It was November, 1997 when our youngest daughter, a freshman, shared with us her plans to run in her school’s turkey trot. Not exactly a runner, but a determined young lady willing to face obstacles, we backed her up. Having moved to Puerto Rico two and a half years before, and unable to find jobs, we thought winning a turkey would benefit us.
At the back of the runners was a small dump truck with helpers overseeing the event. Stragglers and quitters had the chance to get in on the truck for a ride back to the school. During the trot, there were plenty of people cheering on. Our daughter went from long strides to shorter ones. From running, to trotting. From almost skipping to teeny-tiny steps. But she kept going.
In her case, she was being cheered off course! “Quit!” “You’ll never finish!” “Get on the truck!” they told shouted. Before the race I had told her to listen to my voice only, and not that of others. And so I was coaching her to stay on and keep going just a little bit more. Finally, she crossed the finish line with maybe 2-4 girls behind her. We were glad she stayed the course. “Oh well, I guess we’ll be heading to Econo Supermarket for our bird,” I thought. But to our surprise, not to mention to everyone else’s, she returned with a turkey!
Turns out she was the only runner in her grade-the others had quit! Now the comments were, “How she get a turkey when she was last?” I ran over, hugged her, and carried her all the way home and put her in the fridge. She was a nice bird! The rest of the family walked our daughter home.
Last month, our five-year-old grandson competed in a 50-meter swimming competition against older kids. Pretty much, right off the blocks he was in last place. Everyone was cheering him on. “Go Trueman!” “Keep going.” “You’re almost there!” people shouted. He continued at his pace until he finished to the shouts and cheers of onlookers.
Jesus wants us to stay the course; to finish the race. It doesn’t matter where you find yourself along the way: in the middle, at the front of the pack, or trailing in last place. Don’t lose focus. Don’t listen to the cheering crowds, especially the nay-sayers. Listen only to His voice. The prize, His rewards, for you are very nearby.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me”(John 10:27a).
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothey 4:7).
“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win” (1Corinthians 9:24)!
“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be” (Revelation 22:12).
Stay in the race!


My father would sometimes joke by limping around. He’d say that was the way he had to walk because when my mom hemmed his pants, one leg usually came out shorter than the other! I know, some would call it cruel. Instead of telling her she didn’t do a good job, he’d say, “Perfect, exactly for the way I walk!” Mind you, this was back in the late 60s-70s when a housewife focused on home responsibilities and things were limited by their tiny budgets.
Did you know that according to God’s law, “No man who has any defect may come near: no man who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed…to the tabernacle to present food offerings to the LORD (Leviticus 21:18-21)?
There were spiritual significances for each deformity, but the lame meant they couldn’t walk straight. In other words, they were somewhat crooked.
Are you lame? Is your walk with God legit? Are your ways crooked? Are you “Straddling both sides of the fence” as they say? In other words, you’re trying to please the world with one stride and please God with the other? Are you faithful to the Lord, or do you walk with a limp around your buddies and upright around God? Are your words true? Can you be trusted? Whether your limp is real or spiritual, God can heal both.
Jesus healed men with withered hands and lame feet. Even healed the blind and the leprous in efforts to show that His coming to earth made a way for all the rejects to now draw near to Him. Want to make your crooked ways straight? God is the Master Seamstress. Both of your (pant) legs will be equal in His sight! All His promises are true and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20)!
“The lame will leap like a deer, and those who cannot speak will sing for joy! Springs will gush forth in the wilderness, and streams will water the wasteland” (Isaiah 35:6).
Walk up Straight!


My mother’s warmth draws me near

 My mother’s smile brings me cheer

 My mother’s touch dispels all fear

My mother’s voice commands an ear

My mother’s stare penetrates like a spear

My mother’s love wipes a tear

My mother’s call says, “I am here”

My mother’s hand makes a cloudy day clear

My mother’s heart only God can steer

My mother’s prayers He holds dear

Mothers, God’s gift to us year after year.

Happy Mother’s Day to All!


Thieves and murderers in God’s arms??! There’s hope for the hopeless, for the helpless, and for the criminally insane.  God has a plan of hope for evildoers-and it’s not what most people think.  Read on.

