So, one day this past week, my wife and I finally managed to get away alone for at least 2 hours. My 88 -year-old mom has now been living with us for the past 8 months requiring lots of attention and care.  The idea of not having to cook or eat at home was part of the goal. The other, celebrating my birthday, was the main reason to get away.  We went to my favorite place: Golden Corral.  See, I’m not a restaurant guy.  I can’t wait for an hour for my food. At GC I get up and get it, and that’s it.

Ahh, the joys and benefits of eating away from our kitchen! The moment felt so surreal…until it became all-too-real: “Honey, are you slouching?”  Sit up straight” my wife said.  “Uh, I see lettuce, tomatoes, green peas…but where’s your spinach?” she asked. “I’m celebrating today” I said.  “Well, I would think celebrating or not…” “Umm, this chicken’s good and crunchy,” I said, trying to sidetrack her.   Then in hush tones, almost clenching her teeth, she said, “Those bones on the napkin…put them with the empty plates!”  “Nah, I said, the waiter will pick them up later.”  She kept nodding her head almost like a bubblehead doll, saying, “I still think that if you put them THERE on the empty plates…” “Relax,” I told her, “It’s my special day.”  “Man, are you messy!” she added.  And, “You should get more napkins!” she continued.

“Geez,” I said, “I thought it was a great idea to leave home behind for a few hours, but wait, I brought part of it with me!”  We laughed.  I said, “say Ah, now let me get a big apple and stuff it to keep you quiet!”  

The rest of the mealtime went well.  I sat up, fastened the straightjacket, folded my napkin (Origami style!), tidied my area, scooped up crumbs (Thank God she didn’t catch those!), ditched the bones, and we ate quietly ever-after!

However, not only has the hot chocolate fudge dispenser which messed up over two years ago, not been replaced, but there was no ice cream either!  What’s a birthday celebration with dark, fudgy chocolate cake and carrot cake, but no ice cream?!  Bummer, big time.

But life’s like that: not everything turns out the way we’d like it to, but you can have your cake and eat it too, only on the dry side if there’s no ice cream. (Remember, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise about cakes).

Someday soon, all saved Christians will sit to eat with the Godhead: the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  Right now, Jesus is up there making preparations. He’s waiting on tables… Oh, I don’t mean as a waiter, but each time He’s almost done waiting for tables to arrive, along comes God and says, “Son, another 53,000 souls just got saved.” He’s back to the drawing board.  Maybe that’s what taking His return so long. Pure speculation, but you’d never know!

We’ll be gathered at the Lamb’s Marriage Supper with the Trinity!  There won’t be any plastic utensils, probably, pure gold. God will not look at us sternly and thunderously say, “Pedro…sit up straight.”  Or, “Briana, eat your greenies so you’ll live long…” Eternal life, remember, without sickness or pain?  Not even carrots will be needed for great vision, only for carrot cake, or, if you’re a bunny!

Yep, that’ll be some celebration!  I’ll eat chocolate cake with hot fudge, drenched with ice cream; both Chocolate and Cookies and Cream. Can’t forget chocolate sprinkles.  It’ll be the ultimate Home away from home outing-experience.  And I won’t be surprised if over in a corner some wives might stand around with their arms crossed tapping their feet and rolling their eyes, while occasionally pointing their fingers at the rest of us saying, “Now remember, eat your spinach and broccoli, cause I’m watching you…” That’s when Jesus will walk over to them, put His arm around them and say, “Ladies, please join me for some treats,” and they’ll giggle themselves away, tucking their straightjackets, battering their eyelids…and remember they’re at their new eternal home.

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7).

God Bless!


When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘A shower is coming,’ and so it turns out.  And when you see a south wind blowing, you say, ‘It will be a hot day,’ and it turns out that way.  You hypocrites!  You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and sky, but why do you not analyze this present time” (Luke 12:54)?

