Growing up I was a Speedy Gonzalez kid, a Bing, Bing, Ricochet Rabbit flying all over the place.  I was always on the go. As a track runner in JHS and high school, there were many runners who didn’t seem to know the difference between one lap and ten laps, or one mile and ten miles.  Kind of like my wife who can’t tell the difference between one foot and ten feet, unless of course, she counts all the toes!  Many runners zoomed all-out in sprint form on a two-mile run!  They quickly dropped out. 

For outstanding achievements, some of us received awards for our triumphs.  Although, while running indoors at the NY Armory on 168th Street, runners who fell on the wooden track were said to receive a red (bloody), wooden medal!

Whether you’re an athlete or a smart cookie, you’ve probably received your share of awards at an event meant to honor victories and accomplishments.  But in God’s Kingdom, this isn’t a sprint!  It’s a marathon, and only He knows where the finish line is and when we’ll cross it.  Sprint, and you’ll burn out. Trot along, more like Slowpoke Rodriguez.  Go the distance!  Don’t give up! 

God’s no stranger when it comes to rewards!  If you’re a believer in Jesus as Lord and Savior and Son of God, then you’re in for a treat!  Of course, God does things a bit different from the rest of the world!  One would think that if things don’t go great, or you suffer torture, or get killed, you won’t get anything-bummer.  “Not so, Grasshopper!”

Actually, God will reward those who have left it all, lost it all, suffered immensely, have endured torture, lies, persecution, received death threats, have lost legs, arms, sight, spouse, kids, and have sacrificed their lives for His work.  Potentially, the greater your loss, the greater your reward.

So, how can you get rewarded for God’s work?  Do you set out to get slapped around, punched in the gut, or shot at for getting on others’ nerves? Absolutely not!  You simply live for Him.  No one knows the road He’s chosen for us.  Only He knows the potholes and bumps therein. Our job is to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him (Luke 9:23).  We simply live out our faith. He knows what attacks are from the enemy, and how we fare. Check out His promise:

 “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:11-13 NKJV).

So, when will this event take place, and what do I wear… my red shoes, what purse, my flowing gown…my tux, my Joker Converse sneakers???  Relax, have a seat!   We won’t be here for that event.  We’ll be in God’s home and He knows exactly what we’ll need. This will all take place at The Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10).  Trust me, it’ll be like no other awards assembly ever!  You probably won’t cry any tears of joy since God will have wiped them all away, but I’m sure we’ll all know how joyful you’ll be!  Uncontainable JOY! 

Think of the guests, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Adam, Eve…and the Body of Christ will also be there, as will the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!  Amazing!  We’ll finally see them as they are!




Have you found Mr. Wright, as in the Wright Brothers, and he flew the coop?  Or, Ms. Left, as in, she left me already?  Are you waiting to tie the not-so -right-person?  Cut the rope!  Bummer!

If you’re waiting on Mr. Right, the guy that’ll marry you, quick, lasso him immediately and tie the knot!  There’s no reason why you can’t have a serious relationship and why you shouldn’t want one.  It’s like a prelude to our relationship with Christ.  How we treat one another reflects how we treat the Lord, and how the Lord relates to us.’

Probably 70% of marriages fail because one, or neither person is seeking, or able to deliver what matters in the marriage. For example, let’s say, you’re both runners, if your marriage is based on how well you train, how far or fast you can run, or the type of clothing you need for a meet, your marriage will run off course, leaving you in the dust (pun intended).  If you both cook or bake, ingredients are not what’s missing in your relationship unless you’re talking about love, patience, commitment, tolerance, long-suffering, etc.

Everyone wants a marriage made-in-heaven, but remember, you’re living here on earth.  There’s no such thing as a perfect union because no one’s perfect! What y’all should be talking about is how to please God, how to live within His will, how to make amends, how to prefer one another over yourselves (Romans 12:10).

Look at it this way, we’re the Bride of Christ (No, not the bride of Frankenstein), and look at how petty we can be!  Maybe that’s why He hasn’t returned yet!  Were He pulling on His hair, He’d been bald centuries ago!  But “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2Peter 3:9).

He loves us so much He’s willing to wait for us.  But time’s running out!  Build a relationship with your spouse NOW on things that matter!  Build it on the ROCK-not Dwayne Johnson, but on Jesus Christ!

