The Stripper

Bet I’ve caught a few of you off guard with this title!

Lots of people dress in layers such as football players and skiers.  I’ve often wondered of ladies in movies or in real life that wear the huge saucer-like hats or bonnets.  Some, to church, others, simply to go out.  After seeing someone with a huge hat for a long time, it’s probably hard to recognize them without one.  Those ladies with bonnets tilted right over their eyes and to the side of their heads, I wonder what they’re like without them.  Same thing with shoulder-padded guys.  Remove the pads and, where did he go? I remember back in high school we had a ‘Mr. Popular.’ He was followed everywhere with two-to-three girls tagging along on each side.  They were all always laughing and practically drooling over him.  It happens that one day I rode my bike near a public pool when I noticed a wet-noodle of a guy! No shoulder pad jackets, no gallon of hair gel, and no girls by his side!  It was, hard to believe, but it was ‘Mr. Popular’ himself! Gone were the high-heeled shoes popular of the 70’s.  Gone, were the fancy attires and all the girls.  He would not be picked out in a line-up!

  And so, I’ve thought of how we can hide behind items such as helmets, dark glasses, dark shades, even attires that ‘make’ us who we are.  People always see the image they expect to see or the ones we want them to see.  Both male & female strippers can strip outer garments to reveal flesh; mush like paint strippers tear at layers to reveal beautiful wood.  God’s Word strips inner layers to reveal the fallen man; the one that, regardless of his good deeds, can never attain God’s favor by his own works or deeds (Isaiah 64:6).  The Holy Spirit gets deep into the fibers of our spirt-man; the man no one wants others to see.  God is the ultimate stripping agent.  He cuts to the chase.  He’s not in the least impressed with any of us in terms of how we present ourselves whether we wear gold, silver, plastic, or expensive jewelry.  Those outer garments and accessories are personal touches which oftentimes might be to impress others, but not God.  He’s interested in how our spirit fairs.  His concern is to strip us down to the bare essentials, spiritually.  He can fashion us for His purposes; for His glory.  We must come to terms with our depravity.

Ready to be stripped?  Trust me, you won’t be smiling and/or trying to impress anyone.  It’ll be you and God alone.  And it can take a very long time depending on the number of layers you wear: pride, arrogance, thievery, good works, deception, lies, vengeance, goody-two-shoes, self-righteousness, vindictiveness, etc. etc.  As he strips away layers, a beautiful sheen begins to emerge in you until, like cared-after exotic wood, true grain appears revealing beauty that lies beyond the surface.  Beauty that shines forth after being stripped by The Stripper; and displayed by The Carpenter.

Blood Donor

Blood Donor

Being a giver is important in our family.  As a young father of three, I began donating to various ministries and nonprofit organizations while our kids were still small.   As parents, we taught our three to be givers, too.  One of our kids ‘baptized’ a sibling with the name, Munchkin.  So now we had a munchkin in our home.  Our family learned to give away clothing items they no longer needed or used.  We’d line our hallway with 3-4 large bags and then head out to the local shelter.  Almost without exception, a few days later, a neighbor would come to our door with 2-4 large bags of goodies (clothing) for our kids.  They would be elated.

As our kids grew, they also continued their giving practices.  One year we learned that our Munchkin had a church sponsor from another state.  She would receive toys, Christmas cards, school supplies, etc.  But the biggest surprise to us all, was when Munchkin received a beautiful porcelain doll.  We were all in amazement that someone who didn’t even know us would give such a precious gift.  The sponsor was in her early 70s and was surely making a 10-11 yr. old mighty happy.  But happiness in itself isn’t much unless it’s shared.  This Munchkin grew to also become a sponsor.  And even when times have been very difficult for her as in not making enough to ‘make ends meet,’ not having a job, etc., she has found ways to continue her giving. 

 There are so many ways to give, we simply can’t run out of ways on how to.  The first step is simply a desire to do so.  Then, there needs to be a love for it.  Finally, we need to carry it out.  I’ve got to say that as a giver who’s taught his kids to give, I’ve sometimes found myself saying, ‘But you didn’t have to give that, or that amount…”  And what I’ve grown to learn is that my kids have learned to out-give me.  They’ve made me proud.  They’ve learned to go over and beyond just to help others.  They’ve learned that what they own isn’t everything there is in life.  They’ve learned that life consists of more than accumulating things.  They’ve learned that others are so important that they can’t be brushed aside “just because…”

If we’re committed to doing something for others, then those people depend upon us without knowing it.  I’m not talking about spoiling people.  I’m sharing on the importance of being a consistent giver; someone dependable.  That if we don’t do our part for Christ, then things will not get done.

