvation. From rituals to good deeds, people sacrifice years and years of their lives trying to appease God and trying all they can think of to please Him. They want to reserve a seat in Heaven. They want to cancel their debts with Him. Some think that if they do more good deeds than the bad ones they committed; they’ll balance out. Sadly, they’re working hard in vain. Nothing we do will earn God’s favor. “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that is not of yourself: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). But the fact that we want to do something towards our salvation indicates we want to honor Him. That’s a commendable thing, though unnecessary. Trillions of years ago, he decided to save us. He decided that at the appointed time He’d lay down His life for us to draw us close to Him.
There’s no need to work for something’s that’s already ours; for something that’s already paid for. All we need do is claim it by setting our lives aright with God. Invite Him in to your life. Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead that we might not have to work or strive to save ourselves. Believe it. Not believing it makes the preaching of His message of salvation in vain as well as our faith vain (1 Corinthians 15:14). Bottom line: cease from trying to please Him through your own works. You can’t buy His love. You can’t buy your way into Heaven. But WHY? Hundreds of millions want to know why can’t they ‘chip in’ & help poor-old-God. The answer is simple: God will not share His glory with anyone. He doesn’t want you or me bragging on how we helped Him out saving ourselves. Ephesians 2:9 says, “Not of works, lest any man should boast.” He doesn’t want us becoming someone else’s proxy for their salvation. He doesn’t want any man being an in-between-man. There is only ONE mediator between man and God; the man Christ Jesus (1st Timothy 2:5). He did it all and all is finished.
You can, however, pre-order a ticket of residence by accepting through faith His sacrificial death and resurrection for you. You’ll have your name written in Heaven in God’s Book of Life.
So, this Labor Day have Him fellowship with you. Enjoy your burgers or whatever you eat. Begin a new way of enjoying the holiday by permanently ceasing from your fruitless labors towards eternal life. Place your faith in God. The book of Hebrews (10:12) tells us, “But this man (Jesus), after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.”
Hot nights and hotter days were typical in the summer of 1973. It was a summer of first love. It was a time when everything was seen through rose-colored glasses. Everything felt so new and so good. Love was in the air. It was in all we did. Summer heat and the potion of love had a hypnotizing effect on how I felt. New discoveries were on the horizon. Being young meant so many things! We had friends galore. We had time for hanging out with buddies and school was out. We’d ride our bikes, go to the pool, soak ourselves in the ‘Johnny-pumps’ (fire hydrants). Have chips, cakes, ice cream, soda, etc. Life was heavenly!
It was also a summer of my going back to Coney Island with some friends. I hadn’t been there in about a decade. I couldn’t believe that those $.05 and $.25 rides were now $.50 to over $1.50 each! In the sweltering heat, one thing stood out that summer: from Coney Island to McCarren park, blasting through the speakers were songs like Party, Party by The JB’s with Maceo on the sax and I Can Understand It (The New Birth), as well as Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On. Music filled the air; it permeated everywhere. The songs, the music, the sounds of laughter from the guys on the block, combined with smells from fried chicken to jelly doughnuts (the thick kind made by the Acme Baking Co.), etc. all made that summer so special. When it was too hot to eat upstairs, I’d ask Mom for a dollar. I’d head to the diner on the corner where I could get 2 scrambled eggs with fries, toast, and a soda (for $.55). If hungry, I’d add a burger for $.45 more. Yummy times!
Along with the music came the beat. The beat to move ‘ya around and around. The beats from the songs caused some to move to the “Bump.’ Others, danced to Salsa, while others just grooved doing their own thing.
Dancing has lots of benefits, though I don’t dance! But I think most of us ‘move’ in our own way. Some folks put on their favorite dancing shoes, while some dance in whatever ‘soles’ they have on. Some girls just love to dance barefooted-and then some, dance in huge, spikey heels! Dancing relieves stress. It can help clear our minds off issues that beset us. Anger, grief, or sadness can all be pushed aside while we move to music and dance whether within us, or playing outside.