Meanwhile, Mr. Right might be late or delayed, or missed the bus, or missed a left turn to your heart, but be comforted knowing that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, is never late or lost, won’t skip out on you, and is eagerly looking forward to seeing you at the altar where His love for you is forevermore.



Recommended Song: I’ve Always Loved You Third Day


Television commercials in 1978 showed the Crazy Eddie brand store on TV commercials promoting all kinds of electronics.  The guys on the block were ecstatic.  There were Technic turntables, Dynamo speakers, cassette decks, top-of-the-line tuners, receivers, and amps, to name a few.  The actor, Jerry Carroll, would end by saying, “His prices are insane!!!”

Educators, and others, define insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes.”  We sometimes function the same way.  As one of our professors once said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Can’t get different results if doing the same thing all the time.  God says the same thing!

He made with His people, Israel, a covenant in which He’d reveal Himself to them as they walked in His ways according to rituals established, and according to His word.  But He also told them He’d give them a New Covenant.  But they grew comfortable and pleased in their original pact, which could never produce the results contained in the new pact.  In order for the second covenant to go into effect, they had to “Do away” with the first one-which they didn’t, and haven’t.

To know when the new covenant was going into effect, they had to be attentive to His word and His prophets, which they weren’t doing.  The signs were present, but they were absent.

The interesting thing is, even today, not just Israel, but millions of people are still operating under the old covenant and missing out on God’s blessings. What comes to mind is in Bourn Legacy, when Jeremy Renner is trying to get ahold of blue pills unaware, they were phased out long ago.  Likewise, God did a new thing two-thousand years ago and people are still bound by the same old covenant-traditions.  That’s insane!  

So, what’s the big deal with the new covenant? Well, the old one required sacrifices and observances of ordinance. It required rituals and blood offerings and cleansings, etc. It required being “Whole;” not unclean before people and prior to presenting oneself before God. Whereas, changes in the “New,” did away with those things.  Check it out:

For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect” (Hebrews 10:1).

Everything in the law was a shadow of what was to come.  It was like a rehearsal for the actual show.

For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins” (Hebrews 10:4).

God promised in Isaiah 43:19:
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the deserts.”

Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant I made with their fathers…(Jeremaih 31:31-32a).

Let’s leave insanity behind!  It’ll only get us to the nuthouse! King Solomon did say, “I went down to the garden of nuts” (Song of Solomon 6:11); were nutty people there?!

 Serving God is like getting a pre-filled-out, pre-approved loan application.  It’s already done!  Christ already PAID the entrance-to-heaven fee!  Discard the rituals! Get rid of the candles, the incense, the potpourri, the long robe, the veils, the ointments, the funny languages, the voices, even the mats and the seances, and everything else you think will draw you closer to God!  Don’t cut yourself, don’t mutilate your body, and no piercings necessary to enter into a new covenant with God!  Only need a seeking and repentant heart.  Sign up NOW!

The Fine Print: “Therefore, by the deeds of the law, no flesh shall be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:20).

Join Insanity-Anonymous!




Linda Ronstadt sang, “You’re No Good, you’re no good, you’re no good, baby, you’re no good.”  We sometimes come across relationships that are less than stellar, no good. They can take us down bad or hurtful paths.  Fleetwood Mac sang, “Don’t Stop thinking about tomorrow…it’ll soon be here, better than before.”  That’s sometimes hard to grasp. But then there’s God’s reassurance that even though dark days lie ahead for those outside His fold, in Him, great things await His children.  That’s good!

On the other hand, we sometimes come across good finds-bargains, deals too good to pass up.  My dad would walk us up and down Graham Ave. and Moore St. in Brooklyn, NY knowing where to go to get the best deals at the best prices for his hard-earned cash.  Of course, when I was nearing twelve, it was a bit embarrassing for me when shopping for clothes. My dad would haggle back and forth for a good deal. One time we passed by a familiar store but he wouldn’t pay a certain amount for a shirt.  We walked the neighborhood only to go back and purchase there anyway.

During the week of creation, God said every day was good, except on the second day where some say He didn’t create anything new, only divided.  However, seeing everything was good, He knew something was lacking.  In Genesis 2:18, God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a helper suitable for him.” And so, God made the best thing ever-females!  That’s great!  But as good as good is, and as wicked as bad is, change is on the way!