Givers can change lives.  I’ve read of blood donors who have given blood hundreds upon hundreds of times.  Others have given a few dozen times.  And yet others, maybe only once or twice. These givers have saved countless lives.  They have brought joy and gratitude to friends and family members alike.  They’ve given hope where none existed or when it was almost shattered.  I know of a man who gave only once and yet changed the lives of millions, even billions; in fact, He changed the course of history.  He didn’t donate His blood as regular donors do; He didn’t spill His blood either, but he shed it for all humanity.  Spilling, refers to it being accidental; shedding refers to intentional.  Christ gave His all for you and me.  He put aside all His riches; His Kingship, His royalty, and His powers to become poor for our sakes.  He gave His blood as well as His life for us.  He not only paid for us, but He was willing to take our blame and go die for us.  Reader, He died for you in your place.  Gave you the best gift ever: Forgiveness of sins, Eternal Life, and Fellowship (Friendship) with God.

Whether you’re a Munchkin or a giant, or even a regular Joe/Jane, become a giver.  Become a life saver.  Accept the Life -saving work of Christ and join the Family.

Ask Jesus into your heart right now.  Say, “Dear God, please forgive all my sins.  Thank you for dying in my place and shedding Your blood for me.  Come into my heart and change my life.  Make me a child of Yours.”  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Wait, It’s Christmas?!

Did Christmas catch you by surprise? One minute it was October and the next, December?

Were you shocked at how fast it’s all moving?? 

Have the ‘holidays’ caught you with your ‘pants down’? 

Or perhaps with them up??

Dag, way up??? 

Don’t despair!! 

While the ‘holidays’ might soon run out, Christmas is a year-round celebration. Real Christmas, the birth of Emmanuel-God with us, is here to stay every day, every year.  It’s a deeply profound concept.  It’s one that never ends.  God, the Father, put the greatest gift of all time, His Son Jesus, in a manger to later die not under a tree, but on a tree (Acts 5:30) and thereby demonstrating the greatest love of all.

 You’re not the only one caught off guard!!!  The world was caught in a daze too!  You see, expected on the scene was something like one of today’s celebrities-one strutting his stuff down the sidewalk with heavy gold chains around his neck wearing the latest fashions with gold sparkling from his ears, his teeth, and his sandals.  The religious leaders and the crowds and mobs were looking for someone to turn heads.  They wanted to shower him with oohhs & aahhs and fall at his feet because he was so rich with bling.

Instead, He came so humble; not a home to be born in; not a warm bed to rest on; not a warm, fluffy pillow to lull Him to sleep.  He didn’t get the Sky-Blue paint color along the walls; there were no designers scrambling to give Him the best and latest improvements trending at the time.  His parents were poor.  His vehicle was a donkey.  God had chosen to confound the world by showing it what real humility is.  By showing it that they didn’t need someone to rescue them from the world but to be rescued from themselves first.  They were slaves not just to others (the Romans), but to sin, and needed redemption from it first and foremost. 

And yes, He will once again, and very soon confound the world when He takes His very own home forever.  Are you looking for the gold-studded king wrapped in bling-bling?  If you are, you’re missing the point.  He came lowly so he can relate to your circumstances.  Though rich, He made Himself poor to understand us; to give us a chance to ‘afford’ Him.   He made the way easy for us-just follow Him.  You don’t need riches, cars, jewelry, mansions, or social media followers to follow Him.  Invite Him into your heart today and you’ll be surprised at how well He can guide your steps.  Look to the tree, He’s there.  Your name is on the gift others may have overlooked.

Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

God Bless!

TV Christmas

TV movies can be a great pastime.  One can sit down or curl up with a cup of hot chocolate or tea and watch as probably 95% of the movies feature the same plot: a guy and girl end up in love and after swearing they’re not part of a small community, end up hitching and settling down in a small, layback town where cakes and cookies are baked, consumed and even given away ‘on the house ’every single day by the dozens. I wonder how the businesses make any money!

Great movies-sometimes.  Some are more real than others.  The real ones deal with real issues, religious convictions, and less Santa Clause issues.  Other movies, where Santa reigns and “Anything can happen at Christmas,” are more fantasy than real life.  And so, every problem can be tackled in a matter of days or weeks.

