Growing up if we broke something, did, or didn’t do something, we normally didn’t say a word. Unlike on TV, no one went around claiming it was his fault. There were never two or three people fighting each other claiming they were at fault for something. Shoo, if someone says, “oh, it’s my fault” most others will say, “You bet it is.” It may be real on TV, but not in our neighborhoods.
Once, during jury duty, a young black guy was on trial with about three charges against him. Most jurors wanted to listen to the facts/evidences available. One, elderly black woman however, said all black guys taken to court were automatically guilty! Ultimately, he was declared Not Guilty! His lawyer went berserk.
“Not guilty” are words we like hearing, especially if falsely accused. We live in a fallen & broken world. Regardless how innocent we may be, we’re guilty of sin within us. We’re all born into sin; can’t get away from it. In fact, Romans 3:10 says, “There is none righteous, no, not one.”
In the excellent movie, The Shack Mack is asked to choose one of his two children and condemn him/her to hell. Finding it impossible to do so, and due to his love for them, he chooses to go in their stead. That’s how God dealt with us. Finding it impossible to send us to hell, He decided to die in our place. That’s what Jesus did for us. Seeing the effects of sin all around and desiring to be reunited with His bride (all believers), God the Father asked, “Who will go?” Jesus answered, “Behold, send me, I will go” (Isaiah 6:8).
The Righteous God died for all unrighteous men and women (all humanity). Our guilt was transferred to Him while we took His innocence. We trade our lies for His Truth. He became our sin sacrifice. His death gave us eternal life. Just as when younger you and I might still keep quiet and not admit our guilt. However, it’s time to ‘fess up.” Those who refuse accepting His loving sacrifice, choose instead to bear the weight of their sins. In despising it, they are in essence, saying, “We don’t need you;” we prefer instead, to endure hell over heaven.
It’d be great to hear, “Not Guilty!”
God Bless,
Love Song
Peter Frampton sang, Baby I Love Your Way and the Spinners sang Could It Be I’m Falling in Love? Like thousands of others, they’re great love songs. I once heard an illustration of a guy in love who told his girl something like this:
“Nothing can keep me away from you. No river can keep me from getting near you. I’ll cross the widest ocean to see your sweet face I’ll scale the highest mountain to hear your voice… but I’ll see you in two days cause it’s raining tonight.”
So much for true love!
God looked down from His throne room and saw a huge gulf between Himself and mankind. It was a vast space covered in sin disallowing for fellowship with His most prized possession.
He stooped from holiness to mankind. From riches and glory, to poorness and gory, He climbed high upon a hill to proclaim His love to the world (And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to me-John 12:32). He didn’t get down on one knee and ask, “Will you marry me?” That would’ve been too easy. With nailed feet and out-stretched arms spiked to a cross, He yelled, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Instead, through love and sacrifice, He laid down His life for you and me. He conquered sin closing forever the gulf separating Him from His beloved. Your name is there…Desiree, Roger, Tony, Nancy, Shamika, Deb, Steve, Joey, Tray, Lauren, etc.
An old song says…
I’ll shout it from the mountain top I want my world to know The Lord of love has come to me I want to pass it on.
(Pass It On-It Only Takes a Spark)
God Bless,
Tour a beautiful home, check out the curves on an exotic car, hold one-of-a-kind diamond jewelry, taste a scrumptious meal, and people will react with one word: Awesome! No doubt, some things may be difficult to describe or worthy of one-word adjectives. However, this overused word isn’t used correctly.
The term was coined for one purpose: to describe God.
Awesome, describes an indescribable God, an incomparable God, a being above all beings, it measures an immeasurable grace. Awesome begins to identify the limitless characteristics of the only loving God.
When Someone lays His life for yours, when that Someone is Jesus and He takes your place on the cross, when He took the nails for you, when He took your guilt and exchanged it for His innocence, when He took the weight of your sins and traded it for His sinless life, you can begin to see His Awesomeness. It’s much more valuable than a car which can take you nowhere in the horrors of hell. It’s worth more than an expensive watch in a doomed eternity. How wonderful will your clothing be, or the senseless toys you dropped your money on where there’s no escape? Do you think anything will matter there? No, it won’t.
