
Probably all kids dream of finding hidden or buried treasure; most grownups do too!

Jesus taught saying,

”The Kingdom of God is like unto treasure hid in a field; when a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went out and sold all he had and bought that field” (Matthew 13:44).

In the 60s, many people ditched cities and suburbs and headed for the hills, away from regular life and in pursuit of tranquility and self-sustenance. In the decades after, many newcomers preferred cities and areas closer to home.  Pre, and post-pandemic, people have headed for the hills again.  Some, way out there in the boondocks.  If you consider the land you found a piece of paradise, you’ll want to keep and protect it from developers and their likes.

Jesus told us similar stories. If it’s worth something to you, its value is your treasure. God’s Kingdom is the same.  You’ll want to posses it while ridding yourself of everything that hinders its benefits. In other words, we need to treasure His treasure; His Word, His salvation, His redemption, His forgiveness, etc.

The book of Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) puts it this way,

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

This Good Friday, go on a treasure hunt! Become rich in God! Claim your treasures and riches in Christ today!
God Bless,



Back in 1970, Clarence Carter released the song, Patches. It details the hardships of a young Alabama boy on the family farm. One line says, “…I thought I was carrying the weight of the Whole world on my shoulders.” That’s how it sometimes feels for a lot of people.  In Greek mythology, Atlas, is depicted as a strongman carrying the world on his shoulders. But, that’s mythology.  Samson, however, a real person, in order to escape the trap of the Philistines, got up around midnight and carried the gates of the town up a hill on his shoulders (Judges 16:3).

Ever feel like you’re carrying excess baggage?  Maybe you’re carrying the weight of others. These things weigh us down.  During my junior and senior high school years, I had gained 14 pounds.  My track coach got on my case.  He said, “Sam, that’s like running with a 14 lb. knapsack on your back.” That’s what it’s like when we’re carrying sin-baggage. It’s unnecessary.

And so, it was for Jesus.  No, He didn’t run track.  He didn’t carry off the gates of Gaza, and He wasn’t a mythical figure holding up the world, though, he did create it (Colossians 1:16,17).  But, people wonder, “What’s the big deal with one man dying on the cross?”  “I mean, two others were crucified with Him, right?” “And, others were regularly punished through this means, right?” That’s correct.  But only Jesus who was 100% God and 100% man could die for mankind and take away the sins of the world upon His shoulders.  Only He could offer the perfect sacrifice demanded by God, the Father to satisfy the penalty for sin.  You and I deserve to die on a cross for our sins.  But doing so, won’t remove our sins because we’re not a perfect sacrifice, because we’re born into sin. Before Jesus’ birth, God required the Israelites to offer daily animal sacrifices for their sins with a perfect lamb. Those offerings only temporal-they did their job, but the memory of the sins, remained. 

Jesus, The Perfect Lamb of God John (1:36) did it all for us! On the cross He took our place! He carried the weight of the world upon Himself. There is then, no more remembrance of your sins, EVER! Not to mention, no more baggage!

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more” (Hebrews 8:12).

God gave Him the seal of approval for His sacrificial death.  Though not yet born, you and I were on His mind that day. Picture Jesus saying, “I’m doing this for Roger, for Debra, for Suzette, etc.”  You and I weighed heavily on His mind and on His purpose.  He lived to die for us. Accept His sacrifice today. You’ll never forget the meaning of Good Friday.  One could say, “Jesus patched things up with God on our behalf.”

God Bless.



Cement on Holy Week? Kind of!  Back in the late 90s, my wife and I, along with our three teenage kids mixed a lot of cement by hand.  To clarify, mixing cement on this island isn’t the same thing as what it means in the states.  We’re not talking about a sack or two of “Just-add-water” type of cement bags.  Here, we’re talking about a truckload of river sand and another truckload of ¾” gravel.  Done by hand, one mixes a fully loaded wheelbarrow of sand with two 47 lb. bags of cement (Called a mini) and then add two wheelbarrows of gravel.  Once that’s mixed, you add water and mix the entire contents with shovels.  Of course, the amounts are usually tripled. Everything gets packed again on to the wheelbarrow(s) and poured where needed.