Seeing Santa and elves and all the decorations can be great entertainment and inspiration.  The negative aspect of it all is that Christmas time happens to be the saddest day (season) of the year for many.  Problems aren’t solved in a jiffy.  The man/woman of your dreams probably evaporated once you awoke.  Bills and debts are ever-present.  Every day that it snows can be thrilling, especially the first time around and as long as you don’t have to go to work or school, or run errands…or plow it.  We all tend to love novelties.  We fall in love with images of what could be and how wonderful fairy tales look.  Reality can be harsh.  

The wonders of Christmas, as far as Christmas lights, garlands, red, silver, gold, and green colors go, is magical.  But the harsh reality of the holiday is that real Christmas and its significance is left out in the cold.  It gets buried in the snow.  It gets forgotten under an avalanche of commercialism. 

So many people feel they have nothing at all in their lives that relates to Christmas, yet they like to give or share with others, they like to ‘treat’ others to meals, movies, games, etc.  We don’t do those things out of our own nature or because ‘That’s just who I am.’  Those qualities are innate because God put them there.  Because He taught us to give; to be generous, etc.  In other words, we do have things or ways that relate to the holiday. We are more like God than we sometimes realize.

So then, what’s the big deal with Christmas?  Who cares if there’s a Santa in every movie or street corner or not?  God says He will not share His glory with anyone (Isaiah 42:8).  If Santa pointed everyone to God as being the one who provides or the one who answers prayers, then there would be no problem.  However, Santa gets all the attention because he makes everyone happy by magically solving everyone’s problems.  The real Gift-Giver, Jesus, came to earth as a gift from God with one purpose: to die and be raised for our sins.  In doing so, He defeated the forces of evil.

Make use of this holiday season to give like Santa but most importantly, to give like God and to love like Jesus.   Real life-answers come from the Man far beyond the North Pole; From the Man, not in a red suit, but whose red blood was shed to turn your red-crimson/scarlet sins, white as snow and wool (Isaiah 1:18).

God Bless,


The Gift of a Christmas Child

It was a cold December morning many years ago when a perfect gift came into the world.  Words like, “Oh Lordy” were most likely shouted out by my wife shattering the morning silence.  They were not in reference to the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus; nor were they said in anticipation of the Christmas holiday soon-to-be upon us.  No, they were words meaning, “Hurry up and get me to the hospital!!”  We’re having us a baby NOW!  We caught a taxi and dashed there.

I’m not sure how Joseph felt when Mary brought forth her newborn.  I don’t think the baby wipes were ready or the milk bottle warm.  He may not have even had a pacifier; I don’t know what they used back then, but after an 80-100-mile journey, they needed something to quiet baby Jesus.  I know I wasn’t ready.  This was like, “Taxi! Get over here and step on it!”  Have your coat? Check; Have your papers? Check; Having contractions? Check, check!!  Out the door we went in the cold, dead of winter.

Now, I’m the type of guy that’s always on the go. I would like all stores to have revolving doors so I can walk in, grab & pay for my purchases and head right out in minutes flat.  I’m sure the Lord knew this that morning, cause a few minutes after arriving and my wife having been whisked off in a rush, as soon as I began to ask the secretary if…she congratulated me!  I assured her she was confusing me with someone else like maybe the lady just dropped off.  I only wanted to know if I should leave and take my wife’s coat and return later, or wait for her so we could head back home. Once again, I was congratulated.  I told the lady that I had just dropped off my wife like three to five minutes earlier.  “yeah, yeah,” the lady said.  She just came in and just as fast gave birth to a healthy daughter, I was told.

 I couldn’t believe it!  That was fast! Just the way I wish the previous two kids would have been born!  I would have wanted to walk up to the desk and said on each occasion, “Here’s my wife and please hurry; this child is to go.”  I’m sure most men would agree with that.  I’m sure my wife wishes it could have been like that too.

Our daughter was in a rush too.  She had my ‘hurry up’ in her genes-and diapers too!  She flew out in a jiffy.  Some crying, some laughter, and in no time, some jokes!!  She’s always been a clown.  She was born with a full set of hair; kind of like a wig.  And even though she was already past her due-date by a week and was born twelve days before Christmas, she was our Christmas child.  Like Jesus, she was born at just the right time-God’s appointed time to bring peace and joy (and laughter) to this world.