Only One Person made a way into the afterlife including hell. Only One Person made a way out of it and took the captives out (Ephesians 4:8). Only Jesus, the Eternal God, gets to wear the attire with the label AWESOME for all to see. Only His crown of thorns, rusted 5” nails and disfigured body perfectly describes absolute beauty and love fit for the King of kings.
God Bless,
Blessed Good Friday
When I was about 4, I remember one day my knee hurting. I hugged it close to me and said to my mom, “Me huele” (h is slient; short e sounds). My mom, who was sweeping/mopping, stopped, smelled it, and said, “I don’t smell anything.” I looked at her and then repeated my statement. She then said, “O, te duele.” “Huele” means smells, while “duele” means hurts. It was hurting and in need of TLC.
We’re a people hurting in different ways and hurting all over. Pain is not a friend. Even when it’s emotional or mental, it hurts. What if we could be done with pain? What if we could rid it forever? Imagine no one ever hurting us again. Imagine us not saying the wrong words again. Imagine not hurting others in any particular way, ever.
While Israel awaited a savior to physically deliver them from their enemies, God had other plans. Let’s see it this way: Suppose you finally rid your house of pests-rodents, ants, etc. You’d rejoice! When you’d think of your mortgage…you’d know you’re really not free. God wanted to bring freedom to Israel and to the world not only from its enemies, but from one hidden enemy invisible to the naked eye: sin.
God’s plan has always been to get ‘His baby back,” if you will.
The one thing that’s always hanging over us is a sinful nature. No one can escape it. It’s at work in our lives nonstop. Sin separated us from God in the garden. It hurt Him dearly.
Once a year, Israelites offered to God a sacrifice for the sins of the people-a spotless (perfect) lamb. That’s why Jesus, being God, came to earth by way of the Holy Spirit overshadowing Mary so as not to contaminate the seed. He came without sin. He lived without sin. His cousin John, at seeing Him said, “Behold, the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).
Being the perfect sacrifice, Jesus died in our place and freed us once and for all from the grip of sin. It was a horrendous death. If He moved, His nailed feet wouldn’t allow it. When He tried to shift His weight, He couldn’t. Tried to stretch His arms, they were nailed in place. He couldn’t stop the flow of the blood running down His face from the thorny crown. Yet, through it all, it is believed He whispered your name and mine. Definitely, You were on His mind. It was His love for you that kept Him up there. You see, He could have chosen a different way to die, but didn’t. He could have chosen any time in history, yet chose the one He did. He chose to hurt over us to remind us that true love hurts and that true love is based on sacrifice. His sin offering is free for the asking. No, He won’t die again, and no, it isn’t automatic. You need to repent of your ways and like a prize, claim it.
How much time do you have? “For God…is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2Peter 3:9b). Time is running out. Today is the day of salvation. What a great testimony to say, “I gave my heart to Jesus on Good Friday.”
There will be no pain or suffering in heaven!
God Bless,
Remember those early days of your teenage years? Especially those when you were young and in love? There were butterflies in the tummy, feelings of nervousness. Maybe you were anxious and had feelings of anxiety. There were days of puppy-love, of falling in love for the first time. Days when you wondered if you were going to be liked. You wondered if he’d find you pretty, or good-looking. Or, maybe you were in love for the umpteenth time and still were uncertain of the future. Those years of growing up were tough ones!
But maybe somethings haven’t changed! You might still be uncertain of the future. Doubt, fear, assurance, etc. can linger when one is in love.
I remember feelings brought about by love songs of my day.
I remember the words: “Can it be I stayed away too long; did I leave your heart while I was gone?” (The Jackson 5-I Want to Be Where You Are).
I remember how my heart jumped when I saw that special girl. I remember the churning in my stomach, the butterflies, the insecurities, gathering my nerves to speak, at the same time, having the desires to hide! All symptoms of love. It’s amazing, but one can hear a particular song that will automatically place us 20, 30, or 50 years back in time to special moments and special places. We get transported back to where we were, how we felt, things we said. We instantly become young again. We relive occasions we may have forgotten about. We picture everything from scents to clothing, to feelings and thoughts perhaps buried under layers of memories and different, or new experiences.