People see all kinds of signs of the End-Times all around, from within our neighborhoods, to signs in other states, and all around the globe.  We tend to dismiss them all, and expose ourselves to dangerous times ahead.  Read the warnings (above), and the promises (below):

But when these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is near” (Luke 21:28).

Look to the skies and observe the clouds. See His majesty and contemplate on what’s on the horizon:

Behold, he is coming with the clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him; and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.  Even so, Amen” (Revelation 1:7).

Keep those hands up and praise Him!



Isn’t it fascinating to watch someone with knowledge restore an old piece of furniture or an appliance?  We used to love watching American Restoration on TV.  In one episode, a pastor once took in an antique old-time giant stove with several ovens and about eight burners which he said his father would have loved to see restored before his passing away.  Every piece was worked on and each burner taken apart to get refreshed.  When it was all said and done, the pastor nearly passed out!  It was beautifully restored!  It looked better than the owner remembered ever seeing it.  Every burner was chromed and restored to work, the oven and bread-warmer also worked, and the body was restored as well.

When we trust Jesus as our Savior and turn our lives to God, He takes away the spiritual dross and rust, removes the sinful way of thinking, chips away at our bad attitudes, and restores us to new people!  It’s not a go-to-sleep, wake-up to-a-new-change.  It takes time, but He will transform us.  He’ll mold us into His image.

For those who God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers” (Romans 8:29).

Ten years ago, my wife and I hunted up and down for a New York style sink we both grew up with.  One well is deeper than the other.  We finally found one!  Of course, in Puerto Rico, getting a discount on anything is to declare war!   Sellers HATE to budge on anything.  We were begrudgingly “given” a discount of $5 off the item that belonged more in a junk yard than in our kitchen.  But we took it to our neighbor who paints cars.  He did an amazing job on it!  See for yourself!

That’s how God transforms us: from “sinfully ugly” to His righteous image!

And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets to dwell in”(Isaiah 58:12).

Call on Him now! Tell Him you repent of your ways and He’ll make you new!  Granted, He’ll make you cry uncle for some time, but when your buddies see you again, they’ll not believe the transformation!  Rough edges will be gone! Chips, dents, rust, removed! A new makeover will leave you spanking-new!

God Bless!


There are a great many stories about adopted kids. From days-old, to teens, and young adults.  I read about a young man in his twenties adopting an 18-yr. old. Their stories are amazing.  Of course, no all adoptees live out great family stories, but overall, most stories are great.  Along those lines are the stories of adopted kids searching or learning they had siblings who were also adopted by different families.  Sometimes, they’ve lived just blocks apart without knowing it!

Maybe you were adopted.  Maybe you have been wondering about your family.  Maybe you haven’t had the best experiences. You may have wondered why you exist, or if your natural parents loved you at all…Your story is super-important to God!  He knows the answers to all your questions!  He also knows you personally, and wants you to know He cares!  Therefore, the most fascinating adoption stories are yours and mine! While your story joins the millions of others out there, you’re His special child.  He’s cried over you. Loved you so much He went to the cross for your sins-to remove them so He could have access to you and you to Him.

Whether we were loved or rejected by our natural families, God has seen fit to adopt us into His.  He provides extra-care to each of His children.  Like others, you may wonder where to find Him, He’s nearer than you think!  He’s as near as the breath you breathe!  He’s as close as your heartbeat.  Invite Him in to your heart and He’ll live within you!  “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3).

Like the best parent ever, He’ll never leave us, forget us, or mistreat us.  And one doesn’t have to wonder if there are other relatives out there, because there are literally, billions in God’s family! I’m sure His walls are filled with pictures of our beautiful faces!

Welcome Home!


In every sporting event, or field of accomplishment, there’s someone who sits at the top.  Sometimes for long, other times short-lived.  Inevitably, someone better or more skilled, will set the bar higher.

As our kids were growing up, they probably viewed me as “tight,” or even cheap!  But I wasn’t! Frugal would be a better word!  I mean, our son didn’t want a regular .99 burger, he wanted a Whopper; except, he didn’t want lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, mustard or anything! In the end, he was getting a regular burger at 3x the price! So, I had to compensate!