After doing that for several years, you get used to it.  Once you stop, it takes some time to get into it again. That’s what happened in August, 2002. My wife, youngest daughter, and myself built a cement base for our 1600 gal. water tank at the bottom of our road-200 ft downhill from the house. The first mixture was to lay the rebar and cinder blocks.  A week later, we hauled our small cement mixer down the hill as well as the mixture and used up 10 cement minis. In all, we mixed 5 times the amount described above.  We were adding the ingredients to the mixer by transferring from the wheelbarrow into buckets and pouring them in. We began with each of us three adding a bucket each. As the day wore on, and wore us out, it took all three of us to lift one bucket to pour it in!!  By that time, we were exhausted!  Of course, we now had to haul the mixer uphill as well as the wheelbarrow. Aching bodies and bruised hands provided the satisfaction of a job well-done.  And so, it is in life. Life is hard, but God gives us rest.  Incidentally, we’ll be mixing cement next week! Although there’ll be a larger mixer, just the thought of filling the wheelbarrow and then transferring the contents to the mixer is enough to get us tired!  We’ll see how that goes!

God has all the ingredients to be your cement: God has multiplied Abraham’s seed as the sand of the seas (Genesis 22:17, 18).  He’s built His Church upon the Rock.  Jesus is the Rock!

“And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ” (1Corinithains 10:4).

He’s Living Water (John 4:10)!

Allow Him to complete your life.  He can build you. Your body is His temple (1Corinthians 6:19) ). Come to Him today. Give Him your sins. “While we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us” (Romans 5:8). He’s the missing ingredient.  Let Him “Cement” the deal!

God Bless!

Happy Holy Week!



Throughout history people have done marvelous things from inventions, to creations, to somewhat outrageous performances. Some, have even made wild claims. From being psychic, to seeing into the future. People have been known to walk thousands of miles through all types of weather to reach a set destination. From scaling buildings to mountains, humans have accomplished amazing feats we can all read about and sometimes watch.

The Son of God set out on the longest journey ever-from heaven to earth to live among His creation. Performing miracles and healings, He reached out to everyone in need. After praises, adulations, and much appreciation from those whose lives He touched, He was condemned to death. Unlike those saintly-painted pictures, Jesus was beaten beyond recognition.  His face, disfigured; His facial hair, plucked, slapped, whipped, stripped naked, punched (Isaiah 50:6), crowned with thorns, and humiliated before being crucified; He was abused beyond understanding.

“But many were amazed when they saw him.  His face was so disfigured he seemed hardly human, and from his appearance, one would scarcely know he was a man” (Isaiah 52:14 NLT).

Jesus, God in the flesh, was free of sin. He didn’t deserve any of the things done to Him.  But he endured them for us; because we deserved all the punishments.  It was inconceivable. But he couldn’t live without you. Did it all for you so you could be declared free of sin and be ready to move into His heavenly home.

But before the cross Jesus had just had a time of fellowship with His beloved disciples.  They were all there with Him and for Him.  Towards this tumultuous moment, he was ultimately, deserted and denied by them.  But then, Jesus did something mind-boggling. Unlike me, He didn’t scold them for hurting His feelings.  He didn’t get on their cases because they abandoned Him when He most-needed them.  After His resurrection, He didn’t say, “Just wait until I show up at their homes.” Or, “Oh, they’re gonna hear it now.” Nope. Instead, He loved them!  On the cross, He asked the Father to forgive them and His tormentors as well. He loved us beyond reason.  Want to meet Him? He’s waiting for you at the cross.  That’s where the crossroads of our lives crisscross.  It’s where our life intersects His. At the cross He bids us to come die to ourselves and live for Him. There, He shows you how much He suffered for you and how much He loves you.  Confess your sins and they’ll be forgiven by Him.  Take Him at His word.  Live for Him and your name will be written in heaven.  You’ll understand why He had to suffer beyond comprehension.

God Bless,

Happy Holy Week!


