The Doors

No, not the group with Don’t You Love Her Madly?
Nice song, but I’m thinking about the type we can walk through. Hopefully, when they’re open! Have you ever walked through a closed glass door?! Like when doors automatically open and then you get to one that doesn’t? I have! We once visited a friend in the night up in Jersey. Went to her camper. My wife, not wearing her glasses, thinking the door was open, walked right through the screen door!
Way back when I was growing up, there was the TV show, ‘Let’s Make A Deal’ where throughout the show participants had to choose prizes from three doors or curtains and at the end of the show, the winning players had to try to get the grand prize hidden either behind doors #1, #2, or #3. Get it wrong, & you might go home with a cow or some geese. Get it right, and you’d get paid vacations, a new car, & some cash.
Personally, when it comes to doors, I like the swinging type; the ones in saloons. When the mean cowboy walked in, beady eyes scanned the room, spat in the spittoon or on the floor, and wiped his spittle with his sleeve, while everyone got quiet or scattered. Yep, ‘them doors.’ The type that’ll whack you on the rear if you don’t move fast enough. Granted, not everyone likes them-there types. I know, spittoons may be hard to find these days…but you can always…a-n-y-w-a-y…Doors have to fit their openings. Too loose, & they won’t be efficient. Too tight, and they won’t open/close correctly. I saw on a TV show, a man who wreaked havoc for his installers after buying some 40 used doors-each different from the rest. Some were of standard height, short ones, tall ones, and some of different widths or thicknesses. The hinges didn’t line up on several, especially when two doors were needed to pair off. Even the wood species were different from each other. The home owner, wanting his house to be unique ‘dished’ out $250,000.00 for his doors in the process.
To some people doors are far more than something to walk through, or made to offer protection. They like to really walk through them. We’ve read of people “making a grand entrance.” Some, expect applauds and looks of approval upon their arrival. Some like making a scene as they exit. They want others to notice them in their apparels or the flair they walk with.
Jesus, a carpenter, also knew about doors. He spoke of one particular Door: Himself. In John 10:9 He stated, “I am the door, if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” He knows all about them. He knows there are millions of doors leading somewhere, which is really, to nowhere. He knows there are thousands leading to confusion. However, He’s the only Door that’s the right size and the right fit. He’s the right measure. There are, supposedly, “many roads leading to God;” though not true, in reality, only One Door on one very narrow path will get us there. (To Be Continued in Part 2)