Our youngest daughter and wife, both purchase things without knowing what they cost. Our other daughter was money-conscious, like me-until she married.  Now, all three of them say, “I see it, I need it, I buy it; no questions asked.  I, on the other hand, ask, “Why pay $2.49 for tomatoes when they’re $.79 nearby?”  Oftentimes when we go to, or return from Sam’s or Costco, my wife will describe a cabinet of item she’s seen.  When I ask the price, she’ll not know because she doesn’t look at it.

As I once wrote, many years ago, my son and I watched a comedy show where a man had a dark greenish, almost brownish bottle.  It was ketchup! “How did it get that color?”  He was asked on the show.  He used to visit diners and other eateries, but not to eat!  He would swipe the small ketchup packages, go home, and squeeze them into his bottle!  He didn’t care how long it took him, or how much squeezing he had to endure!  He just wanted to save!  My son and I laughed hard!  He realized just what being cheap actually looked like, and I laughed because I was dethroned! 

In deeper things, there are people thinking God’s asleep.  They think mankind has figured out so many things, God’s no longer needed; if He’s ever existed to begin with.  Some, feel, He’s only a figment of man’s imagination. Many believe He’s been dethroned ages ago.

Reminds me of one of my sociology classes where I posed a question to the professor, something like this: “If God created the world 5960 years ago, and Adam was formed at 9 am, and the world believed it and accepted it, then why does the world now say it isn’t so?  Why are they now saying we evolved?  His response: Nodding his head in agreement with my numbers, he said, “We now know better.”  To him, God was dead, dethroned!

Surprise!!!  God’s still on His throne!! He’s never left it! Never will!  Psalm 102:12 (AMP version) reads: “But you, O LORD, are enthroned forever [ruling eternally as sovereign]; And [the fame and glory of] YOUR name [endures] to all generations.”

God’s not nervously chewing His nails because a measly few billion people don’t believe He exists!  He’s in full control of everything everywhere!  And sadly, He won’t forget them who reject Him.

I watched till thrones were put in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, And the hair of His head was like pure wool.  His throne was a fiery flame, Its wheels a burning fire; A fiery stream issued And came forth from before Him.  A thousand thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.  The court was seated, And the books were opened” (Daniel 7:9,10 NKJV).

Just because He’s referred to as the Ancient of Days doesn’t mean He’s an old man whose throne room smells of Ben-Gay, Muscle Rub, or Vick’s! He’s not getting by with a crutch or an emerald-studded walker!  It means He never ages! He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)!

If you’ve been dethroned in some achievements, or, never won anything to begin with, you can be sure you’ll be on His throne when you get to heaven!  Be an overcomer in Christ and secure your seat NOW!

To him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with me on my throne, as I also overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne” (Revelation 3:21).

God Bless! Sam


Growing up with the cartoon family of modern cavemen, was fun! I’m sure those wrapped up in the theory of Evolution, enjoyed getting a glimpse of early life before the invention of, well, everything!  I enjoyed watching them get into their vehicle and zoom away on leg-power!

Two-weeks ago, we took a long trip for my wife’s sister’s memorial.  Returning, we hit one of the thousands of potholes on Puerto Rico’s “pristine” roads. The Check Engine light went on.  We continued for miles on end. Probably, fifty miles later, and dozens of bumps later, the light turned off the following week!  This past week, it lit up again!  When I shared our wonderful road adventures with my kids, especially about the Check Engine light, our youngest’ response was spot-on! She wrote, “It wants you to make sure it’s still there after that bump!!!

I immediately thought of the Flintstones! It sometimes feels as though parts of our vehicle drops on the roads as we go about our business!  Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s happened!  Nevertheless, time to head to the mechanic.

What about you? Are you hitting bumps and potholes in your daily living? Sometimes feel like the bottom’s falling out? Have you lost vital parts such as integrity, reliability, or self-discipline?  Has your heart’s Check Engine light gone on?  Are you waiting for a few more “bumps” to turn it off?  Don’t ignore it!  Read:

“For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.  Beloved, if our heart condemns us not, then have we confidence towards God” (1 John 3:20, 21).

