I’ve shared on other occasions, I’m not much into speaking. Occasionally, I talk at home with my mom and wife, but that’s about it.  But with my wife lately, it’s felt somewhat like one-way conversations.  I’ll be watching TV and she’s either on her Kindle or on her iPhone reading away. When I speak, or ask questions, I get a lot of “Sure, Yeah, Uh-huh.”  Now and then she’ll look up and give me stares as if trying to catch up on my last words.  Hmm…Those are great times for me to ask, “Hey, can I order this?”  Should I buy????”  “Did you know we need…?”  In the hopes of getting a response like, “Sure, yeah…”

Reminds me of a radio commercial from NY some thirty-three years ago.  The man asks a series of questions such as, “Honey, have you seen my coat? (Honey): “In the closet Dear.”  (Man): Where did my gloves go?” (Honey): In the closet Dear.”  Man: Have you seen my scarf?” “In the closet Dear.” “What happened to my boots?” In the closet Dear.”  Hey, where would you like to have dinner tonight?” “In the closet Dear.”  I recorded it and played it for our worship leader, Mike about 2 decades ago.  He was 6’5” tall, and could never find his musical things.  He was always asking his wife, Belen, where all his things were; one-by- one.  Her reply was always, “Mike!” It’s in the black bag!”

Now, there are people that are nonstop talkers!  The type you can hang up the phone on, pick it up again a minute later and they’re still yapping away!  Reminds me of the title of an old song, Thank You falettinmebemiceelfagin (Translation: Thank you for letting me be myself again) by Sly and the Family Stone. This was way-before rap was out.                   Then there are some people whose words run all in one sentence as in the old McDonald’s commercials: (twoallbeefspecialsaucelettucecheesepicklesonionsonasesameseedbun).

YEP! We were tongue-tied! Everyone on the block was trying to get it right!

But God wants us to speak up when called for.  We can’t always stay quiet.  That’s why He’s designated a special time for speaking.  Let’s clear things up.  Let’s not leave unspoken words.  

He had His special time too.  Think of it:  When God speaks, He creates. He spoke the world and almost everything in it into existence, although, He did form every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, as well as man (Genesis 2:19) with His hands!

You and I can speak in ways that uplift others and honors Him as well.  Easier said than done! But it’s needs to be done.  We can speak blessings and encouragement upon others.  Our words can speak life to a “dead” soul.  They can speak hope to a dying and hurting world.  God’s coming soon and it’s time to be ready before He speaks again!

“When God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth, but now he makes another promise: “Once again, I will shake not only the earth, but the heavens also” (Hebrews12:26).

YIKES! He’s serious, and won’t be stuttering! Let’s listen to His voice!


Recommended Song: Hear My Voice by Lisa Bevill (God Calling)


Believe it or not, there’s a time to shut up!  Our students at school (in PR) did not know how to be silent!  I’d tell them when they were born, they didn’t utter goo-goo, ga-ga; they spoke sentences, fluidly! 

It is said that Silence is Golden.  It is! It’s a time to contemplate.  It’s a time to dwell on thoughts, on ideas; a time to reflect on life (Reflections of My Life, 1969by Marmalade). Silence hushes out distracting noises.  It welcomes solitude (Song of Solitude (Terry Talbot).  It allows serenity with God; Oneness with the Holy Trinity.

Ever sat in silence before a crackling fire, or by a window watching snow fall?  Ever sat in the snow in perfect silence?  It is so gentle; you can’t hear it. Yet, God speaks in the silence!  He speaks to our hearts!

Scripture welcomes silence.  It tells of when Job lost his ten kids, livestock, and health.  It tells how his friends went to visit him.  Job 2:11-13 says, “They cried out in lament, ripped their robes, and dumped dirt on their heads as a sign of their grief.  Then they sat with him on the ground.  Seven days and nights they sat there without saying a word.  They could see how rotten he felt, how deeply he was suffering.”

