“Yo, I hit your leg!” “Too bad!” “You should have moved!” “No, I stood my grounds!” “Then, do over!!!”  

“I couldn’t hit it, the ball landed on a crack and it went sideways… and

“No, no do over!!!” Then it’s Hindu!” That was typical of our conversations during some of our most intense games!

Ever since around the age of seven, every game I played with the guys, involved a do over! Whether it was two-hand touch football (American), punch-ball, stick-ball, dodgeball, handball, or, no offense, Chinese handball, as we knew it, ‘Do over’ was part of the game!  In Chinese handball, the ball, either one of two types, a Spaulding known as a Spaldeen or a Pencey-Pinky, was served by hitting it down at an angle like a “V” so that after it bounced, it would hit the wall. All players had to stay within their (sidewalk) box. The Server could hit it in his own box several times before passing it to the player next to him or to other players (we used to play up to 4 or 6 players at once). Each player, though, had to pass it to the other player to his right. I believe we could bounce it within our box several times until ready to hit it to the next person.  However, the ball had to bounce only once before hitting the wall.  Unlike regular handball, a killer was a no-no. Since a killer had to hit the wall first, in this game, you were out if you hit one.  The game required lots of concentration.  For one, you had to keep reminding yourself that it wasn’t handball!  You couldn’t just hit the ball with all of your might since the court was small and it really required patience and strategy.

One characteristic of this game was Babies.  That’s when you hit the ball so short and so close to the wall that you’re almost on your knees and your nose is practically touching the ball as you await what your opponent would do next.  Of course, you would want to “Baby’ it back to him but at an angle so that the ball would practically die-that is, not bounce much so that he would miss it.  Sometimes, though, as you expected a “Baby’ the opponent would get really close to the wall but hit it hard catching you off guard! Sometimes, while the ball was in the air, a player would fake hitting it hard and then run in and do a Baby on you-or vice versa! Needless to say, we all had to be on our guard all the time. If the Server missed, the next in line would move up. That was everyone’s goal, to move up.  If another player missed, he’d move to the end.  Rounds of shouts, roars of laughter, mockings, spooks or jinxes, sweaty palms, and bring-it-on were part of the game! The obvious objectives were to ‘psych out’ (syke) your opponents.

And so, anytime someone blocked you, or you accidently hit another player, etc. we’d yell, “Do Over!” That meant another chance at it. Sometimes we yelled “Interference!” It meant the same thing.  Our games were loaded with yelling and shouting and quick moves.  We played intense games. We jumped, zoomed in, zoomed out, rolled on the ground, jumped over and under others, but we rarely had any real arguments or fights. It was just the way we were and how we played.  Some games were ‘Just for fun’ while others seemed like life and death depended on them.  One thing for sure, we put our all into them!  

Do overs were woven into every game and sometimes, it really helped because while the other players were arguing for, or against the call, you could just serve again or whack the ball (in stick-ball) catching them off guard and scoring!  Of course, that in itself many times became a do over because no one was ready!  Angel was one player known for that! He was sneaky, fast, strong, and a good hitter.  Do overs were the actions and adventurous parts of any game!  We really looked forward to them!

These games and how we played them actually shaped the ways we learned to deal with life.  We were always friends.  A game was just a game.  Though played ‘to the death,’ so to speak, we came back to life next day and tried our best again. Great lessons for facing life.

Maybe you can remember some of the games and sports you grew up playing.  Depending on your neighborhood and country, I’m sure they were different from mine. Nevertheless, you might relate to some of these moments. It’s great to relive times and lessons that shaped our lives.  Times spent with those we knew and with those we shared special moments with are the things that can give our lives meaning. Relish those moments and memories.

Growing up among friends had its advantages. Living life with that cushiony feeling of getting breaks, made our days. Now that we’re grown, we have to remember and accept that life isn’t based on do overs.  Very few things can be fixed with those two words. 

Perhaps you’ve grown up thinking about your future.  Millions live with an unrealistic expectation of how they’ll exit this life. For those who believe there is a God, they dream of their dying days as being cooped up on a bed with plenty of time to sort things out and then just die quietly. Reality proposes that most of us will go in a way or in a situation we never would have imagined. And for those thinking and hoping that once they’ve reached their final destination, there’s a way out or around, or under; sorry.  There isn’t.  If you’re thinking of saying to God, “Yo, he was in my way, it wasn’t my fault; let me do it over.”  Scripture tells us, “It is appointed unto man, once to die and after this, the judgement” (Hebrews 9:27). 

