The Guess Who sang, “These eyes are cryin’. These eyes have seen a lot of loves but they’re never gonna see another one like I had with you.”
Have you cried a lot? Regardless of whether you’re female or male, we’ve all had our share of tears. At times, pain can be unbearable. Feelings can get so hurt we don’t know what else to do. In the song above, a special love is gone. Hurt is all that’s left. Have you been in that neighborhood? Do you know its alleys and hidden walkways? Do you have a place to go hide and bury your face in? Have tears become your companion? Have you voiced these words below?
”I walk along the city streets you used to walk along with me, And every step I take reminds me of just how we used to be…”
Always Something There to Remind Me (R.B. Greaves)
I sometimes feel pressed by my past. So many things change! I’m no longer who I was 30 years ago. My ways, my eyes, my hair, my body, in general, are different. My thoughts on some things have also changed. Not only how I look at things, but how I look, period; has changed. But shadows can linger over our lives. However, God’s pull is stronger. Sing His song over your life:
“You have ravished my heart, with one look of your eyes, with one link of your necklace” (Song of Songs 4:9).
“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book” (Psalm 56:8).
Maybe hands hurt you in the past, but God’s hands are here to comfort you. Life may have handed you unfair treatments, but God’s love is different. For one, you are His handiwork (Ephesians 2:10) meaning, you’re His beloved creation. He personally created you and there’s no one else like you in the entire world.
“Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness” (Isaiah 41:10).

God Bless,
You’re the apple of His eye! (Psalm 17:8)

What’s in your Purse?

They say, “When life gives you lemons, make lemon-aide.” I think in heaven my wife and I will get a good cash crop for all the lemon-aide we’ve produced here on our property! But I guess rainwater isn’t enough for some people (we get tons of rain). Yesterday as my wife went through her purse, she discovered a napkin from a previous visit to a restaurant a week ago. To her dismay, therein were two slices of lemons! I guess she wanted to make sure not to run out of lemon-aide!
I once read that flies were gathered in a jar and covered with a cap punctured with tiny holes for ventilation. After some time, the cap was removed and the flies continued flying in their same pattern unaware they could fly away.
Some people are like that. They’re so used to “flying” around in their everyday lives, oftentimes imprisoned by thoughts, situations, addictions, bad habits, or bad company, that even when they’re free, they continue down the same entangling paths. It seems, they’re carrying stale lemons, should their “rain” run dry. Many are unaware that long ago Jesus removed the “sin cap” twisted tightly around the “jar” they’re living within, and set them free through His death.
“But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code” (Romans 7:6).
Hopefully, within your purse you’ll find not lemons, but God’s liberating Word, the Bible.
God Bless!

Stained Glass Window in the One True Church

Now wait a minute! How can you say there’s one true church? It’s impossible!! If so, where is it? I want to know and what it looks like! Well, let’s go visit it!
Although buildings are often used as church-gathering places, Jesus changed the format forever! The original gathering place where God met with Israel, the Tabernacle, allowed His presence to fill it while the people gathered outside of it on all four sides.
Throughout the centuries, churches have been built, both to honor God, and for Him to dwell in. Some are simple structures while others may be elaborate with cathedral ceilings, pipe organs, and story-telling stained-glass windows.
My wife and I love stained glass windows. Some depict Biblical scenes and stories, and others display nature, animals, or everyday life. As light enters, it gets diffused bathing an area with wonderful colors.
Let’s eavesdrop on what Jesus said to a Samaritan woman.
“The time is coming, and now is, when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-25).
The Tabernacle had two room: the Holy Place, and The Most Holy Place (also known as the Holies of Holies). A thick, heavy curtain (veil) separated them. Only the high priest could enter the Most Holy place (room where God dwelt) once a year on the Day of Atonement. The priest, however, could enter the Holy Place every day. When Christ died, “Behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom” (Matthew 27:51). Removing the veil allows us to come on our own (without the aid of a priest) with confidence into His presence (Hebrews 4:14-16). The gist??
“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; Therefore, honor God with your bodies (1Corinthians 6:19, 20)? “As God has said, I will dwell in them; and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people” (2Corinthians 6:16).
YOU are the church! Your life is that stained glass window displaying God’s story, God’s life! He dwells in you, not in a building. When His light shines through you, His glory is displayed to everyone around in radiant colors! What an honor to be His house! Before His death, He cleansed the temple; are you cleaning yours on the inside? You’re the true church! Living for God makes a difference and matters more when we understand we’re His temple and that He’s living within us.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:14).
God Bless!