If only they had remained in silence!!  But as we know, not everyone can!  At least for a few minutes!                                                  Did you know people have recorded “songs” of nothing but silence?!  People paid for them only to hear several minutes of nothing!! Some artists even provided extended versions!!  It’s the kind of “music” I could snore to!

Does God care about silence?  Duh! That’s why it’s in His word. Scripture tells us:

“But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him” (Habakkuk 2:20).

Yes, we worship Him and we sing to Him, but we need to always remember whom we’re talking to and how to behave ourselves before Him.  We need to reverence Him.  Check it out:

“Quiet, everyone!  Shh! Silence before God.  Something’s afoot in his holy house.  He’s on the move! (Zechariah 2:13MSG).

Simon and Garfunkel in 1964 sang, Sounds of Silence on how we don’t communicate as we should with those around us.  God waits to hear us-even when we sit in silence!  He knows our thoughts and our inner concerns!  “Well, shut my mouth!” some have said.

Today, we sing Silent Night, Holy Night.  All is calm, all is bright. It paints a scene of calmness when snow gently falls and we’re within warm walls by a fireplace entranced by blinking Christmas lights enveloping us, and for a moment there’s peace around us.

 When all is lost or gone, can we still worship God? Some people think they always need cymbals, guitars, and drums as the only means of worshipping God, not so. The question, “Can you praise God when all is taken away?” is what prompted Matt Redman to write the song, A Heart of Worship. As the lyrics say: “When the music fades/All is stripped away/And I simply come/Longing just to bring/Something that’s of worth/That will bless Your heart….I’m coming back to a heart of worship”

Silence is so important, that in heaven where “..The four beast… rest not day and night, saying Holy, holy, holy LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come” (Revelation 4:8) worship God incessantly, suddenly cease as there was silence in heaven for thirty minutes (Revelation 8:1)!  

Today is the time to be silent not just to those around us, or to situations on all sides, but before God also.  Amen!

Get your vocals ready!
God Bless!


Whether one rends their clothing, rends friendship with the world (James 4:4), or God rends the heavens, it’s now time to put things together.  It’s time to sew or mend.

Recently, I texted our youngest daughter about a picture my wife and I were looking for, which I know I had sent. Unable to find it, she sent me this message:

“Would it be on you and me thread?  Me, you and Mami thread? Me, you and Milky thread? Me, you, Milky and Andy thread?  Me, you, and Andy thread? Me, you, Milky, Andy, and Mami thread?”

I responded with, “I can’t find it on any thread! Not even the needle!”  Talk about finding a needle in a haystack!

Lots of threads, no needle, therefore, little sewing!  Scripture tells us there’s a time to stitch things up. We can’t just rend and rend.  There must be a time to sew things up.  Every one of these topics, confirms there are two sides to every coin.  Life isn’t only about the good all the way, or the bad forever.  There’s a combination of both. Lots of people can’t cope with life because maybe they’re used to always having things going their way.  They don’t know hardship.  Some may not even know what labor/work is.  Maybe everything’s been handed to them.  When trials come, they fold.

On the other hand, some people are so accustomed to everything going wrong, they can’t fathom a change.  That’s why these “Times” were written; to give us hope.

Well, our son had a girlfriend-an extremely jealous one.  After seeing a picture of another girl on his phone, without asking who she was, etc. she took a pair of scissors and cut up about 65 of his jeans, like those with more holes than material!  There was no way to sew those guys up!  She may have started the holey pants movement!  I think buyers say, “Hey, I’m gonna buy me some holes with denim on them!” Maybe they’re a good example of rending and sewing!

But that’s a tragic cultural thing here.  Unlike in the states where 2-3 people can go for a cup of coffee, or where people can have friends of the opposite sex, that doesn’t happen here.  Even as boyfriends, each knows they’re bound by unwritten laws that stipulate “you’re mine until I say so, and God help you if you’re with anyone else.”  That’s why one reads so many tragic stories of females gone missing and the number one suspect usually being the ex.