Love songs can remind us of painful past experiences as well as tender loving moments. We might recall falling in love, getting engaged, even married, or breaking up and lots of heartaches. Loving moments can be extremely vivid.
Those experiences/memories help shape how we now love others. New and great love songs can heal our past. They can push us ahead to where we currently are in life; to where we live. How’s your heart? Is it rejoicing with newfound love? Is it still reeling? Is it crying about days gone by- years gone by?
I remember a poem of long ago that went:
“I once had a heart and it was true but now it is gone from me to you. Take care of it as I have done ‘Cause you have two and I have none.”
Maybe, that’s where you find yourself these days: broken, taken advantage of, beating yourself with one of those mechanical legs attached to a rope you pull on and it gives you a swift kick right in the but-tushki.
I hear you. God can feel your pain.
Be of good courage, greater days lie ahead.
Like a clock ticking away telling time, our hearts beat and pulse to the rhythm of love. Try singing this song
“Lord, I give You my heart, I give You my soul,
I live for You alone. And every breath I take,
Every moment I’m awake, Lord, have Your way in me.”
(Hillsong Worship-This Is My Desire).
Although Chief Joseph died of “A Broken Heart,” it didn’t compare to Jesus.’ Jesus had His heart broken by the entire world. God’s heart also was shattered.
Yet with a loving heart and open arms, He still loves you and waits for you. His Valentine’s message to you is: “My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways” (Proverbs 23:26). Let Him know you love Him today. It’s fine if you ate the chocolates, He only wants the heart.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
God Bless,

White Treasure
Softly we ran through the snow. It was a game of two-hand touch football. The snow was 16” deep. The winds howled. Hail rained on us. We ducked our heads and took giant steps in and out of the snow. We covered a few feet of ground with each run before feeling the exhaustion. As we tried to look up, the cold snow bit into our faces. Ice-cold winds cut deep into the skin. We stuck our tongues out and tasted flurries. But we trudged on. We passed the ball, we tackled each other. It wasn’t about winning; it was about fun. It was about seeing how far we could get by raising our legs as high as possible to take one step. We fell on our faces. We fell on our backs. We stared at the skies with nearly-closed eyes and swallowed the silence around us.
Our heads felt as if we were spinning. It was as if we were in a movie where the camera man is circling around us capturing our every move. We could stay there all day had it not been for our freezing feet. Hail beat upon us and we shielded our faces with our freezing hands. Our pinkish ears felt like they might fall off. Then we laughed! We screamed! We knew that in the silence no one could hear us. “I’m heading home to warm up” I said. “Me too!” said another. “Yep!” was the consensus. No score and no losers, for we were all winners. We had tasted the coolness of snow. We had basked in its chill. We had rested in its depths. We had looked into God’s treasures of snow and hail; we had felt His Hand upon us (Job 38:22).
Have you been touched by His hand? Have you fallen on your face before Him? Have you entered into His secret rooms? Do you know Him well enough to share your secrets with Him?
When you do, you’ll want to bask in His presence. You’ll want to lay on your back and feel His caress. You’ll feel His touch upon your face. You’ll be a winner, but only after you lose yourself in Him. You’ll feel yourself spinning in circles. God’s always there; always here like a cameraman admiring you from every angle. He can’t get enough of you! Go ahead, laugh, scream with joy and excitement because He loves you! The One whose treasures include snow and hail, has you at the top of His list! He also has treasures of blessings in disguise for you. Let Him snow upon you! Throw the ball, take a shot. He’s making a pass, go deep. Catch it!
Now go home and warm up. Get ready for tomorrow; more snow is on the way.
God bless!

Walking Bike
One wintry day back in ’76 or ’77. I rode to work as usual with around 6” of snow on the ground. My ride on Bushwick Ave. totaled about three miles each way. It was cold and windy. I wore my large army coat which repelled water and snow. It was great for fighting the wind-chill-factor. On my back I carried an army knapsack. It was rugged and strong. It carried extra clothing for the weather as well as emergency items.