Saturday Night

Old movies made jokes about washing up only on Saturday nights. We just spent a month in Florida visiting our family. It is hot in Puerto Rico, but we have breezes throughout the day. In Florida, we had none. It was just hot, sticky, and humid everywhere. Somehow, the topic of water caught up with us one day. Our eldest daughter began a discussion about bathroom renovations.
She figured a bathtub is no longer needed in her house. A walk- in shower stall will do. We sometimes use the words shower and bath interchangeably. When someone says, “I’m going to take bath,” it doesn’t always mean a literal bath in a tub. It can mean to shower or to wash up. The same thing happens in Spanish. “Me voy a bañar” (I am going to bathe) can refer to bathing as well as showering (duchar), although it literally means to bathe.
So, when our daughter said, “If I bathed all the time, then I’d keep the tub, like the neighbors. They love to bathe. However, they only bathe once every 3-4 months.” My 86 yr. old mom laughed hysterically! She couldn’t believe it! How can someone who loves to bathe rarely do so?! I quickly explained that our daughter meant bathing in the tub; but they do shower every day! We all thought, “Imagine the smell!!!” That was a great laugh! Mom turned red as she held her hand over her mouth unable to stop laughing for a while!
Whether we shower or soak in a tub, we need washing, for sure! But, how do we wash away sin? King David in Scripture wrote: “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psalm 51:7).
Fact is, nothing we do can remove sin; only Jesus can.
1John 1:7 says: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Thank God for His washing! He has washed us clean by laying His life on the cross for our sins. He died in our place. When we accept His sacrifice, we’re made clean, however, if we don’t accept it, see what scripture says: “Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people-none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.”
God is ready to wash you clean regardless of how clean you think you are, or how dirty you feel. Doesn’t matter how you live(d) and what things you have done. He washes you, sanctifies you, and justifies you before God, the Father! He then shows you…
“Some of you were once like that. But you were washed; you were sanctified; you were justified in the name of the Lord God Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God” (1Corinthians 6:9-11).
Thank Jesus for washing us, and also for the gift of laughter!! We desperately need it. By the way, it need not be Saturday for dipping your toe in the waters! God Bless!


There I was in Florida driving around with two back-seat drivers: 4-yr old Trueman & 8-yr old Ellie; my grandkids. They were my GPS! “At the light, turn left, Abuelo” Trueman would say. “That’s not left, Trueman,” Ellie would tell him. It was the other left, I learned. So, “At the right, turn right” became our mantra! Ellie was right about 98% of the time. Even on a few occasions when she misguided me, she knew how to get me back on track. “I thought it was at this light to turn left. So, make a right and another right. Then a left and you’ll be back on the main road,” she said. She was right!
You may not have two back-seat drivers in your vehicle (thank God, you said?), or two little critters singing, “Get Up and Boogie, THAT’S RIGHT! But we all need guidance.
Have you tried the Holy Spirit? He can guide you in life. Of Him, Jesus said to His disciples,
“It is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you” (John 16:7).
“But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever he hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come” (John 16:13). He can be your backseat driver. He knows His rights and lefts. Better yet, invite Him into your heart, and He’ll be available in your front seat. “THAT’S RIGHT, GET UP AND BOOGIE (Silver Convention)!


Maybe you’re a burger and fries’ guy, or a steakburger and cheese girl. Maybe you’re competing in your own mini version of Nathan’s Hotdog Competition-with breakfast links, or you’re just home today waving your flag and thanking the men/women who fought for our country’s freedom. However you spend your day, remember there’s more to independence than this special holiday.
In the heavenly realm, wars have been fought for our independence from Satanic rule and dominance. The forces of evil which present a constant threat, have long been defeated by God. Yet, not everyone knows that. Meanwhile, dark forces continue their attacks upon us. Each day, attacks against the fibers that once held this great nation together, are unraveling. We’re at the point of walking around in shreds in what once was the most sought-after free nation in the world.
Few know there’s a realm of darkness-even those who delight in it. This realm, invaded by demonic forces and led by the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) seeks to keep its prisoners (all creation) from knowing they were defeated by Jesus at the cross, and afterwards made a public spectacle of (Colossians 2:15). Two thousand years ago, Jesus defeated this realm! You’ve been set free! True religious expression and freedom comes from a heart freed from darkness by the Light of the World (John 8:12).

As you give thanks today for our fallen heroes and our independence, give thanks foremost to God “Who remembered us in our low estate, for his mercy endures forever; and has redeemed us from our enemies; for his mercy endures forever. Who gives food to all flesh: for his mercy endures forever” (Psalm 136:23-25).
Celebrate Independence Day, but become independent from the world, and dependent upon God for a double blessing!
“Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (James 4:4,5)
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1aNIV).
Happy 4th of July!
God Bless!