 Soon, after the righteous are rewarded, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb celebrated, the wicked judged, everything on this earth over and done with, after God wipes away every tear from our eyes, and death and sorrow, and crying and pain, is gone; and after all former things are passed away, He that sits upon the throne shall say, “Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:4,5). 

Wickedness will be no more and God will no longer say, “It is good,” simply because everything will be excellent!  And we shall reign with Him who alone is Awesome!

Praise the LORD!

Recommended Songs: Goodness Of God, Jenn Johnson, So Good, Vineyard Worship, Awesome God, Rich Mullins


Some people have a great name, and it gets them to great places or helps them stay out of trouble!  Some people have a song in their heart which they sing when they’re happy or sad. The tune may help them through difficult times.  Still others, might have a dream which they’re holding on to in order to get where they need to go.  These are three things useful in life.

Hard to believe, but a bit over fifty years have transpired since the death of folk singer, Jim Croce, at age thirty.  His songs impacted lots of people in the short time he was popular.  And they still do. A favorite of mine, I Got A Name, deals with the three points above.

You may have a name you wished you didn’t.  Then again, you might love it.  You may have an old song that’s out of tune with those around you, but you still sing it.  Maybe your dream, as wrote poet, Langston Hughes, has dried up like a raisin in the sun, or maybe it’s deferred.

Regardless of your circumstances, as the late Jim Croce sang, “I got a name…and I’ll carry it with me like my daddy did.” I got a song…And I carry it with me and I sing it loud…I’ve got a dream…and you know I can share it if I wanted to…”

It’s a great song by a talented singer.  The lyrics, “Moving me down the highway, rolling me down the highway, moving ahead so life won’t pass me by” are the saddest part of his short life.

Like so many people, the singer wanted to enjoy all life offers before it passed him by.  Yet, it was cut short in an airplane crash.  There are no guarantees in life.  Tomorrow is elusive.  Don’t count on tomorrow to live and do what you can accomplish today.  For many, it never comes.

Christ has given us a new name; a new identity (Isaiah 62:2).  He’s put a new song in us (Psalm 40:3).  He’s given us dreams to dream and to fulfill (Jeremah 29:11; Joel 2:28). Enjoy your new name today! Sing out loud the song God has given you!  Fulfill your dreams ASAP!  God has done all that for us out of love.  Live in the moment.  Cherish each breath. Reach others for Him.  Keep moving before life p-a-s-s-e-s you by.

God Bless!

Harlem Langston Hughes, 1951; I Got a Name Jim Croce, 1973


Have you ever been passed by and left on the floor when others were asked to dance?  Maybe the creep stood you up (left you floored-in a negative way).  Maybe he had a lame excuse for leaving you hanging.   Growing up, we called someone who left you flat, a flat-leaver. 

Maybe your heart’s been broken so many times not even the best glue can piece it together.  Maybe you were at a game and you lost-bigtime.  No number of Life-Saver candies can save you. Maybe, as in my case, you’ve recently lost both friends and family members.  Even before we knew it, my wife’s oldest sister died New Year’s Day.  It’s easy to sing the Blues!

But we have a choice: Sing the Blues, Sit it out, or Dance it out!  Like a cat, we can lick our wounds, howl like a dog, roll in the mire like an oink-oink, or do something different.

Lee Ann Womack sang,                                                                                                                            

“Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance,  And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance… I hope you dance (dance) I hope you dance (dance).”                                    

See, we can lament many things.  We can dwell on the bad and never move beyond the pain and hurt and sink into depression.  Satan loves that.  He doesn’t want us to prosper.  Nothing brings him more satisfaction than seeing people nearly destroyed or beaten down.

  We can sit it out because no one’s asked us to dance and wallow in misery feeling sorry for ourselves.  Oh, I know, the reasons are real and the pain unbearable. Feels like we might not even make it through the night, let alone face tomorrow.  Or, we can get up and dance alone.  Like a blind man’s sight restored, or a healed lame man, we can cast aside our cane, the staff, our walker or security blanket and leap for joy in dance before Him!