People like my mom, who doesn’t dance either, can’t picture God dancing. But He does! He’s known as The Lord of the Dance. Scripture shows that in worship we dance before Him. We celebrate His triumphs. We celebrate His presence in our lives. We honor Him and we celebrate His awesomeness. Scripture tells us in Zephaniah 3:17 (AMP) “The Lord your God is with you, The Mighty Warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love (making no mention of your past sins), He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.” The words ‘rejoice over you’ mean to dance, skip, spin around, or leap around in joy.
Now, God may not dance to our songs, and we don’t know the types of shoes He wears, but we do know the types of ‘souls’ He seeks. God seeks repentant souls. When we repent of our sins, not only does God dance over us, but the angels in heaven also rejoice (Luke 15:10). All this rejoicing and dancing can only mean one thing: Heaven is a delightful place. It’s a place where sorrow doesn’t fit in. It’s where worry is kept out beyond the gates. God’s house is a joyful place.
Whatever your dancing shoes look like, bring them out!! Dance like King David danced with all his might (2 Samuel 6:14-22) before God!!! Are your sins forgiven? Leap before Him!!!
You’re a new creation? Shout before Him!!! Has He made you glad? Rejoice in His presence!!! He no longer remembers your past sins and mistakes? Sing and dance before Him with excitement!!! Seems like heaven will be a place for partying. It will take centuries just to quiet our excitement for making it there and then for eons we will praise, with excitement and joy, the One Who made it happen!
Praise Him with tambourine and dance; praise Him with strings and pipe (Psalm 150:4)!
It was mid-May, 1975 when out of our basement classroom window during the 7-8th period science class with Mr. Ocasio I could hear the songs Betcha’ By Golly Wow and You Make Me Feel Brand New by The Stylistic coming through the windows. From such soft songs, including MidnightTrain To Georgia by Gladys Knight & The Pips, music has always shaped our lives. Hear a song and it’ll place you back to a given time and place. You’ll recall what you were doing, saying, maybe even wearing on a particular situation, etc. As the 70’s rolled on, a new style of music was knocking on the scene.
One particular day in 1978, I knocked on my friend Ray’s door and my cousin June opened and signaled to come in. The sound was deafening! We were inches apart but couldn’t hear each other. We walked to a small, back room where Ray was trying out his latest stereo system. Blasting was ABBA’s Dancing Queen on a pair of small, 18-22” Dynamo speakers. “Crank it up, Ray” June said. There was no distortion! It was amazingly clear and loud!
Those years brought us hundreds, if not thousands of hits like: Dance, Dance, Dance by Chic; He’s The Greatest Dancer-Sister Sledge; Fly, Robin Fly; Mighty, Mighty; Get Off, Staying Alive; Feel So Good; Nice and Slow (Jesse Green);I haven’t stopped Dancing (Gonzales);Mondo Disco (El Coco); and thousands more. One favorite radio station featured in a deep, slow voice: W-B-L-S followed by a high-pitched woman’s voice saying, “It’s him, my idol: Frankie Crocker.” Yep, Disco was on the scene as were guys’ French-Cut (Seamless pants), and Matadors. We had already gone through Marshmallow shoes and all guys loved Playboy shoes! They were made of leather and came in so many colors from velvet burgundy to the Wet-look with beiges, browns, soft greens, blues, and the 1” rubber heel! They were hip, comfortable, and the coolest shoes around.
During these years, we used to say, “We’re going to paint the town red, tonight.” A phrase meaning, we were going out for a good time. People dressed up, put on spiffy outfits, and made sure their hair was “cool.” But for some of us, it was just a phrase signifying we would be hanging out.