We’ve read stories of Good Samaritans-people going out of their way to help others. As told in the Bible (Luke 10:25-37), a traveler going from Jerusalem to Jericho was robbed, beaten, hurt, left for dead. A priest went by, but did nothing; then a Levite (people that knew the law and what to do) …but ignored the dying man.  Finally, a Samaritan (enemy of Jews) stopped, treated his wounds, took him to a clinic, and paid his bills.  We’ve read of people risking everything to: rescue others from fires, from gunpoint, victims from drowning, or interrupted muggings, or intercepted kidnapping, etc.  All great and heroic acts deserving acknowledgement. 

On the other hand, daily, there are terrible, horrific, and senseless acts of violence and injustices committed by evildoers.  But to the surprise and dismay of many, there is a place for them too; the arms of God.  “NO WAY!” You say?

Religion teaches us that God chose us because “we’re pretty good folks, not like the others.”  Buzzer!!  However, salvation teaches “there is none that does good” (Romans 3:10-12).  We are saved not because we’re any more special than the next person. Salvation is available to everyone.  No matter what you’ve done. If you’ve done terrible things, God’s your best bet. Satan will have you believe it’s useless, impossible, or a waste of time…it isn’t.  In fact, God has forever known what you were about to do-and He’s waiting for you to reach out to Him.  Nothing you’ve done or are about to do, is news to Him.  He’s reserved a place for you near His heart and in His warm embrace.  He knows your brokenness and heartaches.

Take Saul, of Tarsus (Acts 9), he approved the stoning death of Steven-the first disciple martyred.  He breathed threats against Christians, and was on his way to Damascus to arrest any followers along the way when he was stopped in his tracks by God, and converted!  God changed his ways!

What about Rahab-a harlot?  She was an outcast; frowned upon. However, God used her to hide and protect the Israelite spying the land.  As result, she and her family were spared death (Joshua 2).  She even got into the “Hall of Fame” (so-to-speak) of genealogy making it into Jesus’ family tree (Matthew 1:5,16)!

I know, everyone’s sent you to hell, but if you confess your ways to Him, sincerely repent (feel sorry/bad) for all your actions, He’ll save you right now. He’ll pick you up and place you on a different path-the one leading to everlasting life in His presence, in His Place.

Welcome Home!



Reminiscing lately?  Remembering the good old glory days when you danced on your feet, on your toes, or on your hands? When you could break-dance, but now you’re broken?  Thinking about when you sang, or when you could run to the ends of the world, and now can barely make it to the rest room?

What about love?  Remember when you loved? Were loved? Remember the thrills of a first kiss, of a first embrace? Recall being hugged and held for an eternity in security? Love songs remind you of better times?  Remember the old days?  Maybe, now it’s all fading away.  The friends and loved ones are slowly disappearing. Life has changed.  Love has moved on.  Loneliness moved in.  Jesus could relate. Check out these verses of scripture:

 But Jesus said, “Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” (Luke 22:48 NLT).

 “Then everyone deserted him and fled” (Mark 14:50). Again, He said, “And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before this world began” (John 17:5). 

“My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me” (Matthew 27:46 AMP).

 He was deserted by His friends.  He was embraced by loneliness.  Pain caressed His face.  Hear it from Him: 

“Yea, my own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me” (Psalm 41:9 NKJV).

Nothing you face is news to God or something He can’t relate to.  He knows it all and allows trials and experiences to come our way so that He might shape us as He desires.  Those old experiences shaped our past.  Even those we held as friends, are probably gone.  New ones await us.  New days are ahead. Make right with God now.  Invite Him into your heart!  Soon, it’ll all be over!  Take comfort!

“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:5a).

God Bless!


There are tons of beliefs out there.  People believe Jesus isn’t the Son of God.  Some teach He’s the devil’s brother, while others believe He was a good prophet or a good teacher, but nothing more.  We can believe what we want.  We can choose to believe the world is flat and that little green men live on the red planet-which has never made sense to me: green from red…

When we hold on to our belief system as far as salvation goes, it become a religion-a controlled set of ideals.  When we believe what God says, even when it’s against what others say, it’s called having a relationship with God.  Meaning, you’re checking in with Him on a daily basis through prayer, the reading of His Word, or through other means such as listening to inspired music/songs, teachings, etc.  So, what does matter?