As in some of our games, there’ll be yelling, screaming, and gnashing of teeth as people sadly realize that they are doomed and that the only do overs in their lives will be to relive the horrors of torture and separation from God for all eternity.  But WAIT!  All is not yet over!

Scripture says, “Now is the day of salvation! If you hear His voice today, do not harden your hearts” (2 Corinthians 6:2, Hebrews 3:8, 4:7). Today is your day of do overs! Can you imagine?! God is so gracious!!  Ask Him into your heart this very moment! He’s watching and waiting for you! Your life is your game!  Play your best game!  Give it all your best shots!  Maybe when you played as a kid just as we did, you may or may not have had spectators watching you, but God is watching your every move.  He’s for you.  And when He’s in your heart, you will play the best games ever.

Accept Jesus into your heart, make Him The Server, and send me a comment! I will cheer you on too!

God bless you!

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Here’s a special Happy Birthday shout-out to our beautiful daughter Milky D.!

She’s a multitasker, loves cooking, baking, painting, woodworking, gardening, sewing, decorating, singing, and teaching-for starters! She takes after both parents, but mostly after me!

Davina (beloved of God) has had great experiences working at summer camps with special-needs kids, has traveled on missions’ trips to Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, and other countries as well.  Spent three months in Tanzania living among the Maasai tribe for her cultural studies where she had great adventures and experiences living in huts and within the wilds of nature.

Wild at heart and willing to follow where the Lord leads, is deeply-rooted in our daughter-who still takes rooms apart just to put things back all over again and…

In the ups and downs, you’ve been strong! Continue to climb! God Bless!