Translation: If our heart convicts us, take the matter to God-He’s greater than our heart and understands us. But if all is well within our heart, we then have peace towards Him, and all’s good.

Read the fine print: “This is the book of the generation of Adam, in the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; male and female created he them; and blessed them” (Genesis 5:1,2).

In His image we were created; didn’t evolve from any fish, lower life-form, cavemen, Flintstones, or other things!

God Bless!



I was just looking online at bathroom vanities. Wow, prices have really shot up! Of course, wood species and other parts dictate final pricing, but a basic 30” solid cedar wood, one-sink vanity started at $1700!  A double vanity went to almost $4000 bucks. And that’s without a mirror!  Heck, I can buy lots of other stuff for that amount. Bottom line, vanities are expensive!

King Solomon, A.K.A. the Preacher, had a lot to say about vanities.  Was he talking about Monkeypod wood species?  Was it teak, or IPE?  Were they double vanities overlaid with gold and diamond-crusted fixtures?  Afterall, He did have gold and silver lying around in abundance like stones or rocks; (2 Chronicles 1:15 AMPC).  We’d say, “like loose change.” Not at all!  He referred to a different form of vanity.

Vanity of vanities, said the preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:2).

These days, there is a lot vanity everywhere!  Human vanity is very expensive. To be vain is to be prideful. Pride is sin.  It’s so powerful, it caused Lucifer’s downfall (Isaiah 14:11), and it’ll cause yours and mine too, if we live by it.  More so, it’ll keep us away from God. 

Look around and you’ll see it everywhere from show-offs with certain outfits, like ridiculous-priced purses, to watches, to folks who spend fortunes in overnight stays where, regardless of who they are, will fall asleep on a chair or floor, as easily as on a luxurious bed.

That kind of vanity does belong in a bathroom after all! It can be flushed!  Does God have any say on it?  Yep!  “Be content with such things as you have” (Hebrews 13:5).

 Rid yourself of vanity, and you’ll be able to look in the mirror and see yourself as God sees you: a loveable child walking in humility, and in need of a Savior.  Results? God will exalt you-minus the pride.

God Bless!


Everybody loves sunshine. Occasionally, we enjoy overcast, or cloudy days, maybe even some snow, sleet, and hail so we can stay home from school or work.  But sunshine is what we look forward to.

George Harrison sang Here Comes the Sun-giving us hope from cold, lonely wintry days, to better, happier times.  The world is now in turmoil due to crime, inflation, housing woes, political unrest, etc.  But on the horizon, there’s hope! Not just any son is on the way, but The Son; The Son of God!  The messier the world gets, the clearer the signs of His return.  As the song, Days of Elijah goes,

Behold, He comes riding on the clouds, Shining like the sun at the trumpet’s call, lift your voice, it’s the year of Jubilee, Out of Zion’s hill, salvation comes.

In Israel, the Year of Jubilee was held every 50 years. In it, lands and homes were returned to former owners. Debts forgiven, slaves and prisoners, freed (Leviticus 25:10-38). Likewise, when Christ returns, He will make all things right!

And when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).

God Bless,


Recommended Song: Days of Elijah (Lyric Video) by Central Baptist of Crocket


Growing up I was a Speedy Gonzalez kid, a Bing, Bing, Ricochet Rabbit flying all over the place.  I was always on the go. As a track runner in JHS and high school, there were many runners who didn’t seem to know the difference between one lap and ten laps, or one mile and ten miles.  Kind of like my wife who can’t tell the difference between one foot and ten feet, unless of course, she counts all the toes!  Many runners zoomed all-out in sprint form on a two-mile run!  They quickly dropped out. 

For outstanding achievements, some of us received awards for our triumphs.  Although, while running indoors at the NY Armory on 168th Street, runners who fell on the wooden track were said to receive a red (bloody), wooden medal!

