Linda Ronstadt sang, “You’re No Good, you’re no good, you’re no good, baby, you’re no good.” We sometimes come across relationships that are less than stellar, no good. They can take us down bad or hurtful paths. Fleetwood Mac sang, “Don’t Stop thinking about tomorrow…it’ll soon be here, better than before.” That’s sometimes hard to grasp. But then there’s God’s reassurance that even though dark days lie ahead for those outside His fold, in Him, great things await His children. That’s good!
On the other hand, we sometimes come across good finds-bargains, deals too good to pass up. My dad would walk us up and down Graham Ave. and Moore St. in Brooklyn, NY knowing where to go to get the best deals at the best prices for his hard-earned cash. Of course, when I was nearing twelve, it was a bit embarrassing for me when shopping for clothes. My dad would haggle back and forth for a good deal. One time we passed by a familiar store but he wouldn’t pay a certain amount for a shirt. We walked the neighborhood only to go back and purchase there anyway.
During the week of creation, God said every day was good, except on the second day where some say He didn’t create anything new, only divided. However, seeing everything was good, He knew something was lacking. In Genesis 2:18, God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a helper suitable for him.” And so, God made the best thing ever-females! That’s great! But as good as good is, and as wicked as bad is, change is on the way!
Soon, after the righteous are rewarded, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb celebrated, the wicked judged, everything on this earth over and done with, after God wipes away every tear from our eyes, and death and sorrow, and crying and pain, is gone; and after all former things are passed away, He that sits upon the throne shall say, “Behold, I make all things new” (Revelation 21:4,5).
Wickedness will be no more and God will no longer say, “It is good,” simply because everything will be excellent! And we shall reign with Him who alone is Awesome!
Praise the LORD!
Recommended Songs: Goodness Of God, Jenn Johnson, So Good, Vineyard Worship, Awesome God, Rich Mullins