If you figure, “We’re all gonna die, right?” So, what’s the beef?” Death is a serious part of it.  But it’s what happens before it, that counts.  You see, once dead, you can’t go back to fix anything or return by showing a stamp or code on your wrist.  Once you’ve entered eternity, you can’t return.

You can choose to believe the teaching that after you die, you’re going to purgatory and friends and family members will pay indulgences to bail you out.  But that’s nowhere in the Bible.  It just isn’t true.  Purging time is now!

God’s not going to judge you on whether you believe one team’s better than another.  Or, if you’ve always doubted mankind really set foot on the moon.  Only believing that Jesus is the Son of God, the very likeness of the Father; indeed, being God Himself in the flesh, is what’s going to get you into heaven.  You won’t be there because you prayed to certain saints, or because you gave to certain needs…not even because you helped others.  Certainly, not because you’re a good person.  “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

This crucial step will have you, “Go directly to Boardwalk,” so-to-speak.  You’ll skip the White Throne Judgment designated to judge all the unsaved; the liars, the murderers, the fornicators, effeminate, thieves, unbelievers, etc. and be cast into the lake of fire (Revelations 21:8) which is the second death; meaning no chance of ever getting near God’s goodness/presence.

So, holding on to what you believe, if it doesn’t include belief in Jesus as the Son of God, will do you more harm than good. Therefore, let’s change those beliefs and get you skipped to front of the line! What’s up front? you ask?  Eternal life with the Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) in the Goodness of God, and eternal joy in their presence.  There’ll be no pain, no sorrow, and, we’ll be forever young!

Bottom line: Make sure that what you believe, lines up with scripture.  It’s what really matters.

God bless,



Not the Dueling Banjos, and definitely, not the movie. Common sense means someone offering deliverance will come with bigger guns, larger equipment, superior power and overthrow the enemy.  And so, Israel imagined they’d be delivered from Roman rule through a military-type messiah.  Uprisals would take place here and there, and small groups of Zelotes would eventually overrun the oppressor.  The Romans would run home with their tails between their legs howling and barking in fright.

Had Jesus done that, it’d be a matter of time when Israel would be conquered again.  Why? Because they’re linked to God, and as long as they disobeyed Him, He’d turn them over to their enemies.  So, he sent them their long-awaited Messiah-on His terms.

Jesus ’goal was to show Israel, and the world that their oppression came from within.  Sin had lassoed itself within the heart of man.  And as long as we’re alive, we’re bound by it.  See, one can be jailed, even placed in isolation for decades, but as long as you’re free within, there are no bars that can bind you because the cords of steel are on the outside, while Jesus is working on the inside of your heart.  And so, Jesus continues to show us He’s our Deliverer-setting captives free from sin.

You can choose to listen to Deliverance from any music source, including an old, dusty boom-box, and still be bound by sin; or, you can turn your life over to the Deliverer and be free forever.  “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1).

God Bless!


For the last month we’ve been packing.  A week ago, we sent 98 well-packed large boxes to the states along with another 44 packaged pieces of furniture. Packing is a lot of work, and it reminds me of a funny story.

About 7 years ago, our coworker, Ms. B. and her husband, Mr. J. were packing to move.  In the midst of all the taping and packing, an old friend of theirs showed up.  The lady friend, asked Ms. B. “Will you be taking this?” “Yes,” she answered.” Then came a series of questions: “What about this?” “Oh, the wonderful paintings by so, so. Will you be taking those?” And, “What about that and this?” “Yep, you know it, and more ‘yeps” were the homeowner replies. 

Then, the lady took it a step further: “What about Mr. J.?”  “What are ya gonna do about him?” she asked. “Will you be leaving him?” she asked.  “What do you mean, what about Mr. J.?” (Friend): “Is he going?”  “Will he stay behind?” Ms. B.  then snapped, “Look at this lady! Isn’t she something?! Like, I’m gonna leave him around, for her to take?!  Of course, he’s going with me!” I guess Mr. J. ended up packed too!  Maybe, even labeled “Fragile!”