Love ya,

Papi & Mami

Middle School
August 7th at 8 yrs. old
Sweet Sixteen
High School

Parts and Pieces

Sounds of ambulances and police cars could be heard in the distance; sirens blared as they raced to the scene…Crowds gathered to catch a glimpse and curiosity seekers poked their heads for a better view… In the meantime, the year was probably 1977-78. The address, 124 Humboldt St. in Brooklyn’s Bushwick section. My friend Gil and another guy by the name of Elias were the top handball players in the area. No, we didn’t play on a regular court but had become experts on a small, 8’ wide by 8’ high court within a Housing complex. We took turns winning, with me winning most games. The scene: Elias and I shifting rapidly from left to right, stomping our feet as we reached one corner and dashed back to save our necks. On this particular day, Elias, who was about 5’11 and super-slim, was quick. His long arms helped him reach just about every shot coming at him. I was 5’6” but way-faster, though I had to hustle, but I’d get him.
We always played a game of 21. So, there we were, the score, 19 up-two points needed to win. We skid across the court; we’d practically knock each other out. We’d swing around each other, even under the opponent’s legs. Slam! Bam! We meant business! The score was now 20 (me) to 19. Point game. But Elias swung around striking with a killer. Slammm! In my face! I was down! His turn to serve. He scored! The score, even at 20, meant it was now a 22- point game. I zoomed up front and covered every shot that came. He was down. I went up and now I was in the lead! With a point to go, he got me down again- and scored again! The game was tied at 21. It was now a 23-point game. This continued, pushing the game to a 25-point game. Tons of sweat poured down our faces. We were hot! We were in the best shape of our lives. Our shorts and t-shirts, drenched. Our sneakers left skid marks on the cement below. I was leading now 24-23. That elusive point was all I needed. As the crowd watched from behind, a young, pretty girl just happened to pass behind us carrying a medium-size paper bag with groceries. We battled to defend our championship. We huffed and puffed, but weren’t out of breath. We were the epitome of healthy and unstoppable guys! This was our turf. This was our game! I sometimes played 20 games in a day.
So, I was serving, and with a point left to win, as we practically danced around the court looking like we were dancing to Jungle Boogie, suddenly, there it was!! A stone!! A stone was better than a killer. It’s when the ball hits the lowest it can possibly go on the wall and then just rolled right out! Bam, Bam, Bam! Elias was beside himself! He was grunting in disbelief!! We jumped and jumped, roared and roared! He turned around at ‘Miss Pretty-face” yelling, “You didn’t see that! You didn’t see that! You didn’t see that! She looked down, then smiled shyly, and nodded her head signifying “YES! I saw it, I saw it all!” He yelled again, “N-o-o-o!!!” It rang across the Grand Canyon echoing all around us! I said,” She did, man, she did!” “In your face, dude.” What a game! That was a game of champions and I retained my title! Those gathered around us cheered and laughed and probably nodded their heads saying, “There they go again!”
Fast forward 42 years into the future. Across the street from that location, in an empty school yard with a real handball court Gil and I are playing. Picture Gil as 5’9” and hair like Mr. Monk’s! Gil was a good player and occasionally had his good days! Now and then he would beat me. But then I’d take him on a bike ride and slaughter him! But that’s another story! Here we were. The usual excitement is taking place. We’re running all over the place. We’re skidding, we’re sweating, we’re stomping as we reach one end and rush to the other to cover our corners. Gil was known to shake his head and say, “look at that, Sam.” And all these drops of sweat would stream down to the sidewalk. We’d laugh, but I knew they wouldn’t help him win, not this time. We huffed and puffed, but unlike back in the 70’s, this time we are out of breath; this time our sweat is hyperventilation! There’s smoke coming out the two inner-holes of my Converse All Stars. The game is hot! My feet feel like they’re melting. Gil swings and his walker slides across the court. I rush to my side and my cane goes flying! Gil slams the ball again and his right arm goes with it! As I rush to the front of the court to hit a killer, my toupee flies off! Another hit and my arthritis locks my fingers so I can’t hit the ball! Gil serves but he can’t actually see where the court is! It’s not the sweat in his eyes, but he says it’s the contact lens that flew out! “Sshh, he doesn’t wear any! As we call it a draw, we bend to pick up our parts and pieces. Good thing our teeth held in place! We feel like the $6 million dollar man, only we’re now probably worth $80 million due to inflation! And so, the ambulances come to patch us up. And then leave. The only accident or crime committed was two guys in their 60’s hanging on to their long-forgotten youth and its joys. The gathered crowds cheer us on. They’re laughing in derision! They can’t believe we’d think we still had it. But boy, was it fun! The crowds diminish and head back to do their thing. Wow! What a game-tied at 6 points each!
Though, this last section is a projection, I’m sure it’s what would happen to us at our age! Time flies and regardless of what shape you’re in, life will never be the same as it was 42 years earlier. Enjoy your time now!

Projecting into the near future, there will be no pain in heaven and as the prophet of old, Isaiah, said, “Those who hope in God Adonai, will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with eagles’ wings; when they are running they won’t grow weary , when they are walking they won’t get tired (Isaiah 40:31 NIV). So, remember that God is “our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.” If your life is falling apart or a few parts have been scattered here and there, He is here to pick up the pieces for you and with you. He knows your life, and He knows your game. The ancient wiseman, King Solomon, tells us to seek God in our youth while the days are good and while we have our health (Ecclesiastes 12). Our lives are but a vapor, a wisp that quickly disappears (James 4:14). We take in a few breaths and it seems as if twenty years have flown by. A game like ours in heaven, will probably last for years. I’m sure we’ll have a lot more fun and will feel like we’re back in our twenties forever! God bless!

In Memory of Elias Campos 1957-1990
***Note: Just after having written this blog three days ago, I contacted Gil inquiring about Elias, and he in turn reached Elias’ sister, Naida. I learned that Elias had passed away from a Bronchial Asthma attack back in November of 1990, just 6 days shy of his 33rd birthday. He was definitely a healthy and vigorous player who left us too soon and whose passing caught everyone by surprise being he was never sick nor known to have had any illnesses.

From close-knit sports aficionados, Sam & Gil, our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, particularly sister Naida, who not only lost a brother, but also recently lost Elias’ son to COVID three months ago. Naida also lost her husband of 43 years some 9 months ago. She provided us with pics of a great friend and handball player whom I remembered only from memory these past 42 years.

