That’s a great song by Bob Seager and the Silver Bullet band! One line rings true for most of us: “I’m older now but I’m still running against the wind.” As a track runner, I can recall those days when there was a headwind; it just sucked the life out of you. No matter how hard you pushed it seemed you were standing still. Same thing when I was into cycling. I’d look at my calendar to see my last timing for a certain distance, and then determine how well I felt that particular day to see if I could break that timing. Many times, I just couldn’t do it! The winds were up against me pushing mercilessly. As I sometimes look back, I can see the hardships in my life, the broken promises, the enduring pain. I can see the anxieties that built-up, the insecurities that formed, the tears I shed over a broken heart. Accompanying those tears and hurts were the ever-present lyrics of songs that either comforted me or supported the hurts. Don’t we all have a set of songs that relate to difficult times in our lives? Remember when life was young? Remember when love was true? Remember your vows? Remember those words you promised or were promised to you? How you were this close to tying the knot? This close to happiness? Can you relate to the pains that have brought you to this point in your life? Maybe you’re not out of the woods yet. Maybe just recently you had your heart or life shattered. You might still be bleeding from the stabs; reeling from the hurt, still gathering the broken pieces of your life. You don’t know where to go or how to even put one foot in front of the next. You feel you can’t stand alone. During my runs, both on foot and on bike, there were days when the wind was at my back. Those were days when I could fly! On the track, when running, my long hair flew in the wind as I sped around the track catching runner after runner. On the bike, I remember one day coming off the small bridge from Rockaway beach. It was either North or South Conduit Ave. going towards Cross-bay BLVD. The winds were behind me and I was whizzing by! I was pedaling at 30 mph for five miles straight, considering traffic and traffic lights! When we’re running against the winds, we’re struggling. When our lives went against the wind, all types of hurt and pains were present. We don’t reach a point where the winds are gone. Sometimes they’re calm, sometimes they’re crossways. But they’re usually present. Pains are still present. Many times, I feel like I’m still running against the wind. Nothing I say or do seems right. Things are blown out of proportion. Feelings get hurt and life gets difficult. I find I can’t be around people I love. Fortunately, God makes a way for us. Going with God, is going with the wind. We can give Him our hurts. He’ll take our sad yesterdays and give us glorious tomorrows. He’ll dry our tears. He’ll show us how to shift our focus from unpleasant memories to brighter experiences. He’ll have us running around the track (of life) with renewed hope. He’ll even give us new songs to sing. Not songs of how our hearts were broken or how we were left at the altar, but songs of victory, songs of hope, songs of laying our lives down at His altar of sacrifice. Winds will remain present, but God is on our side. In fact, one thing that motivated us most at track meets, were the cheering crowds. God cheers us on daily. He believes we can make it through to the other side-if we just hold on a bit longer. Like the Irish saying: “May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of your hand.” Go with the Wind!! If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). God is for you! God Bless, Sam
It’s pretty amazing to watch chainsaw carvers. Those with blocks of ice, as well as those with huge tree trunks in front of them, are able to ‘see’ what their stump will become. “Brumm” the saws go chipping away around edges and corners where arms, legs, bears, eagles, or other creatures will appear. After some time, the end result emerges-spectacular! I remember a lady carving an 18’ tall eagle sculpture from a tree and using 250 tools in the process! From such carvings, masterpieces come forth. God’s words to Israel: “See, I will never forget you; I have carved you in the palm of my hands” (Isaiah 49:15,16). Be His masterpiece! Allow Him to chip away at those things He knows need trimming. As he works on you, He’ll present you with a new body when you get to heaven! He’s the Master Craftsman.
God Bless!