Happy Birthday, Princess Sarai Magdalene!

Happy Sarai
Two-month old baby girl
Three-month old Sarai with her grandpa
A happy and quiet baby
Where did everyone go?


Storm moving in!

Growing up, I remember always wishing for snow during Christmas and the winters to come.  We rarely had a white Christmas.  We did have several memorable snowstorms.  We enjoyed them all.  One of us guys-on-the-block would hurry to the window and if we saw snow, we’d run back in and get all dressed for the cold.  Boots, gloves, scarves, etc. went on, and out we’d go.  Sometimes, other guys were out too, but if there was no one, we’d start calling each other, or throwing snowballs at their windows to get their attention.  One of my last great snowstorms while growing up was around 1979.  Parts of our neighborhood was under 18” of snow while others got up to 24.”  We were ecstatic!  I remember running to this back street where normally there was little traffic and as I turned the corner, it was a blanket of snow that went up to my knees!!!  I ‘ran’ taking slow, huge steps sinking in with each one.  It was just great.  I walked back to tell others about it and soon we were all going mad everywhere enjoying ourselves.  Everything had been paralyzed.  Trucks and buses were stopped in their tracks.  It looked like a ghost town!  One could walk right into a bus or truck frozen on the road with no one inside! God’s power was marvelous! Tiny dustings of white powder had accumulated to where it had halted everything!

Either that year or the one before, we also had a great time.  We made two teams.  Ours had Georgie, maybe Aaron, and Gil.  Gil was the most feared snowball-maker on the block.  We’d watch him take snow and methodically shape it into a snowball without gloves.  We’d watch as he’d compact it more and more and the water would just drip.  Our faces frozen in fear as saliva trickled down our mouths from the dread of who would get hit by such a weapon.  When finished, he’d throw one at some 70 mph against the metal pull-down gate across the street.  When a loud bang shattered the silence, he’d say, “Yep, I think it’s ready.” We all were like, ‘We want Gil, we want Gil on our side…”

 I know the other team had Edgar, June, and Chicky.   Both teams had crates or buckets of snowballs.  Gil was our snow-making machine, so he pre-made a batch.  On one occasion, it was like on a TV show where we were walking nearing a corner in blizzard conditions, just yapping away trying to find the other team to obliterate them.  Suddenly, we reached the corner unawares, as did the other team with perfect synchronization.  Suddenly, both teams let out yelps and yikes as the crates and buckets flew up in the air as both teams retreated!  Then, we all headed back for our ammunition and began chasing and pummeling each other!  That event was so comical!  It was so classic, so golden, so much a part of who we were.  Though, in our late teens, it was so much fun.  It would close an era of ‘The Guys on the Block.’  It would become the last snowstorm of our lives together.  “To everything there is a season…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

A few years later, in 1993 or 94, I once again had fun in a snowstorm but this time with kids of my own.  We’d go to our large backyard and we’d be the only ones there.  The kids would ride on me like I was a horsey and we’d plow into the snow.  The snowy, blizzard conditions kept the cowardly kids-and grownups inside, so we had all the space in the world just for us.  Our kids ran and jumped and went on the slide and see-saw.  They braved the snow as it bit into their faces.  They threw themselves ‘dead’ flat on their backs on the ground and laid there very still feeling the snow just falling on their faces as they listened to the howling winds.  Now and then, puffs of ‘smoke’ came out through their nostrils as they breathed heavily from the excitement.  They were ‘one’ with the snow.  It was so much fun to lie there having no worries.  There was no one around and they were just savoring the moment. They were taking in the silence and observing the grandness of everything around yet feeling so small in the vast open space.  Behind closed windows, their mom watched and laughed before making hot chocolate for us.

There’s a silence when a blizzard is taking place.  Aside from the (possible) howling wind, there’s no noise, no cars or trucks going by; just a calming stillness surrounding you, maybe interrupted by your own laughter or your own thoughts.  In the stillness, God is there and we can feel him so close to us.  Winter is almost here.  You can cuddle in a warm blanket when the storms come.  You can watch the flurries begin to cascade down the skies.  You can warm by a crackling fire as the flurries now-turned-to- snow storms the windows of your soul.  You can be a kid again and head outside-even if only in your thoughts.  Throw yourself in the snow; feel your heavy breathing, listen to the silence enveloping you.  God’s whisper is louder than ever.  The whirlwind is calling your name; it’s speaking to your heart.  It’s drawing you into His presence.