Angel was one to don his rabbit-skin coat with his small hat, suspenders, baggy pants, and nice shoes. He was always ready to dance to Jungle Boogie (Kool & The Gang). Heck, we guys had a club in Danny’s basement which we spiffed up and anytime that song came up, we’d drop whatever we were doing and form our ‘Soul-Train’ line and dance-jump away! This one time we nearly died laughing as Angel went to one end of the line and Edgar to the opposite side and they both did their moves and then did a forward roll and as they came up, they were so close they bumped into each other and rolled back down backwards!! Oh, the good old days!!
Angel, loved deejaying and had some 30,000 vinyl records! His joy was working at a record shop in the neighborhood. He had a collection at home with his high-tech turntables and mixers, etc. He always knew what would be coming out in the months ahead, like when he told me about the Canadian release of Don’t Stop the Music by the Bay City Rollers. We knew what to look forward to.
I remember going one day to either J&R Music World in Downtown Fulton, or to Disco Mat on 36th St. & 7th Ave. (remember them?) and asking for the 45rpm of Love Is in The Air by Jay Black. The store owner looked at me and said, “Jay Black, from Jay Black and The Americans??” “That guy hasn’t sung in like twenty years!” I told him he had a hit. He shook his head like ‘You’re crazy.’ He asked how I knew. I told him Angel knew before they hit the airways. He didn’t believe me then. I’m sure he did after the hit came out!
My brother Nels was another one who loved deejaying at home. He could tell you every hit by every artist. He knew how long each song was on 45s, 12,”and in the albums! *A 12”was a Disco-released hit as large as an album but with only one song recorded at 45 rpms. He even knew what label they were on-and if they switched, he knew that too! He could tell you how many members were in any group, how many left and who replaced whom. Just a few months ago I was partly singing a song to my wife. All I remembered was Hey Jean, Billy Dean & Rock On. As I scratched my head as to the artist, I thought Elton John? Could it be David Bowie? Nah. What about…nothing matched up. I couldn’t find anything similar online. So of course, all I had to do was text Nels asking if he knew such a song, and within minutes he wrote: “Yes, the name of the song was Rock On by David Essex; it was his only hit.” I asked him if he looked it up and he said (no), “I remember it.”
During these Disco years, there was an ‘All is well’ attitude and impression around us. After all, the music was hip and had deep bass and was danceable and enjoyable to those of us who grew up with it. It was an escape from other unrelenting issues at hand. It was definitely upbeat music. It was unlike songs that focused on feeling down and out or like those discussing being left alone-dumped by a significant other. These songs gave us a great feeling of hope for the moment. And as more hits appeared, more hope was on its way. The scene was on fire! Who could resist Barry White with his deep baritone voice,- Or Tina Charles’, You Set My Heart on Fire & I Like to Love?
As wonderful as the songs might have been, the entire Disco scene screeched to a halt. Little by little, the world fell back to its old ways. The pants, the shirts, the disco ball, as well as the groove, crashed down on the ballroom floors and even in living rooms. It was time to move on.
Did you know that God has records too???!!! His may not be vinyl. They may not be 45s, 12” Disco Format, or even albums. They might be in leather, CDs, MP3’s, etc. but one thing for sure, though, is His collection is like no other! His records are in the tens of billions! They’re of every genre, every artist, known and unknown. Artists born, having died, or even unborn! Really??! Are you surprised? Can’t picture God strumming a guitar singing Country? Sounding like Kenny Rogers? Or dancing Polka? Relax!
God has records of every human ever born and to be born. All our acts are recorded in Heaven. His angels track our every move (Hebrews 1:14). The records are separated into two piles: The Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelations 20:11-15; 21:27), and The Books (Revelation 20:12. Those in the first Book have all their sinful acts erased. They comprise a special group. Those whose names are not found in that first list will surely find their names in the second list of books. Those people will not have a chance to change their status once they die.
