This Test Is Real

Back in the 70’s at Brooklyn College in NY I was enrolled in a psychology class.  It was a large group.  The professor was a clown! He had us rolling in our seats at each session. Humor was in abundance while he taught the curriculum. He had us ‘in stitches’ as the saying goes.  Just before an upcoming test, he told us things such as, “There are students who will study all day, every day for an upcoming test. There are those who will spend all- day with study groups reviewing for it. Then there are students who will not study-ever, but will cram the night before believing they’ll be able to learn weeks of lessons in a few hours. Whatever works for you, do it.” 

Test day came and I guess some didn’t do too well because he addressed us.  He told us something in a serious tone. Something in the realm of, “I want you to know that the class may be fun and I might tell a few jokes and make it all entertaining, however, do know that the tests are serious.” “They’re not jokes-they’re not trick-questions; they’re based on the material we study and discuss here.” “All the material is serious stuff; the test is real!”

We sometimes look at life like that.  We ‘laugh all the way to the bank’ we take nothing serious. We can show-off or we can hide.  We can cry or party away, but the test is real. I hope as y’all read these entries, you’ll enjoy yourselves and will, at the same time, understand that the contents are real.  I hope you’ll understand the seriousness of God and His Word.

True, we can laugh galore, especially when we’re walking with Him in obedience, but when we’re not, we need to know where we stand in light of His Word.

All jokes aside, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).

God Bless,