Sam in 1975
Sam The Man in HS, 1975
Sam and Gil in 1995
Best friends since 1961
Elias as I remember him in the 70s
Elias in the 70’s-80’s
Elias Campos, Jr.-Refined

My Saw In Two! Part Two

Walking in dry beds
Together forever!
A fork in the road
Crossing log bridges
Mountain Music…
The Real Thing!
My Saw after it was put together!
At home where it belongs!

My Saw in Two!

I took two trips a few years ago to the beautiful mountains of North Carolina!  Spent our time with our family up in a hand-hewn, square-cut log cabin with dovetailed corners.  Each day was filled with wonderful views and hot, sunny days of adventure.  The type one can dream about or watch on TV movies.  Beautiful trees, leaves, country roads, birds chirping and sunshine down until 9:30 p.m.! It was heavenly, to say the least!  Each day brought outings and great adventures. One day, we crossed three small log bridges-one person at a time.  We walked trails covered with trees and where streaks of sunshine broke through.  Truly magical!

One day, my son-in-law and I visited some antique stores while the wives were home.  Not a good thing! I eyed a two-man saw with a landscape scene beautifully painted on it.  I convinced myself I needed it and wanted it.  I purchased it but now had two problems: How to ship it back to Puerto Rico and how to tell my wife; both difficult moves.  My son-in-law had my back in terms of getting it shipped.  We got some boxes, bought tape, and spent 45 minutes pouring sweat from our foreheads at the post office parking.  It wasn’t easy to package a flimsy 66” long saw; but we did it! Inside the post office, we were called to the counter.  The agent didn’t know how to measure it.  Instead of measuring the length, the width, and the height-a mere 2,” he measured the length twice!  We were appalled! We told him that was not the way to do it! He insisted it was! Now, we had a bigger problem (literally)!  This being near a 4th of July weekend, many businesses were closed.  We finally found a chainsaw carving locale and asked if someone could ruin my beautiful saw by cutting it down with a grinder.  One guy agreed.  When he saw the artwork, he asked us, “Are you guys really sure you want to do this?”  Tearfully and with shaking knees, I said, “Yes.”  We held a moment of silence…

We repackaged it and headed to the P.O. the agent was surprised at how small we were able to get it-shmuck! Just as he was about to call us, another teller called us & he measured it correctly! All that for nothing. It was on its way, and now I only had to tell my wife.  The sweat would pour down again. “Honey, Baby, Sweetie, Darling…What a beautiful day…” I lived to tell about it, though it took a while to recover from the wounds (kidding). Good thing she didn’t have the saw on hand-you’d never know!

Back home, I had to find someone to seamlessly weld it back & then I had to paint it to blend both parts. I didn’t mind because I knew the saw had a story and history of its own and now it had mine to go with it!  That’s life.  We all have stories, though I seem to have tons of them.

Some two thousand years ago, Jesus had a story to tell, a mission to fulfill, and a purpose for both.  Upon His death, the veil of the temple was torn in two.  Decades ago, I read it would require 2-3 oxen on each end, each pulling in their direction in order to tear the veil apart.  Yet, it was divinely torn-not from the bottom the way oxen or men could do it, but from the top signifying it was an act of God.  So, why was the veil important?  In a nutshell, it separated us from a holy God.  It required burnt offering and sacrifices to reach Him.  It kept us from approaching Him and saying, “What’s up, God?” The tearing means we now have access to Him anytime and anywhere. He took our sins and He sacrificed His life for us so we wouldn’t have to.  He took our place at the altar.  We can talk to Him and tell Him whatever is on our hearts.

Years later, history tells us that one or two of His disciples were sawed in half. At the coming resurrection, their bodies will become ‘ONE’ again- as will the bodies of all that have died for Christ’s cause, whether they’re on/In the ground, cremated, in the sea, or anywhere else!  If there’s hope for an old, artful saw, there’s definitely plenty of hope for you!