The first group consists of people who have turned over their lives to Christ. They comprise a special group because they will dance around God’s throne in praise, exaltation, and worship for having had their sins removed and for making it to God’s throne-room, known as His dwelling place. Members of the second group need to transfer over before the “deadline.” God sent His Son Jesus, to “Paint the town Red” with His shed blood. Not Spilt blood because that would signify an accident. Instead, He voluntarily and intentionally shed it for our sins. Jesus’ blood was not only for a town, but for the entire world. And yes, Heaven will be like no other place in this known world. We will rejoice. We will forever be young. We will never die. We will always have access to God. We’ll sing, jump, draw, paint, build, and do whatever God will allow without fear of rejection or condemnation. For the first time in your life you will be able to completely express your creativity to God as He intended.
I say you should transfer your name NOW! Set up some new records! Cast away all idols! Make a splash on the scene! Get your shoes ready, get a new song in your heart, practice some saintly moves, and start rejoicing, for He has made you glad! Heaven will be better than any (musical) period on earth, be it Big Band, Rock & Roll, Metal, The Two Step, The Swing, The Fox Trot, Blues, Line Dancing, Disco,it doesn’t MATTER!! There will be an attitude and atmosphere like no other! “Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah!!”
Ray as Mr. Fritz the Cat ready to take on the world!Me
Nels, deejaying at home
In the groove!With Best friend, TerryNels, ‘Lil Angel, Benjamin (Terry’s brother) at 6’3″, Me
Two days ago, my wife and I were reminiscing of our days growing up. Now, I don’t know if this happens to everyone, but I do know it was something all the Hispanic, if not Puerto Rican families we knew were into.
Our parents would go out and buy a new living room set. A few days later they’d visit or call the local plastic-cover store. Within a few days, a rep would come and measure the sofa and side chairs as well as any other component of the set. The new set would be covered nice and tightly in plastic. Every piece would stick to you when you sat, moved, and especially, when you got up. One would hear all kinds of sounds coming from the sofas. You didn’t know if they were made-up sounds or the real thing! You could rub your hands across them just for sound effects. If you sat and moved about, you heard additional sounds! Even the throw pillows were covered in plastic! We were expected to sit and be comfortable, but how? The funniest thing was, getting up. Upon doing so, the plastic would come right up with you and stick to your buttooshki! See, as 8 or 9-year-olds, we spent most of our days in undies playing & running around, so you know those plastics would really stick!
My wife’s grandmother would have area rugs or runners to protect the hardwood flooring, which makes sense. But then, the runner was protected by having plastic placed over it. The policy was: “No one better walk anywhere other than on the plastic.” So, as kids we wondered what purpose there was in having nice floors only to cover them in rugs and why have nice rugs only to cover them in plastic?
Turns out, sin is just like that. You sit on it, get comfortable, and it sticks to you. It sticks to your sides, your bottom, and every part of you until you’re stuck. It’s fun at first. You’ll have a few laughs, you’ll hear funny sounds, and you’ll have to walk on a certain path. Eventually though, sin, being an offense to God, to a holy God, will consume you. You’ll soon grow comfortable again; you’ll get used to how it grabs you and how it sticks to you. You’ll look forward to the way it holds you down or the way it comes up with you when you get up. Plastic isn’t the best covering.
Try God. Jesus died for you. Just as when we go out to eat and a friend covers the tab, Jesus covered your sin. See, our righteousness is as filthy rags to God (Isaiah 64:6) and we fall extremely short of making a payment for our sins. So short, it’s impossible to do. Were it possible, there would have been no need for Jesus to leave his riches and holiness just to die in our place. But Jesus, being perfect, was able to die and rise from the dead when it should have been us. He’s set up a path for us to walk in. No, it’s not covered in plastic. Here on earth, it’s covered with tests and trials, but in Heaven, it’ll be covered in pure gold; streets, crystal clear like transparent glass (Revelation 21:21)!
Sofa covered in plasticSofa chair in plasticPaths of plastic: Even area rugs were covered in plastic!