As you hit the floor in dance, you’re not alone!  God’s actually there with you!   He’s not a stiff!  He’s not a grumpy old man.  He’s not hunched over wearing a long gown with a beard reaching the floor!  He moves with you!  Put on your dancing shoes and rejoice in victory and dance before Him!  They’re not only acts of praise and thanksgiving, but an overflow of our gratitude within. Let God’s promises for a new tomorrow remove all doubt and unbelief from you today!  Allow His word to seal your heart with trust and confidence NOW!  Check it out:

“Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.  Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.  Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.  And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes” (Isaiah 35:4-7).

Rejoice before Him!


PS “Let them praise his name with dancing” (Psalms 149:3a). Recommended Song: I Hope You Dance Lee Ann Womack


Happiness comes as a result of happenstance, things that happen to us. A new purse, new shoes, vintage car, a promotion, etc. can bring us happiness.  Happiness is as temporal as the things that cause it.

Ever been excited about something? Really looking forward to it? Ever had a thrill?  Certain thoughts or circumstances can exhilarate us to where we can’t contain ourselves. Love can cause us to skip a beat when we walk. Knowing we’ll be seeing a loved one, can thrill us beyond words.

More than happiness, and alongside exhilaration, is joy.  When we have Jesus in our hearts we gain joy within our lives.  Joy is not happiness. Whereas happiness fades, joy remains because it’s God-produced.

From the time of creation till the time of Jesus’ death, the righteous dead, had been waiting for the Redeemer to remove them from Abraham’s Bosom, to Paradise, to be with God’s promised savior, the Anointed One!

Since before the creation of the world, Jesus knew He’d be dying for you and me.  The thrilling joy of seeing you led Him to the cross!  God knows the end from before the beginning of time!  He knew the requirements.  He knew He’d leave behind His powers, His deity, His riches and majesty, and all the glory He shared with the Godhead (John 17:5).  And though He suffered insults and beatings, “for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

Our Savior underwent disfigurement, torment, open shame, crucifixion and death for us.  His joy extended beyond the cross; to what came next: The Resurrection! 

   Overpowering death and sin, and meeting the Father’s requirement for a perfect sacrifice, Jesus knew that He had sealed the deal!  All that were His, would remain with Him forevermore and no-one or nothing could ever separate them from Him!

Are you overflowing with joy knowing you’re loved?  Is gratitude overflowing from your heart?  No? Get it!  Yes? Share it! 

God Bless!

Recommended Song: Joy To the World (Unspeakable Joy) [Lyric Video] Chris Tomlin


Our house has lots of windows.  We have both true-divided and storm-resistant windows. While cleaning them can be a hassle, they serve their functions in shielding out the elements and offering protection.  Looking in allows others to get inside views.  In general, most people don’t want others looking inside their homes. We tend to keep them closed and wave at those outside. Looking through windows to the outside, allows us to choose when to do so and what to look at.  Either way, windows frame views.

Let’s look through some windows. Back on August 5th, 2020, I shared a post, Parts and Pieces, on the life of (the late) Elias.  Later, on August 23rd, 2020, I featured a picture of his sister, Nadia, in Out on the Town.  Great memories.  This week (January 29, 2025), I learned from best-friend Gil, that Nadia went to a hospital last month and died the next day.  So sad!

This same week, I learned from best-friend Ray, that his wife of over 45 years, who I grew up with, and had recently been diagnosed with cancer (November, ‘24), passed away Weds. It’ll be tough on Ray and his three kids.

Since May, 2024, I’ve been writing my young, 47-year-old nephew, Abraham 3rd when he made me aware that he had been diagnosed with cancer.  Numerous trips to the hospital for all types of complications, resulted in both his resilience to go on, and in his early death this morning (Sunday, February 2, 2025).  He leaves behind his wife and three teen/adult daughters, as well his mom.  Abraham, whom we’ve known as Pipo, all his life, had been a NY cop.  Most cops/firefighters originally assigned to NY’s Twin Tower-attacks, contacted various forms of cancer, and have died off.  After retiring, he moved his family to Florida.  Unfortunately, he left us too soon. They’ll all be missed!

These are windows no one is eager to look through.  They offer painful views, sadness, darkness, gloominess, loneliness, and to some, uncertainty.  This is when we need God to peek through the windows of our souls.  He’ll see us for what’s there.  He can wipe clean windows and undo the fogginess, thereby allowing His light to shine through.  Our eyes are windows to our souls, or, “The light of the body” (Matthew 6:22).

