Growing up I was a Speedy Gonzalez kid, a Bing, Bing, Ricochet Rabbit flying all over the place.  I was always on the go. As a track runner in JHS and high school, there were many runners who didn’t seem to know the difference between one lap and ten laps, or one mile and ten miles.  Kind of like my wife who can’t tell the difference between one foot and ten feet, unless of course, she counts all the toes!  Many runners zoomed all-out in sprint form on a two-mile run!  They quickly dropped out. 

For outstanding achievements, some of us received awards for our triumphs.  Although, while running indoors at the NY Armory on 168th Street, runners who fell on the wooden track were said to receive a red (bloody), wooden medal!

Whether you’re an athlete or a smart cookie, you’ve probably received your share of awards at an event meant to honor victories and accomplishments.  But in God’s Kingdom, this isn’t a sprint!  It’s a marathon, and only He knows where the finish line is and when we’ll cross it.  Sprint, and you’ll burn out. Trot along, more like Slowpoke Rodriguez.  Go the distance!  Don’t give up! 

God’s no stranger when it comes to rewards!  If you’re a believer in Jesus as Lord and Savior and Son of God, then you’re in for a treat!  Of course, God does things a bit different from the rest of the world!  One would think that if things don’t go great, or you suffer torture, or get killed, you won’t get anything-bummer.  “Not so, Grasshopper!”

Actually, God will reward those who have left it all, lost it all, suffered immensely, have endured torture, lies, persecution, received death threats, have lost legs, arms, sight, spouse, kids, and have sacrificed their lives for His work.  Potentially, the greater your loss, the greater your reward.

So, how can you get rewarded for God’s work?  Do you set out to get slapped around, punched in the gut, or shot at for getting on others’ nerves? Absolutely not!  You simply live for Him.  No one knows the road He’s chosen for us.  Only He knows the potholes and bumps therein. Our job is to deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him (Luke 9:23).  We simply live out our faith. He knows what attacks are from the enemy, and how we fare. Check out His promise:

 “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:11-13 NKJV).

So, when will this event take place, and what do I wear… my red shoes, what purse, my flowing gown…my tux, my Joker Converse sneakers???  Relax, have a seat!   We won’t be here for that event.  We’ll be in God’s home and He knows exactly what we’ll need. This will all take place at The Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10).  Trust me, it’ll be like no other awards assembly ever!  You probably won’t cry any tears of joy since God will have wiped them all away, but I’m sure we’ll all know how joyful you’ll be!  Uncontainable JOY! 

Think of the guests, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Adam, Eve…and the Body of Christ will also be there, as will the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!  Amazing!  We’ll finally see them as they are!