So, we can repair relationships.  We can mend old ways.  Mending fences, or patching things up with others can be the start of something good.  What about sewing our torn ways with God?  Adam and Eve failed Him!  They disobeyed His command to stay away from the Tree of Good and Evil and when they realized their sin, they were ashamed and sewed fig leaves to hide their nakedness before God (Genesis 2:16; 3:4-7).  So much for becoming like God knowing good and evil!  We can do better now that we know the consequences of sin.

God also wants us to be wise in how we sew/mend.  The Bee Gees sang, How Can You Mend a Broken Heart? And, Fanny (Be Tender with My Love) (1971, 1975 respectively).  Let’s mend broken hearts!  But what about MY broken heart?  Who’s going to mend it?        “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.  The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken” (Psalms 34:18-20).                              He’s got you covered. Find your thread!  Sew with knowledge.  If that’s your gift, sew with joy to the Lord!   Laugh! He’ll have you in stitches!

God Bless,


Recommended Song: Song Of A Broken Heart by Casting Crowns


A time to rend refers to taking apart or to tearing. In the Old Testament, when someone said something ridiculous, outrageous, or blasphemous, religious leaders would often rend their garments in disgust or as a sign of the seriousness of the offense.

There’s a time to rend; to break away from stumbling blocks. God wants us to rend from things offensive to Him.  He wants us to know there’s a designated time-slot, if you will, to take a stand against everything opposed to the Gospel, and tear it off you.  Rending unhealthy relationship, isn’t easy.  Breaking from everything around us that maybe at some point in our lives made us comfortable, but now cause us to blush, is difficult to part with. It usually means turning away from old friends and acquaintances; even changing our old habits and ways of thinking. In a nutshell, rending becomes a defining moment in our lives.  The BIG question becomes: Is He worth giving up all these things for? Or, is He as unimportant as the guru two states over? 

Things that hinder our spiritual growth need not continue reigning in our lives. God tells us “I am the True Vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he takes away: men gather them, and cast them into the fire” (John 15:1, 8).  It’s time to rend from our lives things that don’t benefit us and ought to be burnt off.

A lot of people think they can sweeten up God with their good looks, suave ways, smooth talk, etc.  What many don’t realize is that, just, sweet-talking isn’t going to work with an irate parent, It won’t with God either, because when He shows up at the end of our lives, He’s coming with fire and judgment.  The time for sweet stuff is now while we’re under His Grace and Mercy-and comes through by means of repentance on our behalf; not when indignation and destruction will be served:

“They too will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.  They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb” (Revelation 14:10)

If He spared not important people, such as King Saul, where does that leave us without Jesus’s intersession?  In the previous post, we saw he was disobedient to God-which brought about unexpected results:

“And Samuel said to unto him, The LORD hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day and hath given it to a neighbour that is better than thou” (1 Samuel 15:28).

Yep, God stripped Saul of his kingdom and gave it to a man of obedience; to a man after His own heart: David.

So, let’s rend with those seemingly unimportant, but life-changing issues which turn out to be important ways which hinder our growth.  Remember that He’s on His way with His rewards (Revelations 22:12), and, where will that leave the unsaved and enemies of God?

“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you!  As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you” (Isaiah 64:1, 2 NIV)!

YIKES!!  You DON’T want to be on that side of the fence! Time to move on!

God Bless,



This is probably my wife’s best time and season!  She’d love for me to cast away most of what I have! It’s in the wors!

Some people don’t understand why it’s correct to cast away certain things.  Yesterday we watched a TV program of a widow who had lost her husband four years earlier and was having a hard time.  Somewhere on her property she had a spot where he was buried.  Although, his wishes and legacy were being honored, at the same time, it presented her with a constant reminder of him.  This was a case where casting away, or detaching with a situation, is called for.

 I’m not being cruel, but in my family, we have people who are living dead folk.  They’re so connected through suffering and hurt of a deceased loved one, that they’re practically dead themselves.  They ain’t living.  Both are dead.