The fire of the Holy Spirit like a crackling fire can warm a cold and/or lost soul; His fire’s purpose is to bring you into that stillness and make you ‘one’ with Him.

In Job 38:22, God asks, “Have you entered into the treasures of the snow?”  Go ahead and enjoy His treasures.  Invite Him in to your life.  Afterall, He’s enjoyed watching you from the windows of heaven.  Enjoy the spell- bounding glamour of a snowstorm. Every season has a purpose as well as its own beauty.  Reflect on the beauty of winter.  

 Afterwards, sneak inside and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate together; then crash…

God bless!

Returning home after a snowy day of fun!
Are you girls excited about the storm?! Remember the last one?
“Yea, yea, yea!!! So Cute my babies!!
Let’s recap!
On the run in an open yard all to myself
Catch me if you can!
Fun on the run in a blustery storm that’s gaining strength!
We can play on the slide!
Blowin’ in the wind!
Nuttin’ can stop us when we’re having fun!
Facing the storm and smiling at it too!
Can you smile when the storms of life freeze your soul?
Lie down and listen to the silence all around!
Enjoy the moment!
Taking it all in! Listen to the soft, falling snow!
Be a kid at heart!
This picture sums it all up for me!
Be still and know I am God-Psalm 46:10
After the fun, some hot chocolate, and then crash!


All His life He was considered a radical.  People were used to doing things a particular way, but He taught them they could actually be done differently.  Jesus was a misunderstood man.  People knew if someone hurt you, you should hurt them back.  If someone slapped you, slap them right back.  You got a black eye?  Give him one too.  It made sense.  It was an eye for an eye.  But Jesus taught differently: If someone slapped you, turn the other cheek; in other words, say, “Uh, you missed this side.”  Jesus wants us to go as far as to give a cup of water or a plate of food to those who hurt us-to our enemies (Matthew 5:44).

In one word, Radical, is what He expects us to be.

Most of us are accustomed to doing things our own way until we learn a new way.  However, more times than not, we refuse to learn a new way.  Jesus tells us to greet those we don’t know; to invite to feasts those who can’t invite us back to their place.  Again, be radical.  This is a lesson I’ve learned throughout the years.  For some twenty years we’ve invited lots of friends and family over for various occasions, yet, they hardly ever show up.  On two instances, after settling on a date and time for 2-3 days later, my wife has cooked galore with roasted pork and rice and baked cakes only to have no one show up.  When confronted about the situation in each case, the parties involved reacted with either, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” and, “I forgot.” That led us to stop inviting people over.

Our only invitation is for Thanksgiving and 2-3 times in the past we also had a Christmas dinner.  We announce it to our church and the members take it upon themselves to bring those they find along the way (Luke 14:12, 13).  God knows who needs to be here and so He sets it up so those that would otherwise be alone, can fellowship with others and also enjoy a great, hot meal.

In Jesus’ days, He told of a parable where people were invited to a great feast but when it was time to show up, one by one they began to make excuses about attending.  Jesus said that those people were not worthy of being at the party.  So, He had His servants go out to the highways and byways and invite the poor and lonely ones (Luke 14:16-24).  That’s how it is with God’s Kingdom.  So many people have excuses as to why they shouldn’t give their lives to Christ, even when they feel His tug at their hearts.  In essence, they’re telling Him, they’re not worthy to be there; they’ve got better and more important things to do.  When it’s too late, they’ll be crying for a second chance, but it’ll be beyond reach.

Are you one of those invited to God’s Kingdom?  It’ll be much more than turkey, pork, or ham and more than varieties of cakes and pies.  We’re looking at eternal life, eternal fellowship with God Himself and Jesus.  A perpetual feast!  There will be no more pain or sickness or evil to deal with.  Death will be gone forever.  We’ll never age, and no more wrinkles!!!

Be radical!!  Live for Jesus now!

God Bless!



    Has anything BIG happened in your life recently? Anything HUGE in the works? Are “The Stars’ lining up for you?  Are you waiting for something GRAND to transpire so you can thank God? Multitudes are waiting for BIG DREAMS to be fulfilled so they can give God a small portion of thanks and credit.  Some, spend months and years gambling for that CHUNK of cash from a Lottery win to roll in.  They’ll buy the large house, a yacht, fishing gear, a small plane, and other goodies that’ll reflect their newfound status. Have you ever considered the regular things taking place in your life?  What of the small ones happening every day?  Have you considered the teeny-tiny ones?  God is manifested and glorified in the ‘insignificant’ occurrences befalling us.