Storm Update
Power has gone out today, Saturday, September 17, 2022 for 15 minutes. We’re getting lots of rain, and it’s very windy. Power goes out again as winds and rain increase, this time for close to 9 hours. Power returns at 11:30p.m. At 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning, September 18, it’s gone again and hasn’t returned yet. Sunday saw 18-25” of heavy and severe rainfall coupled with 90mph winds. It’s interesting that on this very day 35 years ago, hurricane Hugo made landfall. Today, it’s hurricane Fiona. Hopefully, Shrek isn’t following behind! It’s now Monday evening and it’s very unlikely power will be restored, not for at least several weeks. Of over a million people here, supposedly, 46k currently have power. There’s no water either due to several rivers running their banks and polluting it. Since some generators are used to provide water, and there is no electricity, there’s little water. Such are storms. They wreak havoc in our lives. They’re unpredictable. They rain trials upon and winds of adversity whip us into exhaustion. Such weather patterns cause us to flee to higher ground lest we experience flooding and risk getting washed away. During hurricane season, June 1st– Nov. 30th, we prep ourselves seeking refuge in higher ground, moving to safe locations, purchasing non-perishable, stocking up on water, having backup power of sorts, phones charged, and stocking up on necessary things like meds, diesel, gas, candles and matches. Not only do we experience seasons of change in our daily lives, but storms as well. Where are you these days? Experiencing hurricanes, tornados, blizzards? “God (Elohim) is our Refuge (Machseh) and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). “The name of the LORD (Yahweh) is a strong tower (Migdol-oz): the righteous run into it, and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10). Seek Him in higher grounds. Hiding in Him is your safest bet. You can’t perish in Him. He’s the River of Life offering Living Water. There’s power in His Name, so you’ll always be charged. He’s “All, and in all” (Colossians 3:11), simply put, He’s all you need. No need for batteries or candles or to have your power restored, cause… “Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). God Bless, Sam Update: Saturday, September 24, 2022, power was restored after eight days. We had water for less than a day. Went thrice to purchase diesel at a few stations for our generator, and learned there was a shortage on the island because the ports were closed. Today’s news reports 700 containers have arrived with enough diesel for all who need it. However, there was none until the next day. Further update: Some towns were affected more than others with some getting up to 35” of rain. Power was restored to almost 90% of residents Saturday, October 1st. No FEMA help available yet. President Biden came to “see” conditions two weeks after the damage. I guess he expects people to leave everything as is so he can attest to the deplorable conditions. That’s life in PR.

A Hand in Need
With the introduction of Superman back in the 1950s, Superheroes have been known to aid us in difficult times. Some wear capes, others wear boots, and some have all types of talents and powers to save mankind.
Last month, my wife and I spent several weeks with two pint-sized Superheroes, our grandkids! With horse-care training camp, swimming lessons, gymnastics, recreational swimming, tutoring, and other activities, they were quite busy exercising their abilities! Our granddaughter was pretty impressive giving directions.
When Abuela (Grandma) went to drop them off for the swimming lessons, she wasn’t quite sure how to get there. Little Ms. Super-Duper Girl directed her all the way! “Take a left here…. a right there…go straight…” And they arrived! Equally impressive, Captain Amazing America, improved significantly in his swimming abilities, and the putting away of his toys in record time! Additionally, making his bed, dressing himself, and eating breakfast, all proved that remarkable powers were at work!
But, as we’ve all seen in movies, Superheroes have their weak moments too. They can get lassoed, over-powered, or nearly-defeated by some gut-sucking chemicals or rocks. Everyone can use a helping hand now and then.
Sometimes we’re Superheroes too. We help where needed, do house chores, job-related programs, counsel, lead in various capacities such as praise and worship, preach, or teach. Sometimes, we end up running out of juice. Gratefully, someone comes along, helps us to our feet, and sets us in motion once again. Once rested, we set sail again. We can then soar, battle opposing forces, lift the spirits of others, and help set them on God’s path.
Where are you these days? Down and out? Hung up your cape and tossed your boots in a corner? Has Kryptonite zapped your strength? Lost your X-Ray vision? Even your regular eyesight’s dimming? Is your hearing almost gone? “Heh? Say what? Make use of the gift of Discernment available through the Holy Spirit.
Has the enemy blindsided you? Prayer is your answer. Fellowship is your restorer. Praise is your strength. Worship, your endurance. Communion with God hides your flaws and your identity. When others look at you, they see Him because we’re hidden in Him. He’s our mask. Therefore, rest in His loving arms.
It’s time to take on the world again! Common,’ don the boots, fling the cape ‘round you. Hide behind your mask and fly in the strength of His might. Strengthen and encourage others. Point them to Christ our Savior.