Bright, Sunny Days in NC


Cleaning House

From the time our kids were 6 and 8 years old up to 11 and 13, they had some strange ways of cleaning their rooms.  The two weird ones were the two oldest ones, Milky and Gam.  Milky, the ever-creative one, always had an ‘interpretive’ way of what cleaning meant.  The first time we encountered her ‘non-kosher’ ways was when she was about 5-6 years old.  There were probably 9-13 toys on the floor with pants, blouses, and other goodies strewn about.  l gave them all 15 minutes to clean up. Upon returning, the mess had multiplied about 40 times over! I was upset! I couldn’t believe it! I called my wife over to see what this room now looked like! I don’t think the floor tiles were visible! She was full ripe for a spanking; but wait!! She had a plan! There was a full and logical explanation for this chaos! “In order for me to clean, I first have to empty every chest drawer and every dresser drawer, and I have to dump all the toys on the floor.  This way, I get to reorganize everything and return them to where they belong,” she explained.  She was spared and given another hour to demonstrate her skills.  She did it although the thought of getting that spanking made her rush it through.  And so, the expected unexpected surprises made their way into our home.

   Our son had his own creativity as well! His room had bunk beds with the bottom bed empty.  His first stunt was to pull a bedsheet over the bottom bed covering the side too. I walked in, open some drawers and found all up to par.  As I reviewed the room, I noticed he didn’t move from in front of his bed…. When I moved him and lifted the sheet, wow! everything was on that bed!! He hadn’t cleaned at all. Another time, everything again looked cleaned and legit, but upon further inspection, just like on TV, he wouldn’t move his outstretched arm from leaning on the closet.  I asked him to move and when I opened the door, everything poured right on down to the floor!  I learned that whether toys were swept under the bed, covered with clothing, hidden under the sheets, or whether the youngest child was missing because Milky made her a “Why didn’t I think of that before?” bed by hiding her in a towel-lined chest drawer, and pulled her out so I could see her ingenuity, that our kids could come up with all sorts of things to cover up their responsibilities, or lack thereof.

One day, according to Scripture, Jesus faced a similar situation: The holy temple courts were filled with corrupt leaders and vendors.  People found shortcuts for their responsibilities.  If someone forgot to drop by Lamb-mart to pick up a perfect lamb for their family sacrifice, they could get one of those ‘dent’ models at the temple; except for a few blemishes, it was just as good, they reasoned.  The bible shares that in past times before Jesus’ days, the people viewed serving God as a weariness (Malachi 1:13).

Armed with a whip, Jesus, with righteous anger, overthrew the vendors for polluting His Father’s house (John 2:13-17).  We can look at that in disbelief and marvel at how some people could do such a thing.  Yet, we do the same.  We’re good at disguising our cleaning.  We’ll sweep our junk, our toys, our anger, our jealousies under our beds or in the closets of our minds.  We know we anger our Father, but we figure He’ll forgive us.  At best, we hope He doesn’t look in our secret chambers to discover what’s in there.  Here’s a secret:  If we could go back in time to before we were born, or before time even existed, we’d find that God already knew what things we will try to get away with.  We can’t hide anything from Him.  It’s like suspecting our son may have eaten 8 of the 12 Oreos we left in a pack and so we figure we can ask him.  He’ll deny it with the most serious and somber face available.  But then he smiles slightly as if to say, “I’m so good, I’ve got this” and then you notice the black teeth and tongue… All we wanted was for him to come clean.  That’s what God wants.  He doesn’t want or need your Oreos but He does want your life.  He’ll clean it out much better than we ever could.  He has a plan.  He has a drawer for every toy and garment; not for hiding your kids.  He won’t sweep anger or envy under the bed; He’ll remove them completely.  You’ll feel tons better knowing you’ll have the seal of a clean house inspection. 

God Bless

The Heart of a Father

When our kids were growing up, I didn’t have much to give them.  I was usually busy with a ton of things.  One day I thought of something that would work for me.  I decided to give each of my three kids thirty minutes once a week. Usually on a Thursday or Saturday, I would set up my timer for thirty minutes and then we’d pray and have talks about relative issues with each child.  We’d learn the books of the Bible, review verses and then wrestle! We’d have fun!  Those few minutes helped us bond.  As they grew older, wrestling was replaced by basketball or volleyball, etc. Those were moments that will never return.  The kids are all grown and two of them have kids of their own.  Life is precious and if we’re not careful, it slips from us.  We don’t need to hold on to the past but it’s good to continue creating new memories and special moments together.