   Ours is a world similar to that of Bluto and Popeye in one particular cartoon where each performs a particular achievement and sings to the other, “Whatever you can do, I can do better.”  It’s interesting that the natural man will always try to outdo his fellow man in just about everything except in giving financially to a good cause.  It all comes down to wanting to be the best, desiring to do more, etc.  God is unimpressed.

While living in New York, we experienced many ‘small, insignificant’ moments in our lives.  There were times when our old station wagon would turn off on its own as we drove.  How did we keep it going? We sang Christian songs! We sang together especially when we reached traffic lights and had to wait for them to change.  For those of us doubting, if we stopped singing, the wagon would turn off.  We learned to sing all the way home.  Some people would see that as something small-not worth mentioning.  But God was there and we knew it!

Another time here, in Puerto Rico, my wife was driving another station wagon (hmm..) down a narrow two-way road when she noticed her breaks were not working.  The line had broke and she was skidding on the brake fluid. She was passing a mound of dirt on one side of the car and a body of water on the other side.  She reasoned, “If I hit the mound I’ll get killed and if I go into the water, I’m going down.”  She prayed for God to help her.  She saw a huge tree up ahead so she went for it.  The passenger door was wrapped around it and one could see the tree-shape on it.  Whew, that was close! But it was only the first part of her experience.  She needed to get home up to the mountains…she got back in & drove about two miles to the end of the road to where our mechanic’s shop was located.  She prayed the entire way that she’d be able to stop when she’d reach the busy intersection.  Upon reaching it, with no cars approaching, she turned right and the car turned off right there as she parked.  She couldn’t believe it and could hardly speak.  God had performed another regular event in her life.  No, there were no TV cameras around.  No one was there to congratulate her or to present her with an achievement award or a huge multi-million-dollar check.  If she was jumping up and down like Yosemite Sam saying “Unga bonga bunga” it wasn’t from winning anything; she wasn’t asking God for another station wagon (third time’s a charm), rather, she couldn’t believe how God had watched over her.

This week, whether you’ve won the Lottery, experienced something EXTRAORDINARY or just want to recall one, or several minor life-changing events in your life, DON”T forget to thank the MAGNIFICENT God who makes all things work out for our good.

God Bless!


Yum-yum, eat ’em up!
Our Harvest table
with God’s provisions
Whether in abundance or in want, God is always faithful to us and we are to thank Him
Share your blessings with at least one other person
He gives us our daily bread
Be thankful in all things for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus…
concerning you. 1st Thessalonians 5:18

Hidden in Plain Sight

I can’t forget how on several occasions our high school shop teacher, Mr. Koffer, would look up from his work and say, “My glasses, my glasses, who took my glasses; anyone seen my glasses???  Most of us would stop working—or talking, and look around our work area for them.  Oftentimes, we’d look straight at him and say, “They’re on your head!”

Hasn’t it happened to you?  Looking for the horse and you’re sitting on it!  I recall our pastor talking to someone on his cell phone and at the same time rummaging through his briefcase desperately looking for something important.  He then told the other party, “I’ll have to call you back cause all of a sudden, I can’t find my cell phone!”  We’ve all been there.  It drives us nuts.

When our three kids were very small and played hide-and-go-seek, we’d laugh so hard at how they played.  Their version was unique.  While one closed his eyes to count, the other two would hide-in plain sight!  We’d wonder how it was they couldn’t be seen!  The one who was ‘it’ would walk around saying things like, “I wonder where she’s hidden.’ And of course, she would smile at us and put her finger to her lips signifying ‘shh,’ she can’t see me!  The kid would continue throughout the house trying to find the other two. At some point, they’d be found.  We thought it was unbelievable!   It was very unlike when I was growing up, not only did we play hide-go-seek around the block, but around the neighborhood.  We’d hide so well that we sometimes couldn’t be found at all & had to continue the next day.  But our kids liked to play it safe.