Psalm 46:1-3 reads: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and the foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” God, is a hand indeed.
God Bless!

“Yep!” “Flew over tall buildings, swam across the seas, battled some gators…And I’m ready to go again!”
A Father’s Heart
Kids have a special way of tugging at parents’ hearts, especially girls. When our little ones were five, three, and two I built a cushioned-prayer kneeling bench so I could pray with our three kids before night-night. As they got older, they were tucked in, read to, and prayed-over each night. It was hard the first time the two older ones left for an entire week to summer camp. We received their post cards the very next day! The cards shared the wonderful times they were having! Years later all three went off; our son to the Army, & the girls to study in the states. We had an empty home. After a few years they returned for a few months. My wife had been wondering what we’d do once we became empty-nesters. How would we manage their absence? In a whirlwind, they had returned & left before we could figure out what was happening. For two years after our girls left, I’d go into their room each night as was customary and I’d “see” them there ready to sleep. I could hear them saying, “Bendicion Pa!” and “Bendicion Papiiiiii!” “Bendicion” equates to “Please Bless me.” But of course, they weren’t there and we now had to face what we dreaded: an empty home. Needless to say, we shed lots of tears during those lonely years. Last week we came across five hard-working young men and seven, equally industrious, beautiful girls that visited our home with the intention of helping us with some projects. For two days they became our adopted kids! They were fabulous! They tackled all types of projects! They’re the type that if you scold them saying, “Go to the field and do some chores” they’ll say, “Really, gee, thanks dad, you’re the best!” The more we asked them to help us with, the more they thanked us… leaving us scratching our heads! Young guys come in really handy lending a hand around the land, and girls will always tug at our hearts. This group was a thrill to have around! They exuded a sweetness that proceeds from God, our heavenly Father. How does God see us? He sees us through a Father’s eyes. A father watches his kids and delights in their idiosyncrasies, especially, when we imitate or reflect his ways in some form. In God’s case, when we do His will, we please Him. He’s pleased and glorified when we love as He loves; when we lend a hand as he does; when we forgive as he forgives, and when we encourage others just as He encourages us to persevere. In terms of our ‘adopted’ kids, they showed their love to God as follows:
How Do I Love You?
I love you Lord when I can lend a hand to clear my brother’s land.
I love you Lord when I can cut down trees, or scrub dirty tiles down on my knees.
I love you Lord when I can take down a deck
And leave windows sparkling clean without a speck.
I love you Lord when I can bring down a balcony
While working with others in harmony.
I love you Lord when with, or without a tool
I can put together a long-awaited pool.
I love you Lord when I can sort-out pieces of wood
And praise you all the more for the provided delicious food!
Today, be the best son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter you can possibly be. Share your love with your father or with a father-figure. He’s not around? Share it with God. He’s been watching you, tucking you in, and reading to you every night for so many years. He’s even adopted you into His kingdom. “In love, He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with His pleasure and will” (Ephesians 1:5).
Happy Father’s Day!
Our Adopted Young Men & Women!

Long Ago When I Was Perfect
During my teen years in my neighborhood, I was tops at running, handball, cycling, and a few other sports. Though others were better at other sports, like Ray at basketball, and Angel at baseball, I was still an all-around athlete. Those who couldn’t play, run, bike, or shoot baskets, were considered “scrubs”, a “fish,” or someone who “stank” at what they did. They were the ones no one wanted on their team. I, however, was perfect. I had the great hair! I wore the right pants-seamless/French cuts. I wore the Playboy shoes everyone loved. From velvet tops in maroon with the black one-inch rubber-soles, to leather, or the wet-look ones with black, brown, or deep blue soles, they were the perfect shoe for dressing up as well as for playing a few easy games of basketball. (See awesome images online and read the comments of those who used them). After my teenage years, I came across this great poster saying:
Teenagers Tired of Being Harassed By Your Stupid Parents? Act Now! Move Out…Get A Job…Pay Your Own Bills.