Whether you’re an athlete or a smart cookie, you’ve probably received your share of awards at an event meant to honor victories and accomplishments.  But in God’s Kingdom, this isn’t a sprint!  It’s a marathon, and only He knows where the finish line is and when we’ll cross it.  Sprint, and you’ll burn out. Trot along, more like Slowpoke Rodriguez.  Go the distance!  Don’t give up! 

God’s no stranger when it comes to rewards!  If you’re a believer in Jesus as Lord and Savior and Son of God, then you’re in for a treat!  Of course, God does things a bit different from the rest of the world!  One would think that if things don’t go great, or you suffer torture, or get killed, you won’t get anything-bummer.  “Not so, Grasshopper!”

Actually, God will reward those who have left it all, lost it all, suffered immensely, have endured torture, lies, persecution, received death threats, have lost legs, arms, sight, spouse, kids, and have sacrificed their lives for His work.  Potentially, the greater your loss, the greater your reward.

So, how can you get rewarded for God’s work?  Do you set out to get slapped around, punched in the gut, or shot at for getting on others’ nerves? Absolutely not!  You simply live for Him.  No one knows the road He’s chosen for us.  Only He knows the potholes and bumps therein. Our job is to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him (Luke 9:23).  We simply live out our faith. He knows what attacks are from the enemy, and how we fare. Check out His promise:

 “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:11-13 NKJV).

So, when will this event take place, and what do I wear… my red shoes, what purse, my flowing gown…my tux, my Joker Converse sneakers???  Relax, have a seat!   We won’t be here for that event.  We’ll be in God’s home and He knows exactly what we’ll need. This will all take place at The Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10).  Trust me, it’ll be like no other awards assembly ever!  You probably won’t cry any tears of joy since God will have wiped them all away, but I’m sure we’ll all know how joyful you’ll be!  Uncontainable JOY! 

Think of the guests, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Adam, Eve…and the Body of Christ will also be there, as will the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!  Amazing!  We’ll finally see them as they are!




Have you found Mr. Wright, as in the Wright Brothers, and he flew the coop?  Or, Ms. Left, as in, she left me already?  Are you waiting to tie the not-so -right-person?  Cut the rope!  Bummer!

If you’re waiting on Mr. Right, the guy that’ll marry you, quick, lasso him immediately and tie the knot!  There’s no reason why you can’t have a serious relationship and why you shouldn’t want one.  It’s like a prelude to our relationship with Christ.  How we treat one another reflects how we treat the Lord, and how the Lord relates to us.’

Probably 70% of marriages fail because one, or neither person is seeking, or able to deliver what matters in the marriage. For example, let’s say, you’re both runners, if your marriage is based on how well you train, how far or fast you can run, or the type of clothing you need for a meet, your marriage will run off course, leaving you in the dust (pun intended).  If you both cook or bake, ingredients are not what’s missing in your relationship unless you’re talking about love, patience, commitment, tolerance, long-suffering, etc.

Everyone wants a marriage made-in-heaven, but remember, you’re living here on earth.  There’s no such thing as a perfect union because no one’s perfect! What y’all should be talking about is how to please God, how to live within His will, how to make amends, how to prefer one another over yourselves (Romans 12:10).

Look at it this way, we’re the Bride of Christ (No, not the bride of Frankenstein), and look at how petty we can be!  Maybe that’s why He hasn’t returned yet!  Were He pulling on His hair, He’d been bald centuries ago!  But “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2Peter 3:9).

He loves us so much He’s willing to wait for us.  But time’s running out!  Build a relationship with your spouse NOW on things that matter!  Build it on the ROCK-not Dwayne Johnson, but on Jesus Christ!

Meanwhile, Mr. Right might be late or delayed, or missed the bus, or missed a left turn to your heart, but be comforted knowing that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, is never late or lost, won’t skip out on you, and is eagerly looking forward to seeing you at the altar where His love for you is forevermore.



Recommended Song: I’ve Always Loved You Third Day