So, what would I like for Father’s Day?  I’d like to know that my kids call me once a week to ask ‘How are you Pa?’ How’s it going?  How are you feeling today? What are you working on now?  To have talks about …the time that…etc.  To me, Father’s Day is about honoring your dad.  It’s about thanking him for lessons learned, for moments spent together.  No, not all moments were great-they never are, but we learn that life isn’t flawless. We learn that God placed us in a certain home for reasons.  Granted, some kids have or have had horrible upbringings and I assure you, God will deal with that and with those involved.  He’s adamant about how we treat little ones-and older ones.

 Sometimes, we break our fathers’ hearts.  Generally, young folks have something to look forward to in their lives but older people don’t always share those hope for their own lives.  For many, life could be senseless or hopeless and that’s when they need their kids there.  Kids can lift the spirit of their parents; they can give them a sense of hope and inspiration to go forth.  Remember, your father will not be around forever.

Take God, for example.  We can break His heart millions of times a day every day.  We shatter His hopes for us when we stay away or don’t honor Him.  We cause Him to cry (Luke 19:41).  We cause Him to miss us (Luke 15:11-32).  Even as Christians we can stay away too long.  God longs for those ‘thirty minutes’ of fun and fellowship with Him.  He longs to hear from us.  He wants to know our dreams and aspirations.  He longs for those plans we have; He wants to see us use our creativity for His glory.  God wants His children to talk to Him; to reminisce about those times when…He wants us to honor Him not only with our words, but with our actions like with time spent in His presence-or with our parents. God, will always be there-He’s eternal.

Call your dad this weekend.  Talk to God.  Tell them both what they mean to you.  Talk of special moments shared together.

Happy Father’s Day!

In the By and By

Months ago, my wife and I began walking.  We walk around the outside of our home; down to the end, take a left, turn back, and do it again. We’re up to twenty laps now.  We walk, walk, walk, and we talk, talk, talk.  Actually, I do the talking, my wife keeps track of the laps and ‘listens’ to me.  Occasionally, she talks too.  So, there we were recently, just talking and listening away.  Going back and forth and by and by.  I shared and she agreed.  We both made our points known for at least four laps.  Several laps later I touched on the point again and my wife asked what I was talking about.  I reminded her our discussion several laps prior. “Don’t you remember?” I asked; “No,” she said.  So, I asked her what she was agreeing to and what in the world was all her input towards.  Laughing hysterically, she said, “I don’t know!”  She had no clue what idea or concept we had been talking about.  And so, we continued to walk, walk, and walk. And as I talked and talked, she counted and ‘listened.’

The book of Amos, 3:3 tells us “Can two walk together except they be agreed?”  God reminds us the importance of being ‘on the same page’ for things to have positive results.  Whether you walk for fun, for health, or are in a relationship, agreeing is key for seeing eye-to-eye. In a serious relationship, agreeing implies both parties knowing and understanding God’s principles. Enjoy the by and by.  Make sure you’re a great listener.

P.E.C.O.S. Bill

I recently heard some comments on being privileged and underprivileged and it rang a bell. My thoughts:

We’re all underprivileged; we all stand guilty before a Holy and loving God.  We have no rights to anything.  We don’t deserve anything worthy other than the wrath of God and His judgement-even death.  Man, however, has acknowledged that since we have all been created by the same God, we all deserve equal treatment; and we do. But as far as being real goes, there’s only One Way to be God-approved: We become Privileged in Christ.  We become Equal in Him.  Through His sacrifice on the Cross we all become One. 

Take a journey down memory lane and recall your parents’ words or those of your grandparents.  There, you will recall their mentioning ‘walking with God.’ True, our lanes are really rugged paths-sometimes crooked with potholes, ditches and detours.  We’ve all walked down wrong paths at some point in our lives.  But if you continue walking, you’ll reach the foot of the cross.  It doesn’t matter if you continue walking backwards to your past or forward to your future: either way will bring you to the cross-if you look for it.  There, at that ‘zero’ point all things have a start.  It is there where you find yourself; it’s where you lose yourself; it’s where you understand yourself; it’s where you begin to understand God.  It’s there where you understand others. It’s where you get your worth from.  It’s where you learn to value others.  It’s where you are equalized with them.  The cross is where we understand that we can’t do anything without Him in our lives. The cross strips us of our false beliefs and identities; the cross shows us that real value and dignity hangs there.  Jesus at the cross was all the best the world had and has; yet the only perfect person gave His all for you and me.  We’re not worthy of anything other than being guilty for putting Him up there.