So many of us have played the game with God!  We think He can’t see us.  We hide at home, at our jobs, we ‘play’ by hiding around the neighborhood.  We hide behind our families and sometimes, even hide behind religion.  We may even hide within a church not knowing we can’t escape the All-knowing and All-seeing God!  King David wrote, “If I descend to the depths of the sea, you’re there; If I ascend in to the heavens, you are there…” The night is just like the day before God (Psalm 139:7-12).  The thing is, no matter how much hiding we do, we’re hiding in plain sight!

So why do we hide?  Mostly because we believe He’s out to get us.  Followed by our lack of desire to live according to His ways. Think of it this way: About eighteen years ago I read a story of a man who found something and spent some time trying to return it to its rightful owner.  After acquiring the owner’s address, he visited him only to find the owner didn’t speak English and he got himself kicked out of the premises.  Being persistent, he returned with a translator, but being the wrong dialect, he was kicked out again. On about the third or fourth attempt with yet another translator, he was able to correctly talk to the owner.  So, what was so important that he kept risking being chased out yet kept returning?  He had found the man’s winning lottery ticket, apparently lost but with his name on it.  The owner later said, “Here’s this man trying to return my $7 million dollar ticket and I kept kicking him out.”  He gave the good Samaritan some $2 mil. as a reward.  So, am I saying God has a winning ticket for you?  It’s better than that!  While the lottery is a gamble, living for God isn’t.  It’s a sure thing.  That’s why He’s seeking you.

So, remember, whether we put on disguises or dress up differently, we cannot escape Him.  The Bible tells us in Romans 3:11, “There’s none that seeks Him; no not one.”  The thing is, we usually know we should want to learn about Him and know what He’s all about, but usually just put it off.  The Good News is that He’s been looking for you all your life.  Not to punish you, not to get even with you, not to destroy you, but to welcome you into His family; to say, “Found you, you’re it.”

Even when bigger, they would still play in the same fashion!
Here’s our son counting.
Hidden In Plain Sight
Sshhh, he can’t see us!
We’re hiding in plain sight!
My turn to count!
I wonder where they are…

Buried Treasure

Who doesn’t like stories of buried treasure??! They’re fascinating. Most hold intrigues.  There’s mystery and the danger of the unknown. Treasure hunting may require years of search. Loss of investments and time are two factors people deal with when looking for wealth that others lost or has been hidden for years. Some searchers are ‘driven’ while others may believe ‘they’ have been chosen to stumble across it. People will pour their heart and soul into a mission usually laden with uncertainty.

  Sometimes, searches require miles of traveling to hopefully make a great discovery. Other times, treasures are unearthed right in someone’s backyard. I love stories of miners digging for gold. How those who found it usually risked it all for it.  How against all odds, they became winners instead of whiners.  What kid hasn’t dreamt of becoming rich digging for pirate treasure?

 Have you ever found some treasure? Are you in the midst of striking it rich soon? Has your shovel struck the hard, metal of a chest buried deep in your yard? Are you losing sleep just anticipating pulling it out? Is your mind wondering what might be inside? Your heart pacing with wonderful thoughts of how you’ll use those gold coins??? Have you made a plan yet of ALL you’ll buy with the countless millions???  If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may be on your way to… …success!  Or, to waking up!

I recently came across some treasure. Our home is surrounded by lush vegetation.  There are all types of plants and trees, rocks and boulders as well as plenty of hidden locations where forgotten gold has been buried for who knows how long.  What I discovered was serendipitous.  While cleaning out my bin filled with memorabilia, touching as well as funny letters, notes, poems, and pictures drawn by our three kids decades ago were ‘unearthed.’  Below are some of my discovered treasures.

Christmas three!
Two Great Kids!
Probably a note from summer camp

Something all treasure hunters have is determination.  They set out to ‘strike it big’ over days, months, or years if necessary.  Many days are spent with little sleep or even food, so long as what is so anxiously awaited, is found.  God tells us to do the same:

“My son, incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you will cry out after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding; and will seek for her as silver and search for her as hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God…” “Happy is the man that finds wisdom and gets understanding for she is more profitable than silver, and yields better returns than fine gold.” “She is more precious than rubies.” Proverbs 2:2-4, 3:13-15, paraphrased.

Walking with God, treasure hunting with Him is an adventure! But He’s always present to lead and guide us and to point us in the right direction.

The King And I

Happy Farters’ Day!
Just when you thought you knew your kids….
Be a treasure hunter for God’s wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and Word!
While at it, seek to create and maintain great memories
with your loved ones.