When we look out windows we may see good things like rain, snow, birds, animals, acts of kindness, sunshine, rainbows, and other great things.

In this previously used picture, our grandson is looking out to see his grandma leaving his house and bound for a flight home.  While it can be interpreted as sadness in seeing her go, it also reflects hope in seeing her return.

What do you see out your windows?  We can look out by faith and see God’s glory through them.  He’s there holding promises for us.  He’s there with outstretched arms waiting to hug us, to receive us.  He’s there waiting for us to take His hand as He’ll lead us to better things.

God does windows…



My, how hard it is to wait! We’re waiting to move and it’s hard waiting for the Lord’s green light.  Jesus said in Luke 19:13, “Occupy till I come.” Meaning, keep busy while you wait.

When waiting for news from afar, waiting can be trying. If you’re waiting for a loved ones’ return, days can turn into nights and all roll into one.  There’s a heartbreak movie we once saw and didn’t have the heart to watch again-Hachi. Waiting is really tough!  Watch at your own risk!

Maybe you’re waiting for healing.  Or maybe you’re waiting for God to send you that promised loved one.  He tests our mettle!  At this present moment, all of creation awaits God’s full deliverance from the curse of sin and death (Romans 8:19-23).

But, in victory, Jesus knows the time of His return for us is near and close at hand!  He too awaits the day when He’ll have us near Him for all eternity!   Just as we can’t wait to be near our daughters and grandkids, God looks forward to the long-awaited day when all His children will sit at His table!  Can you imagine?!  Sounds incredible, but soon, our waiting will be over!

Don’t despair!  He hasn’t forgotten you! Wait faithfully!

God Bless!


Recommended songs: Maranatha on High, 1997; Wait for Me Rebecca St. James Singers-I Waited for the Lord


Some people are water people. I’m not one.  My wife loves to power wash because she enjoys playing with water. I have to either pry her fingers away from the gun, or turn the machine off on her to get her to stop.  And I’ll get a frown in return.

A Four Tops song titled Still Waters shares how a man’s love for his girl ran deep.  The phrase can mean that on the surface something or someone may seem calm while beneath it, there’s turbulence or complexities. Some people’s lives are like that.

Scripture has lots to say about waters, and there’s one verse however, that today’s generation seems to live by: “Stolen water is sweet; and food eaten in secret is delicious.”

Translation: Stealing, conniving, scamming, engaging, etc. in illicit relationships, events, or acts, seem sweet and enjoyable at the start because one feels you’re getting away with something,  sneaking around or going over someone’s head or behind their backs. Satan uses these opportunities to entice people. The second part of the verse, however, reveals what happens: “But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guest are deep in the realm of the dead” (Proverbs 9:17,18 NIV). The consequences are hidden by Satan through lust, greed or addictions: Basically, you’re good as dead when the results are revealed.

Today’s generation has rebranded old sins.  People “borrow” others’ belongings.  Careers are made from “selling” or even “renting” oneself to others.  Justifications are made, such as to pay off debt, tuition, launch a career, or be financially secured, etc..
But God, knows it all. There’s a 1000% guarantee that it will all crumble and destruction will follow.  Actually, it’s best if it all falls apart here while you’re still alive.  Because afterwards, the punishment will be fixed, eternal; no way to change it.  Jesus put it this way, “The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell- and great was its collapse” (Matthew 7:27 BSB)!  That’s concerning foolish people who build their lives upon the sand (upon me-ism), not upon God, who is solid and stable.  But time’s running out to change your ways!       

Stop drinking stolen waters!  Come to Christ who: leads us to calming, still waters that refresh our souls (Psalms 23:2).  Jesus has promised: “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3).

And: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you” (Isaiah 43:2a).

Note: “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters” (2 Samuel 22:17).

Finally, why will He do all these thigs for you?  Simple: “Many waters cannot quench love” (Song of Solomon 8:7).

His love is so great, nothing will stop Him from loving you!

“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb” (Revelation 22:1).

Go deep for the dive!  Make a splash!

God Bless!


Recommended Song: Spring Up O Well