 I know how hard it was when my dad died.  I know how difficult it was for my mom to let go of him and leave the funeral for the cemetery.  My cousin, David, kept telling me, “That’s not healthy, Sam; she’s got to let him go.” And she didn’t want to. We know that “To be absent from the body, is to present with the LORD” (2 Corinthians 5:8). Therefore, we keep our dad/husband in our hearts, but we’ve never visited his grave.

Some family members have been in mourning for loved ones for decades. It’s time to cast the hurt away.  Time to cast away the bondage.  Time to cast away the feelings that keep us attached to good times or to great memories, if they’re holding you back.  If your hope is in the Living God, you know that Jesus told the religious leaders, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living” (Matthew 22:32).  Meaning, our gone loved ones, if they served God, are alive with Christ!

It’s also time to cast out rebellion.  Did you know that “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” (1 Samuel 15:23)?  God doesn’t want rebellious people!  He wants obedience!  Why did Adam & Eve sin?  Because of rebellion.  Why was King Saul cast away by God? Because he rebelled against God’s words delivered by the prophet Samuel prompting the famous saying, “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22).  Instead of obeying God’s command to kill all the enemy’s flocks as well as king Agag, Saul decided to keep the best animal as a sacrifice unto God, and to spare the king’s life. He lost the kingdom.

And since we’re on the subject of casting out, “But what does the Scripture say? Cast out and send away the slave woman and her son, for never shall the son of the slave woman be heir and share the inheritance with the son of the free women” (Galatians 4:30 AMPC).

Meaning, Abraham and Sara’s slave, Hagar, who bore Ishmael to Abraham, and became a great nation, will never share in the inheritance promised by God to Abraham through Isaac-the son of the promise.

Ultimately, “Cast your cares upon him; for he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

Until next TIME…



There’s a time to hold on to keepsakes, maybe from a loved one, a special friend, or family member. There’s definitely a time to keep important and impactful memorabilia. There’s a time to keep promises, a time to keep calm, and a time to keep sober.

Years ago, I kept a promise to my 4th graders in New York, before   moving to Puerto Rico.  I promised to return for their HS graduation in 8 years if they kept in touch and stayed in school. Eight years later, I flew to NY to see them! We were both excited and happy to see each other!

Keep God’s word!

“My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you.  Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.  Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart” (Proverbs 7:1-4).

In other words, take it with you everywhere, and honor and obey it.

 He wants us to keep it as a treasure, and very near our heart (Psalms 119:11). He also wants us to keep vigilant of Satan’s strategies because he roams like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8) seeking someone to devour.  Keep Away!

Keep your heart pure: “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).

What are you keeping?   Keep God deep in your heart!

God Bless!


In just over a month, people will be going nuts trying to lose a few pounds and a few inches off their bodies.  Some, may try to lose old friendships, companions, or partners.  A time to lose can be viewed as a time to cast things aside or to get rid of things.  Some people will try new ways to lose themselves by trying new gimmicks, yoga, meditations, etc.

God compares our service to Him to that of a husband and wife.  In a God-honoring marriage, both parties are to lose themselves in each other’s embrace and presence.  In passionate love, time flies out the window.  Abandonment to each other is what creates oneness; it’s where “Two become one” (Mark 10:8).

In God’s service, we’re told “He who loses his life for my sake, shall find it” (Matthew 16:25).  How do we lose our lives for Christ?  We wear ourselves out in service for Him.  We abandon ourselves to His kingdom work as we serve others.  We do not grow weary in well-doing (Galatians 6:9).  In His kingdom, one can see tons of people who go out into His service looking sparkling clean and fully energetic, who end up worn, and somewhat wasted for Christ.  A great many people, known as heroes of the faith, lose their lives for Christ.