My Seat

Ever seen or actually heard someone tell another person, “Excuse me, that’s my seat” in a public place? I know, it’s ridiculous! People actually appropriate seats like benches or ledges public places. I’ve heard people say, “Oh yeah, hold on, um, I don’t see any name there.” “Yeah, but I was sitting there,” they’ll say. Here’s how it works: If you leave, that’s it, you’ve lost it.
King David had a best friend, Jonathan-son of King Saul. God had not allowed David to reign yet. However, after Saul and Jonathan died, King David inquired of any relatives left of Jonathan’s seed.
Turns out, Jonathan did have a son. His name was Mephibosheth. He was lame in his feet. Probably had to drag them everywhere he walked. To his surprise, he was sent for by the king. Saul’s servant, Ziba, took King David’s message and relayed it to Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth must’ve thought his life was over. Practice was, the new king would wipe out all relatives of the former king, eliminating chances for a takeover or an exacting of revenge.
Instead, King David wanted to honor Jonathan by inviting Mephibosheth to dine at his, (The King’s) table every day and by giving him land also. At the king’s table, Mephibosheth had, if you will, his name on a particular area. He had his own seat.
*Dan Gills, a teacher, at Glenfield Middle School in Montclair, New Jersey, always has an empty chair in his classroom near his desk. He’s done this for fifty years. Why? Some sixty years ago, Mr. Gills, who is white, at age 9, was invited to a party at his building in NYC. With gifts, Dan, and his black friend, Archie, went happily to have a good time. Dan was invited in, but not Archie. The reason? “No chair” for him to sit on. Dan was willing to sit on the floor so Archie could have a seat, but the ”No chair” policy excluded Archie even though Dan was welcome to stay. They left and at home cried. So, today, if there’s ever a student who has nowhere to go, or, happens to be unwanted by another teacher, he’s welcome into Mr. Gill’s room.
In heaven, there’s a seat for Jesus! See, on earth, in the area of the tabernacle, there was no seat because the priests ministered all day offering sacrifices for the nation of Israel. “But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12).
There’s also a seat reserved for you with your name on it as you sit for the most extravagant meal ever at the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev.19:9)! You won’t be turned away for the color of your skin; heck, even if your skin was burnt off, you’ll still be let in. You won’t have to take a gift either other than worship and thanksgiving for Jesus’ sacrifice providing you with a free entry ticket. Besides, Jesus already gave you the gift of eternal life, but you do have to accept His sacrifice for you. Accept Him into your life, and you won’t leave crying, on the contrary, “There’s rejoicing in the presence of the angels over one sinner that repents” (Luke 15:10).
An empty chair awaits you. Wouldn’t you love to dine at the King’s table?
God Bless!
*See The Washington Post (June 20, 2022), Why this teacher keeps one chair empty in his middle school classroom

To The Rescue

The world has been glued to the news events concerning the Sub wherein five tourists descended the ocean’s bottom to see the Titanic. Tragically, as of this writing they have less than two hours of oxygen remaining for survival. Rescue missions have been scattering with the latest technologies in last-minute efforts to reach the ill-fated vessel and rescue those on board. Of main concern is the fact that they are approximately 13,000’ deep, where no one has gone before. By God’s grace, they’ll be reached on time.
Thousands are praying and hoping those on board can be rescued in time. This tragic and edge-of-the-seat event is strikingly similar to everyday life. Humanity has plunged itself to the depths of sin and darkness. Its air supply is extremely limited. After numerous attempts by God to rescue “those on board,” God, having sent prophets, teachers, kings, etc. to no avail, decided to join the rescue Himself. He took the form of man, Jesus, to descend the longest journey ever-from the third heaven to earth, leaving behind His glory, riches, honor, and never-before-separation from the Father, to rescue us. God is our air-supply. Our source for living.
UPDATE: We now know no one on board the sub survived, how tragic. An unexpected and unforeseen implosion took them all away. Our deepest consolations to the families involved.
But what if they had survived? There would be unhinged celebrations across the globe. That’s how it is with us when we get rescued by God! Each day hosts of angels are on the edge-of-their-seats watching rescues take place. They know there’s a countdown on our lives, only we don’t know it. Unbeknownst to us, unforeseen implosions/destructions await us at every turn. When rescued, angels cheer and celebrate each time one lost soul gets rescued! It’s not too late! Don’t give up-help is on the way! God hears your cry and knows your sorrows. He’ll save you. ” Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13 NIV).
“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves” (Colossians 1:13NIV).
God Bless!