As we start anew, through His sacrifice we are Sanctified-set aside for His works and purposes.  In Christ, we receive a new Bill of ownership, a Bill of forgiveness, a Bill of debt-free.  We’re declared sinless!  Whether you’re a sneaker person or a sandal guy, grab your shoes, your crutches or wheelchair and start your journey to the cross.  Christ is waiting there for you.  It’s not your stories or excuses that he wants, no. He’s waiting to receive you with open arms.  Sure, He’ll listen to all you have to say so pour out your heart to Him and He’ll embrace you and rub your hair and pat your back.  He’ll kiss your cheeks just like your daddy did or your grandma/grandpa did.  He’ll caress you and accept you.  He’ll welcome you home.  He’ll clean and dress your wounds.  Everyday He’s there by the window of His home looking out for you hoping today will be the day of your return.  When you give your life to Him, you’re lassoed in and become Privileged to be called His son or daughter. Remember:

Privileged, Equal, Cross, One, Sanctified Bill (certified)

God bless you.

Not Guilty

We are all guilty of sin in our lives.  We are all born in sin.  We can’t escape it.  We can’t cover our sin.  We can’t erase it or undo it.

This week, Jews and Christians worldwide celebrate Passover and Easter. Passover deals with the Israelites shutting themselves in, eating a specific meal while dressed, and ready to go.  God instructed them through Moses to prepare a lamb, apply its blood on the doorposts and lintels of their home.  The roasted lamb was to be eaten in haste.  God’s Angel of Death would be passing by at midnight to strike dead all the first-born (human and beasts) of the Egyptians.  When the Angel saw the blood on the Israelite’s home on the two side posts and the top beam, he passed over it.

Christians believe Jesus to be the Sacrificed Lamb of God which was slaughtered for all mankind.  It happened on Passover.  At the time of the evening sacrifice, Jesus died outside the city just like the Jews had to do with the lamb taken out of the camp.  While the first lamb was a representation of forgiveness, the second was actual.  While the first one was to be repeated yearly, the second was eternal (Hebrews 10:12-But this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God). He took our sins once and for all time. While the first sacrifice brings remembrance of sins, the second erases all memory of them (Hebrews 10:17-And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more) for Christ deposited them in the sea of forgetfulness.  And separated them as far as the east is from the west signifying perpetually because east and west never meet. (Psalm 103:12).

While it’s so true that the Jews arrested Jesus, also a Jew, illegally and tried Him likewise, breaking a multitude of laws, had they not done so, we wouldn’t be here today.  The world, as well as Christians, many times forget that because of the Jews rejection of Jesus, we were grafted in.  An opening or a pause in history was created by God so that we, the gentiles, might have a chance to enter in to God’s presence and reap benefits otherwise unavailable to us.

This Good Friday is more than just the suffering of a good man or of ‘the suffering servant’ as He is known to the Jews.  It is more than just the shame and unfair treatment he received.  There was a battle raging for centuries for your soul and mine.  Satan and his demonic host haven’t wanted us to know God one-on-One.  He hasn’t wanted for us to be rescued, redeemed by God for God.  Good Friday is a victorious day!  Passover shows us what was to come and Good Friday reminds us that the suffering was necessary for an Easter to be fulfilled.  Jesus needed to die in order to be raised from the dead.  No one group really took His life.  He laid it of His own volition and took it back.  While mankind and Satan thought they had Him cornered and defeated, they were actually helping Him fulfill His destiny: God’s plan for mankind for the ages.

Your suffering, however great, is a small snapshot of Christ’s sufferings, deaths, and resurrection to give you eternal life with no more pain, sickness, death or sorrow, but perpetual joy in the hereafter.  *In the original scriptures, it reads; ‘In His deaths, indicating he didn’t only die His death but several deaths; the deaths of others; your death and mine.  He died for all your sins and for all of mine. He’s declared us: “NOT GUILTY!” But, you have to claim His sacrifice! You have to believe He died for you and that He wants you to live for Him.

Tomorrow will remind us Jesus rose from the dead once and for all! He’ll never die again and He’ll never be raised again!  He conquered the grave, He defeated darkness.  Believe on Him, accept His sacrifice for you and you too will live forevermore!  Happy Passover and Happy Easter!