Are you ready to lose?  Get rid of ideology, numerology, scientology, physiognomy, demonology, even zoology (you didn’t come from no apes).  Yes, people have gone bananas, and monkey business is all around, but you’re made in God’s image, not King Kong’s likeness.  Lose everything that keeps you from finding God. You’ll want to lose it all for His sake.  As the song says, “Laying down your life to find it in the end” Faithful Men by Twila Paris (Kingdom Seekers). Everything we lose now for His sake, we’ll recoup later in His kingdom, plus bountiful rewards!

Keep your eyes on the time…

God Bless,



In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I recently read two stories in the news filled with Thanksgiving charm.  Pouring out our life for others is the epitome of God’s selfless love.  These are the type of stories that have God written all over.  When you read them, you immediately think of God, and you feel Him.  Recent stories like that of Jamal Hinton and Wanda Dench, and Jaylan Lockhart and Guy Miller are really inspiring.  They truly set the stage for what true love and respect is.

I’ve been following Jamal and Wanda’s story for several years now, and it’s always inspiring.  It all began when Dench sent Hinton an invite-message by error-meant for her grandson. He asked if he could still attend anyway, and she consented.  What does, and doesn’t’ make it such a great story, is that she’s white-American, and he’s black-American (African American).  Of course, that shouldn’t be an issue at all, and it isn’t.  But in today’s world filled with hate and violence, being of two racial backgrounds and becoming family at the time of Thanksgiving, makes a great imprint in our lives, and demonstrates that love surpasses racial/cultural differences.

Although, after 8 years of meeting face-to-face, this year was different for Wanda Dench due to cancer treatments.  The fact remains that she was willing to receive him into her house and family, and her was willing to attend and become part of her family too.  Love and respect, caring and honor go hand in hand.  He’s a great young man with a great head on his shoulders in the midst of a falling apart world.

In another story, Jalan Lockhart was doing his postal rounds when he saw Guy Miller (75) lose balance, fall and hit his head.  Lockhart quickly turned around, got help, went to Guy’s aid, and made sure he was taken care of.  Afterwards, Mr. Miller invited Mr. Lockhart over for Thanksgiving. 

As in the first story, different nationalities played a part in this story too, with Miller being a white male and Lockhart, an African American male.  In both stories, bonds were formed, friendship forged, and strangers became instant family members.  To the one whose life is saved, caring on behalf of others, means everything.  Acceptance is the first step in loving others.  Mrs. Drench gained a “grandson” in Jamal, and Guy gained a life-saving family member.  Everyone’s family instantly grew through acts of kindness.

Loving God begins with loving others.  Yet, hundreds of millions of people will wonder why they won’t be invited, not to Thanksgiving, but to God’s House (forever) for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7). “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen” (John 4:20)?  Simply put, “No love for others, means no love for God, and no love from God.” In other words, “You ain’t goin.”

Thanksgiving is the season for being grateful to God, and these two families are. This is also the time to display love to others-another point in these stories. If we can’t stand others, and we can’t love others, we’re missing all of God’s message: “Beloved, love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God” (1 John 4:7).

The world needs more caring people and stronger bonds between strangers.  Thanking God and loving His creation, go hand in hand.  Lip-service doesn’t jibe with God-no matter how holy one considers themselves to be.  It’s all about doing it. You have to live out your salvation.  “The proof is in the pudding.”  Hmmm, think I’ll have some now with ice cream.

Happy Thanksgiving, again!

Recommended song: Teach Me How to Love, Debbie Boone (Choose Life)


Most of us at some point in our lives have been in freezing weather conditions.  The cold blasts nearly take off one’s ears and nose. Hair feels frozen solid, while hands and feet are like blocks of ice and losing movement.  Yet, some people like being frozen while others, not so much.  On the topic of frozen, let’s move inside a second.

Last night we were watching an episode of Foods that Made America. It dealt with Thanksgiving and of course, with turkeys. In the early years, how to make a frozen turkey maintain its juices, was a feat not understood at the time. Through trial and error, it was solved.  Turkey, overall, is a dry meat, especially, its white meat.  The topic prompted my wife to share a cooking tip as well as a memory I’ve previously shared.  