On the way home that afternoon, we were getting hit by a snowstorm expecting another 10” making visibility very difficult. My ride from Flushing Avenue to Myrtle Avenue was an uphill one. After that it leveled out for the next two miles before going uphill again. Aware that I could not ride the bike, I began walking home. Just past Myrtle, a motorist, trudging along at about 5 mph. and finding himself right next to me, leaned over, lowered his passenger-side window, and said, “Oh, I see, some people walk their dog, but you walk your bike!” Dumbfounded, and before I could explain, he laughed and moved on.
Sometimes, our walks are long. Sometimes, they’re through pouring rain. Other times, they may be through scorching heat. They might even be like that day, through a storm. Whether you’re walking through puddles (lots of tears), deserts (finances dried up), snow drifts (bills mounting), or slush (all stressed out), remember these famous lyrics of long ago:
“And he walks with me and he talks with me And he tells me I am his own And the joy we share as I tarry there None other has ever known.”
Jesus makes the walk more pleasant-whether you’re walking a dog or walking a bike. And while He’s there walking beside you, allow Him to carry your knapsack loaded with your worries, problems, and sins. He’s going your way. Above all, remember to laugh in the midst of your storm.
*In the Garden by C. Austin Miles, 1913
God Bless!

There I was face to face with my enemy. White, plastic sword in my hand. Directly opposite me stood my brother Ruben. Unlike other times when I faced off with my little brother, Nelson, three years younger, whom I defeated several times over, slicing and dicing him to smithereens, Ruben was taller and eleven years my senior.
“On Guard!” we yelled. Crisscross, up, down, straight, zig-zag, diagonally we tried to slice the other off. I was El Zorro; he was a vigilante. Our living room was our stadium, our battleground. Minutes went by. We moved in my direction, then in his. I tried cornering him but his height and arm-reach were greater than mine. I climbed on the sofa, then jumped down again. “Give up” we said. “I’ll slice you to pieces,” said the other. “Down, you dog!” we said. Round and round we danced daring the other to give up. As more minutes went by it was evident this would not be an easy fight, not for an 11-year-old. This was a quality sword not some cheap $.25 blade. It had won many battles and this was an epic match.
Sparring was in our blood and soon someone’s blood would be spilt. “Aha! take this” said Ruben and suddenly, my sword was slashed in two! He thrust the ball-point at the end of his sword into my heart and blood in the form of laughter poured out as I fell on the sofa! We had a good laugh and Ruben was the new champ. Now it was time to admit defeat and trash my sword. My fifty-cent sword had come a long way; It had experienced many fights.
We are commanded in Scripture to “Take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17) to fight against, and conquer the opposing forces of evil.
On Guard!
God Bless,
With a pillow at my back, I lean against the bay window seat gazing out at the snow swirls. Softly it falls. White and soft, fluffy and gently it lands without making a sound. Powdery-white trees surround my home. Branches beautifully display God’s creativity. A hallow silence is echoed throughout the land. Beauty is frozen in time available for all to behold, for all to cherish.
Holding a soft pillow to my cheek I take in its pleasant scent as I drift (like the snow) between bouts of sleep and daydreams of the goodness of God. As the fire crackles and flames dance, I think of His gentleness, of how He calms everything. He calms our fears and qualms.
Like gentle falling snow, the Holy Spirit settles upon our lives stilling our nerves, changing our inner environment, and like a fresh blanket of snow that hides dirty grounds and filthy streets, He makes of us a beautiful wonderland. Like the fire in a fireplace, He warms our hearts.
God Bless,

Howling Winds, Stillness and Beauty
Twinkling lights shine bright
On a cold, dark, snowy night.
Logs aglow in the fireplace,
Send heat and warmth upon my face.
Clenched blanket wrapped around me tightly,
As twinkling lights shine ever-so brightly.
Serene stillness & peace envelope me,
Priceless beauty as only snow can be
God Bless!