Almost sounds like Joseph and Mary packing up to head back home, but forgetting one most important thing: Jesus!  After three days they found Him in the temple with the teachers and doctors discussing scripture. Some people can’t believe the chosen couple could actually make mistakes, or that they could be flawed. This is why it’s important to read the scriptures for ourselves!  People have been following false teachings for centuries, yet, it’s right there! Mary and Joeph traveled on and left young Jesus behind. Everyone is susceptible to sin.  NEWS FLASH!  Only God is flawless!  No matter who we venerate, He’s the only perfect One.

Now, you don’t want to forget Jesus, no matter what you do.  I don’t mean you pack Him into your belongings.  NOPE!  Don’t do as the Israelites did on many occasions, packing their false gods each time they moved.  He’s not a figurine or a statue…He’s not a god.  He’s not even hanging on a cross. He’s not a saint.  He’s God incarnate.  He’s the Living God; hence, not on the cross. He rose from the dead! Don’t leave Him “Hanging.”

“In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (John 1:1, 2, 14).

“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should  shine on them” (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4).

Whether you’re packing or unpacking, Jesus should be at the center of all you do; unpacked and visible for all to see.

God Bless!



Throughout my high school years, I always thought it was obnoxious for guys to get stoned.  Worse, some pretended to be stoned and acted out the part.  They all wanted attention.  Most everyone thought it was cool.

The word, stone, had a different meaning in Jesus’ time, as it does today in some Arab countries. People accused of serious crimes, primarily women, get stoned to death.  Jesus Himself escaped on several occasions getting stoned by mobs of religious folk for His message from God which didn’t sit well with their teachings.  Did you know Jesus was once stoned? Not the way it sounds!

But for envy, they accused Him of blasphemy, and other trumped-up charges, and handed Him over (Matthew 27:18).  All lies. He was apprehended, scourged, stripped bare, paraded before all, crucified, and silenced, forever…so they thought!

He was taken down from the cross and buried.  He was stoned-in a tomb with a huge stone at the entrance and guarded by soldiers.

 But no one can silence God! As He had prophesied, “He shall rise the third day” (Mark 9:31b). He arose to victory having silenced death and the underworld.  His tomb remains empty since that third day. The stone was rolled away by an angel and only His outer garments remained.  He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father and in communion with the Holy Spirit, as they have always been, even before time began: “And now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began” (John 17:5).

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Switched At Death

Many of us have heard stories about babies that were switched at birth.  My family had suspicions on a neighbor whose child was completely unlike its parents or siblings in there being no resemblance at all.  Mom always thought the baby was switched at the hospital.

And then there are movies about similar happenings throughout the country.  But what about switched at death? How does that work?  Interested?  

You and I are sinners by nature-all were born into sin and are prone to sin. God is holy-existing outside of sin.  In order to bring us back in communion with Him he took the form of man-became one of us (Jesus). At His death, our sins were transferred to Him (He became sin), and His righteousness was imputed to us (we received His holiness).  Meaning? We are declared righteous by God’s grace through faith in Him.  He did it all, we didn’t.  It’s based on His merits, not ours; His righteousness, not ours, since we don’t have any.

At His death, the sins and unrighteousness we had, were switched to Him. His righteousness, was switched to us.  He died that we might live. He became guilty that we might be declared guiltless. Jesus became cursed that the curse we carried might be removed.  “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us-for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree” (Galatians 3:13).

Wouldn’t you rather switch with Jesus than face God on your own merits?  Ready to be swapped? Why?  Because, as Linda Ronstadt sang, “You’re no Good, you’re no good, you’re no good, baby, you’re no good-I’ll say it again…”  

There’s no good in us! “None is righteous, no not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one” (Romans 3:10-12).

Switching with Jesus is the only thing anyone can do to get to heaven. 

Do you think most of the people randomly killed in recent weeks in various states knew their time would be up that day, or the next?  Do you think each was ready to meet God?  Unfortunately, most weren’t.  Most never get a chance to get right with God. Why? Satan wants us all to think we have our lives before us-indefinitely. We don’t.

Is there anything better than being declared righteous by God Himself?

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” Colossians 1:13-14).

Do the Switch-a-Roo today!

Happy Easter!