Over the years, more and more people identify themselves as not belonging to a religious group. In essence, being non-religious, is on the rise. But why? What keeps people away? Liars, hypocrites, and fakes, are probably on the list. I overheard a co-worker once comment that she had recently heard a preacher say something like, “We used to be…” And she thought she had caught him incriminating himself! It sure sounded like that. She was right. Well, here’s why you too should believe on Him.
Truth is, yes everyone of us at one time or another in our lives, was a “WAS.” We were the haters, the pornographers, the alcoholics, the thieves, the liars, womanizers, murderers, prostitutes, etc. Don’t be surprised!! If you are, then you might be MORE like the religious leaders of Jesus’ day, than you think!
Those leaders felt that no one living under such sinful offenses could ever be loved by God! They felt such people were extremely distant from God. After all, God had Personally Given them the law, and therein were stipulations of the Do’s and the Don’ts.
To their surprise-and dismay, God had other plans. Jesus broke bread with sinners. He sat with prostitutes, with the downhearted, with the outcasts of His day. He went to their homes. He ate with tax-collectors-the most despised people around. He fellowshipped with everyone because He came to redeem the lost; you and me.
Yes, He gave them the law of Moses expecting them to follow and obey it. But He saw how they twisted it! He saw that they added 613 commandments, making it almost impossible for anyone to keep them. This excluded many from having a personal relationship with God.
God, through His Son Jesus, told them, “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10 NLV). “Those that are whole aren’t in need of a physician” (Luke 5:31, 32). In His written Word He left us these words: “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicator, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind. Nor thieves, nor covetous, no drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). We’re no longer those things when we give our lives to Him!
So, He came for all of us! He knows we have a past! He knows we’re not perfect, but sinners! But He will CHANGE us all conforming to His image!. When He looks at us, He doesn’t see what we were or what we currently are! He sees what we’ll become because He knows the end from the start! God looks at Jesus who EVER intercedes for us before God’s throne (Romans 8:34)!
Complainers have sought to remove the Bible from public places because the book contains rape, murder, betrayal, and much more…NEWS FLASH…so do movies, our government, books, and every country on earth!! The Bible doesn’t condone these things, or encourage them. Rather, it’s a historical collection of things that happened. And since we do not know more than God, though some people are sure they do, God relates events that occurred, as well as things to come.
Of a certainty, Jesus suffered immeasurable torture, shame, humiliation, and wrong-doings without merit. He did it all for YOU-complainers and non-complainers, alike! Thousands of “haters,” tormenters, persecutors, and atheists, on a mission to convict and disprove God, have ended up laying down their lives after realizing their wrong and His righteousness, and that the sinless Son of God took their sins just so they could spend eternity with Him. That’s what He was doing during a week such as this one.
God Bless You,
He Loves You!

Kisses of Deception and Betrayal

I once fooled our school kids and staff! It was the end of the school year around 2005. My wife was on stage singing to me Sonny & Cher’s “I’ve Got You, Babe” while I sat with my back to the audience. Since I have made it a custom to always wear my high-top Converse sneakers to work, on that day, I was up there wearing a long-hair wig and black boots. Wearing my sneakers inside the oversized boots, no one thought it would be me. At the end of the song, I turned around, said something to my wife, got down on one knee and re-proposed to her since it was our anniversary. As the song ended, they were shouting, “Who is he? Finally, after removing the wig and boots, they saw my face! I had pulled it off! Everyone was surprised!
Unfortunately, many of us have been victims of being fooled; of deception, victim of scammers, hypocrites, etc. There are people who enjoy casting their arm over the shoulders of those they intend deceiving. Others leave kisses of betrayal on our cheeks. It feels terrible! But deception isn’t limited to us. It happened to God.

Two thousand years ago, Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciples, pre-arranged His betrayal. Speaking to the religious leaders, he agreed to deceive Jesus. Probably unaware that Jesus already knew from before the world was created that this moment would come to pass, Judas met his contacts at the garden where Jesus would be. For a price of 30 pieces of silver, Judas greeted Jesus with a kiss. It was the sign of whom they were to arrest (Mark 14:44). Jesus felt betrayed because He was indeed betrayed by one of His familiar friends, someone He trusted (Psalm 41:9).
Have you been deceived or betrayed? God knows the awful feeling. He can definitely relate. Cast your cares on Him. On His last week on earth, instead of it being a fun-filled week, it was to become the most hurtful week ever-from a human standpoint, for anyone who has ever lived. God was arrested by those He created.
Enjoy Holy Week
God Bless,