My wife shared a basic difference between how some Americans prepare their turkeys and how overall, Puerto Ricans prepare ours. “Some Americans will defrost their turkeys, season them, and refreeze them again until cooking time,” she said.  “We, on the other hand, defrost them, season them, and refrigerate them until cooking time.  This allows for the juices from the seasonings to spread throughout, allowing for a juicier-tasting turkey,” she said.  At that moment, we both remembered our friend, Mrs. B. and laughed! 

See, Mrs. B. is American living here in Puerto Rico for decades. When she came to our Thanksgiving dinner several years ago, she was delighted and thrilled at the delicious taste of my wife Viv’s turkey gravy! She couldn’t get enough of it! The meat was soft and tender and rich in taste.  Before leaving, Mrs. B. took home some gravy in a plastic container, and after removing everything from her purse, she stuffed it there.  “When I got home, some of the gravy had spilt in the purse!” she shared. “I wasn’t going to let that go to waste-uh, uh!” she said.  “I tipped the purse over and drank that juicy gravy!” she told Viv. It was a good laugh!

While some people prefer frozen, some of us like it plenty juicy, and soft and tender.  Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks to God for all His plentiful blessings, as well as a time for stirring up great memories and making new ones!

Happy Thanksgiving!



About twenty years ago, we were at our local K-Mart store and my wife happened to win a turkey!  Problem was, K-Mart didn’t carry turkeys. So, we were sent on a wild turkey hunt.  We drove out several miles, about 20 or so in search of our “FREE” grand prize.  Found a local K-Mart that would honor the coupon, but they didn’t.  They sent us to another location which wasn’t the place either.  Supposedly, we were looking for a K-Mart that was a Super-store with fridges and a full grocery department.  Seemed like that turkey was flying away whenever it saw us.  Finally, we found a huge K-Mart store and we both said, “After getting the turkey, we’re shop at this place!” It had so many things to see!

We first wanted to make sure the elusive bird was in its cage.  So, we headed to the back and found the fridges! Yay!  All were empty!  Boo!  Finally, someone took the time to explain to us where the meat was really at.  After explaining the various right turns, left turns, by the statues, near the bridge, and after several traffic lights, we’d find it.  I asked what store we would be looking for, and were told, “You’ll pick it up at ECONO Supermarket.” We couldn’t believe it!  ECONO is a few stores down past our neighborhood K-Mart!  With another one even closer to us!

“Forget about checking out K-Mart,” we said, and “flew” back home to grab ahold of this bird and clip its wings before it’d fly away again!  We were so tired, and couldn’t believe the journey we had been on!  From Canóvanas, we ended up somewhere in Caguas running around like a turkey without its head!

Sometimes we might have a hard time coming up with things we are thankful for. Maybe they vanish from our thoughts.  Like our turkey, they might be just beyond everywhere we go.  If it helps, we can write down all the things we’re thankful for.  There’s health, life, friends, family, shelter, jobs, and of course, a God who loves us.

Maybe you’ve been on wild turkey chases too; heck, you may have strayed from home on several occasions trying to find your free and perfect gift.  Guess what??? It’s right there near you!  It’s within your neighborhood!  God is as near as the breath in your nostrils.  He’s as close as your heartbeats!  People try Eastern Religions, Transcendental Meditations, Cults, Sects, Alternative Lifestyles, Variant Philosophies, even Genderism; only to realize those venues don’t offer what they’re after!  Their free gift of salvation has always been down the block. Salvation isn’t religion!  It’s a relationship with the living God!  And He won’t send you on an impossible hunt!  He’s legit!  Accessing Him, is even easier:

 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” (Revelation 3:20 NIV).

Jesus is right at the door of your heart. Open the door and let Him in! In fact, today for Thanksgiving, He can be your invite! So, set out a plate for Him!  Bon Appétit! Add Him and His presence to your Thankful list!

Happy Thanksgiving!