Do It While You Still Know Everything. Can you believe it, but I was still perfect during my twenties! Heck, I was just getting started! Now, don’t get me wrong, I was a nice guy, just…perfect… and didn’t know it. I’d snub my nose at those who couldn’t cycle as fast or as far as I did. “Peasants, mere peasants” goes the saying, and I agreed. “What chumps they were,” I thought. Moving on through the years, even in my fifties, though a Christian of some thirty years by then, I was still perfect! A lot older, but hey! Others, however, weren’t so fortunate. They didn’t measure up! I wondered how long until “They’d get it.” Throughout the years, a lot of that perfection has diminished. The looks (and hair) are gone, the chic clothing is out-of-style; and even the agilities have vanished. But don’t be fooled, although the shine and luster have waxed off and my ego has undergone drastic changes, I can’t say it’s all gone. Some days it wants to creep up again. I’ve wondered, “Look at that person’s hair,” or will there be room in heaven for him.” Well, I’m finally ready for God’s perfection rather than mine. Are you perfect too? Do you compare others to your excellence? Do they fall short? Are they “Out-of-step” because they don’t move as fast as you, or because they don’t dress or look as good as you? Are they unable to fit in your social circles? Maybe others haven’t noticed you as well as they should-yeah, maybe that’s it! Surely, God knows what prime-choice Christians are, and He knows without a doubt that others should be walking as you walk, enjoying life as you do, they all should be imitating you.
When we’re perfect, we have little tolerance for “scrubs” or for the “fish” who can’t catch or predict which way a Frisbee up in the air is headed… Perfect people can’t stand poverty, ignorance, or in some cases, bad looks. Perfection only knows luxury, personal satisfaction; it cares only for its standard of living. It’s prideful. I’m glad I’ve become normal since shedding my perfection for God’s acceptance. Perfection kept me seeing “The mote in my brother’s eye” but prevented me from acknowledging the beam in mine (Luke 6:42). It robbed me of temperance/tolerance (2Peter 1:3-9). It blinded me to the truths of God’s Word. Patience, tolerance, and love for others were missing from my life. Sympathy was “What’s that?” for me. Perfect people, Christians included, don’t see, or sense the needs in others because they’re more focused on themselves and how others measure up to them. Are you ready to give up what was never yours? Ready to be used by God for His Kingdom and His purposes? When we do, we’ll be great in heaven: You’ll be glad, even ecstatic knowing you’ll be God-approved for His Kingdom. We need to follow God’s perfection which comes through humility, through death to self, through meekness, and by diminishing our ways and exalting His. “Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father”(Matthew 13:43).
“Be therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48)
God Bless!.
Are You Bound?
Are you bound somewhere? There are a great many stories of people bound on quests. Some, to climb, others to cross, still others to discover. People have succeeded and people have failed. It’s part of life. Do you know where you’re headed? Or, are you bound by your past or by unhealthy relationships?
Lazarus was dead and buried four days when Jesus paid him a visit. “With a great voice, He cried, Lazarus, come forth,” and he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound with a napkin” (John 11:43, 44). Lazarus though dead, heard the voice of God and came forth. Bound by death, he was called back to life. However, he needed to be set free from the cloths wrapped around him.
Today, this very day, in fact, this very moment you can be brought back to life. “Say, what? I’m alive” you might say. Anyone who doesn’t serve God is dead, spiritually dead and bound by sin. Tell God this moment that you want to live! Tell Him you want to feel alive! He will call your name out from among the (spiritually) dead, and you’ll come alive. You’ll still be bound by cloths or chains of sin which with Jesus’ help, will fall off!
“Behold, now is the day of salvation” (2Corinthians 6:2). “Today if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts…” (Hebrews 3:15a).
God Bless!
Just Like Jesus?
What would you have done had you been Jesus? I can tell you what I would have done in His place.
First, while on that cross, I’d be thinking, “Boy, can’t wait till I get down from here. First thing I’m going to do is show up at the doorsteps of those religious men that condemned me to death.” “Then, I’m going to show my fully-healed back to the tormentors who cruelly whipped me till most of my back was in shreds.”
“These things will I do before breaking-bread with my disciples and before my ascension.” What would you have done?