              Larger than Life

It was the mid-60s and I was nearly 7 when the Beatles took the USA by storm. At the time, at home, we didn’t listen to music. We only watched TV shows and my parents listened to their local radio station. One day, I was with my mom across the hall visiting my aunt when my cousin, Rosin, excitedly exclaimed, “Look, those are the guys I’m saying!” I saw crowds of screaming girls, and cops trying to control them. There were mobs everywhere! It was chaotic! At Shea Stadium, there were people everywhere-some screaming, others fainting. All for four young guys strumming at their hearts and stealing their tears and emotions! They stirred crowds everywhere they went. The world was changing.
Two thousand years earlier, there was a similar invasion. This one was not by a fabulous-four group, but by thirteen men. Twelve were the assistants of the One leading the group. While radical, they didn’t wear mullets or torn jeans, or fanciful gear with brand names, etc. Their “ride” wasn’t the latest model on four wheels. If there were four, it would have been legs; as in horses or mules. Mostly, they only relied on their two legs & fishing boats for traveling.
The leader, Jesus, was the most radical man ever to walk this earth. Be not misled, Jesus was the biggest sensation ever to walk the earth! He healed the sick, He healed the crippled, He raised the dead, He restored sight. He even forgave sin (Matthew 9:2). While God gave the Jews the written law to live by, they added their own additional rules, to spiff it up a bit. Since they obeyed and kept most of them, they made sure everyone else followed it to the letter. They were so strict, no one, not even the giver of the law, Jesus, could fulfill it-according to them. The very God who created the entire world, was ousted by the religious leaders from the temple, the streets, villages, and the face of the earth.

On a day like tomorrow, Jesus led a small march through Jerusalem on a donkey. As He passed by, the people shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is the King that Comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” (Mat.21:9). People waved palms and laid their garments on the ground for Him to pass on. AS usual, the religious leaders tried “raining on His parade.” They became indignant and scolded Him for allowing the children to praise Him. This event, known as the Triumphal Entry, was the beginning of His last week on earth; Holy Week. It was like a concert. Though there was no singing, a great gathering of people was there.

I don’t know how many flyers were printed and posted. Don’t know which of the disciples ran it in the local newspaper, what radio stations aired it, or who dropped it off at the local TV network for commercials. Maybe the “Sons of Thunder” tweeted it, and Simon may have posted it on social media. We do know, He drew crowds. His, was a sold-out event!

Instead of the Beatles or Crosby, Stills, Young, and Nash, or The Who, or the Guess Who, or any other group, Jesus and His group of twelve followers roamed the countryside, as well as Jerusalem, as in this case sharing Words of Hope and Salvation to the multitudes.
Had they had guitars, lyres, tambourines, a top-of-the-line drum set, keyboard, and maybe some timbales, wireless mics would have caused their voices to resonate off the cliffs as they praised God!
Without the fanfare, Jesus fulfilled the ancient scripture prophesy of Zechariah: “Rejoice greatly, Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). That day, Palm Sunday, was a day of great rejoicing among the people. Their redeemer was in their midst. The King of the Jews and Creator of the entire Universe walked amongst them. The Messiah had come!
Praise His Name!
Hosanna! Blessed is the King!


Kisses are here and kisses are there, kisses are everywhere. We use them as expressions of greetings, friendship, appreciation, and as gratitude and love. Kisses are probably shared in every corner of the world. “Mercy and truth are met together;” we’re told in Scripture. Mercy and truth are needed in every situation. There are many people who do not operate in mercy while others do not function in truth. Some people lack both. They are needed to do things right. Jesus told the Pharisees of His day, “…I will have mercy and not sacrifice” (Matthew 9:13).
Men love showing off their power and dominance; their control over others. Many enjoy doing what they want even if it’s wrong, and then want to offer sacrifices to God to atone for their ways. God wants us to be merciful to others. Jesus hung with the crowds the religious leaders ignored and despised. He wanted them to show compassion to the less fortunate, to the outcasts. Instead of offering sacrifices to God for their righteousness and showing off how good and obedient to the law they were, He wanted them to love their neighbors the way He loved them.
He expects the same from us. He would rather see less sacrifices, those long lists of all we’ve done or have gone through, but maybe haven’t loved anyone; and more obedience to His Word.
Have you read the book, Kisses from Katie (Davis): A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption? Great book on sacrifices made by a young girl to take the Gospel in the form of love to needy kids in Uganda by adopting 13 of them! It’s a must-read! Yes, kisses are everywhere!
But this happens mostly when we’re not self-righteous or pompously looking down on others. Real love cannot be measured! It goes beyond barriers of every type! God’s love, Agape love, is limitless! The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had love-all to themselves. In todays’ terms, they were looking out for number 1. They only loved “me” (themselves) and despised/belittled the poor and needy. Jesus told them off, put them in their place. Of course, they hated Him for it.
Psalm 2:12 reads, “Kiss the Son.” Meaning, be submissive to Him. However, the religious leaders failed to recognize God in their midst. So, whereas they could have kissed the author of love, that is, love personified, they instead, killed Him.
God Bless,