Not all of us had perfect fathers. For example, how many of us could say, “Yo, Pops, I’m taking the keys to the Porsche and me and my boys (gals) will be back, say, 2a.m. OK?” “Sure, thin, Son/Daughter!” It may have been something like, “Yo, Pops (Daddy) uhhh, (scratching your head) can I get the keys to the beat-up jalopy?” I promise not to dent it again…it’s just that that tree came outta nowhere.” “I’ll be back by 12…” “You best be home before I go ta bed by 11 or don’t bother cumin’ at all.” “OK.”
Maybe our dads weren’t like that. Maybe better, or maybe worse. But they tried. Dads got a bad rap. Too much, and they’re considered tough, or abusive. Too little, and they’re not interested, or are pushovers. Many, have not been around at all. But some have always been there. Regardless of how they raised us or how their absence may have spoken louder than words, we’re also guilty of how we’ve treated our heavenly father. Check out this condensed version:
Story: The Prodigal Son
Two sons lived with their dad. Youngest asked dad for his inheritance; got it, skipped town, spent it foolishly partying abroad, and a famine arrived. Food gone, inheritance spent, and all his buddies left for the hills. With nothing to eat, he got a job feeding pigs-and even slop looked desirable. Prodigal guy came to his senses! He thought, in my Father’s house, even the servants eat better than this! I know what I need to do. I’ll make my way home, tell my father, “Dad, I’m no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your servants.” But the father saw him in the distance coming home over the fields. He ran to him, fell on his neck, hugged him and kissed him. said, “My son’s come home again!” This my son was lost, now he’s found. My son was dead, he’s now alive! Bring out the best robe and cast it on him! Bring me the ring and place it on his finger. Put shoes on his feet! Kill the fatted calf and let’s celebrate (Luke 15:11-32)!!
If you’re a prodigal, come to your senses, realize you need to run back to God. He’s not hiding from you! He’s looking out for you every day! When you call on Him, He’ll run to you, clothe you with His righteousness, dress you with new garments, He’ll hug you and put on a new ring signifying you’re not a servant but His son/ little daughter.
Only God is the Perfect Father! He’s promised to give us, not the keys to the Porsche, but to the Kingdom of heaven (Matthew 16:19)! How’d you like them there apples?!
Reach out to your Dad today! Let Him know you love Him!
Happy Father’s Day!

On The Run

They say couples that have been married for many years eventually end up looking alike. Well, my wife and I have been looking alike from before we married. People that would see us at church before we dated, thought we were siblings. In fact, there were gasps when I had our pastor announce an upcoming engagement. He said there was a couple no one could tell were one because they kept their distance from one another. As people wondered who they were, he called me up front, and then I called Viv and presented her with a bouquet of flowers asking her to marry me. It was my commitment to her (the ring came later). That was Friday, January 15, 1981.
So now, we not only share some looks, but we’re also sharing symptoms! She takes aspirin and my headaches go! I take antacids, and she belts them out! All last week I had Milk of Magnesia…she kept running! I’ve told her she needs to feast on some meds so they can work on me!
Sadly, in our world today, it’s unfortunate that we see females wanting to become bigger, fuller, curvier, etc. Many having lost their lives in these attempts. Males are on the same paths. Everyone, it seems, wants to be a better lover. How about, instead, loving better? How about going out of the way to love how God wants us to love-unconditionally? Why not sacrifice more for your spouse? Marriage is a marathon; not a sprint. It is a reflection of God’s love for His church.
We know married life can cause doing lots of together-things. Living for God, and serving Him is very similar. We end up looking like Him, and feeling what He feels. Having God’s heart means sharing His pangs. He lays upon us His burdens causing us to run in prayer, or to minister to others.
Are you looking more and more like spouse, Jesus? When He mourns for the hurting do you cry? His heart aches for the lost and broken-hearted, and you break into prayer for them? Have you got the runs, that is, the urgency to share His Word to a lost world? Can’t constipate in this area!
“So, I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing” (1Corinthians 9:26AMP).
“And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it” (Habakkuk 2:2ESV).
As for me, I’ll continue drinking cough medicine while my wife’s coughs subside. I’ll tap my back, my sides, and belly, and she’ll burp away!
In my personal life, today, June 6, we’ll be celebrating 42 years of married life! But, the carrot cake, ice cream and brownies…I’ll eat to my heart’s content… and she’ll tell me how good they tasted!
“He who finds a good wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22).
God Bless!
Happy Anniversary to us!
Sam & Viv

Honeymooning in Canada

June, 1981