Unlike us, “Jesus humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death on the cross” (Philippians 2:8). He controlled Himself and did what He had to do, nothing more. He could have casually walked by the temple just to make sure people got a glimpse of Him. He could have left a note telling all the religious folk how wrong they were…
I guess that’s why He’s God and I’m not. What about you, find yourself oftentimes praying for fire down from the skies on the person who took your parking spot, or at the shmuck who wronged you? It’s normal. Incorrect, but normal. It shows how much we need Jesus in our lives. Unfortunately, as much as I often think I’m right, Jesus did it correctly.
Happy Easter!
Around 1967, while in the fourth grade, days before a class trip, our teacher, Mrs. Fischer announced what things we should or shouldn’t take with us. One thing she mentioned was, “No heels.” At hearing that, Freddy R. asked why not? Of course, all the girls including the teacher laughed at him! “Do you know what heels are?” Mrs. Fischer asked. We all laughed including an embarrassed Freddy!
Of course, it wasn’t long afterwards when heels were the rage for men! We had platform shoes, Marshmallows, and all types of 1-4 inch heeled-shoes. We wore our bell-bottoms with them, even our elephant-bottoms (extra-wide leg cuts), and later, our seamless, or French-cut pants (A.K.A. Matadors). Freddy would have felt at home!
Did you know the subject of heel is also mentioned by God in the Bible? No, He doesn’t have an Achilles’ heel! The first Gospel prophecy and promise are recorded right at the beginning of Genesis. Check it out! After the snake deceived Eve, God said to Satan, who was behind it all:
“I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15).
Satan bruised Jesus’ heel by getting Him to the cross, but Jesus, as the woman’s seed, crushed the enemy’s head by triumphing over him, over sin, and over death by rising from the grave. On a day much like today, Jesus took back His life! He brought Himself up from the grave. He accomplished what He left heaven to do: Die for all of humanity, stripped Satan of his power over us, conquered death and the grave, and restored us onto God. He removed a huge gulf of sin existing between us and God. He removed the curse of sin by becoming sin so we could take on His righteousness. Jesus made a way to the Father through His sacrificial death on the cross.
You and I were on Jesus’ mind when He crushed the enemy’s head. Accept His sacrifice for you today. Afterall, He’s “Head over heels” in love with you!
Happy Resurrection Day!
Ancient of Days
Contrary to popular beliefs God isn’t an old man with long, white hair, a flowing beard, wearing a long white robe, and donning sandals. Imagine being able to look and feel thirty to forty years old for decades, centuries upon centuries, even for all eternity. God’s is known as the Ancient of Days because He has no beginning and no end. He’s always existed. After the crucifixion, Jesus did what no man has ever done or ever will do. During the seemingly quiet days following the events of the cross, he was busy at work. Firstly, there was an earthquake which shook things up. Graves were open and the bodies of saints who had died came to life (Matthew 27:52). Secondly, the veil of the temple was split in two from the top down (Matthew 27:51). This veil separated the Holy Place for the priests from the Most Holy Place where only the High Priest could enter once a year to atone for the sins of the people.
Jesus tore the veil signifying we no longer require a priest in order to present our sins to God or to talk to Him. He’s given us direct access to Him 24/7.
“Seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus (Yeshua) the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession” (Hebrews 4:14-16).
Thirdly, Jesus descended to the depths of the earth to “surprise and rain on Satan’s parade.” He made a spectacle of him. “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:15). Jesus stripped Satan of his authority. “I am He that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death” (Revelation 1:18). Fourthly, a place known as Abraham’s Bosom, where Hades (place of punishment) was below, and Captivity, where the dead righteous were kept, was above. Jesus took Captivity captive, i.e. He took them to heaven. Fifthly, Jesus triumphed victoriously over evil, over sin for all humanity, over Death, and over all demonic forces. Sixthly, He took back His life and rose from the dead! “Therefore, does my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man takes it from me, but I lay it down for myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father” (John 10:17-19). Easter, the day of Resurrection, is a reminder of God’s triumphant victory over sin and death out of love for you and me.
The Ancient of Days remains Alive Forevermore!
Important Note: Jesus died ONCE for ALL the sins of MANKIND.
“But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God; ….For by one offering he has perfected forever them that are sanctified” (Hebrews 10:12, 14).