I was about 15 when for some reason Pauly, one of the sons of the local diner’s owner, was terribly upset with me. He was about 5 inches taller than me and began to chase me. After going around the block the second time, my friends told him he might as well call it quits. When he asked why they told him that I was the fastest on the block and that he wasn’t going to catch me. In his anger, he disregarded them and chased away. He was about ½ a block behind me and never caught me after 5 laps. Endurance: persevering in an event, not giving up.
Many of us enjoy stories of persevering feats such as cycling 205.65 miles daily for 365 days and completing 75,065 in a year (Thomas Godwin of Great Britain) in 1939, and continuing until completing 100,000 miles in 500 days up to May 14, 1940. Or, imagine cycling 1216.8 miles behind pace in only 24 hours (Michael Secrest) April, 1990!
Others, like participating in mountain-climbing, or the scaling of mountain peaks like Mt. Everest. Some people enjoy reading their stories. Me, I enjoy the movies like Everest or Vertical Limit. However endurance may come, it is not only important in our lives, but essential. Look around you at what’s going on. Life has become even more difficult than it was. Don’t quit! Read:
“For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many (Matthew 24:6- NIV).
Endurance is for the long haul. It entails giving one’s all. It’s usually painful and long-lasting. Through thick and thin, we have to hang on. Jesus said,
“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24:14 KJV).
God Bless,

Life Through the Eyes of a Friend

I wrote this today for a special friend of over thirty years.
My Name is Magda and I’m in my low sixties. For several decades it’s been just my mom and me living and chasing dreams here and there. We’ve split our decades between New York and Puerto Rico. We’ve visited several states and have had fun on our journeys. From flea markets to farmers’ markets, and estate sales to closeout sales, we’ve enjoyed our treasures as well as our travels.
But the real treasures haven’t been the special finds and great deals. No, it’s been the special times and memorable moments my mom and I built together. We’ve been there for each other every step of the way. We’ve laughed along trails and cried at hardships on recovery roads. We’ve managed to triumph over obstacles of every type. We’ve weathered snow storms, hail storms, pouring rains, unbearable cold, and plenty of hurricanes.
We’ve been there for each other when electric power has gone out for days, weeks, and seven months after our last serious hurricane (Maria). In floods or droughts, we’ve stuck together. We’ve eaten plenty, as well as have had to share meals. From Museums to parks, to shows and Bingo groups, we’ve been friends to the end. In the heat of summer, we’ve refreshed ourselves with the coolness of water, drinks, and ice cream or shakes. In the bitter cold, hot chocolate or brewing coffee or tea, warmed our hearts. In the good times and tough ones, we’ve held each other up.
When she became ill and dropped over 80 pounds, I was by her side. The next several years brought unforeseen hardships, but we faced them as always-side by side in the warmth of each other’s presence. Dialysis drained her body, but her spirit continued strong as ever. Changes brought challenges, but her will to persevere, did not wane. Shorter travels and shorter journeys kept us together through thick and thin.
Two weeks ago, we celebrated my mom’s 85th birthday with friends and family as Death hung in the air always lingering nearby. Several days later, she passed away. So, what will I do now that my mom has passed on? What will I do now that my best friend has moved beyond the curtains on the stage of life?
I’m not really sure, but one thing I know: I will walk through the rooms of my mind. I will visit the special moments we held. I will sit in each room and recall memories made. I will laugh at the things we said and at the things we did together. I will treasure her advice, her opinions. I will hold her hand as she did mine in the toughest of times. I will recall how she stood tall and proud of her heritage and character. I will recall her determination to triumph in life-and I will continue in her path. I will continue our dreams and journeys. I will hear our songs in the rain and feel her presence in the wind. My best friend isn’t with me anymore, not in this life; she’s moved on. I will continue holding the hand of God for this next journey. Life will not be the same, but I will find laughter during this difficult time and will treasure it and share it with others. For now, “I miss you mom.”
*Magda voluntarily and unselfishly chose to put her life on hold for decades to care for her mom. She led an admirable life. We’ll continue to lift her up before God’s throne room as she seeks direction from Him for the path ahead.
“The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: But the LORD delivereth him out of them all” (Psalms 34:18-19).
Recommended song: Faithful Friend by Rebecca St. James & Dennis Jernigan
God Bless,