We can say two things about Moses: Either he was ready for the headaches the Israelites would bring him, because he had tablets (aspirin)!  Or, he seems to have been the most technically advanced leader in the Bible being that he possessed not one, but two tablets!  (Drumroll)!  Yeah, yeah.

I recently read how an original ten commandment stone tablet was sold for nearly 5 million dollars.  Supposedly, it’s legit, but it weighs 155lbs.  I know Moses was on the extraordinary side with being 80 years old when God called him to deliver Israel from the Egyptians.  But to carry down a mountain two tablets with a combined weight of over 300 lbs., is very difficult. Additionally, when he returned to the camp with the them and saw the people’s great sin of worshipping the golden calf they made, he cast the tablets at them. Must’ve been very strong to lift and cast them.

Here’s the thing, the original tablets were written on both sides (Exodus 32:15) by God’s finger (Exodus 31:18) Plus, Moses carried both tablets in one hand!  Later on, Moses had to replace the tablets by hewing his own and carrying them up the mount to God so He could rewrite them (Exodus 34:1,4).  So, I don’t think the tablet recently sold is legit.

But, as with other things, mankind tends to glorify and idolize things instead of worshipping He who created them or what they represent.  God is not as interested in you locating and buying the ten commandments as He is in you honoring/keeping them.  To avoid idolizing this object, and to emphasize keeping them, He’s made it possible for us to both know and keep them by having written them on the tablets of our hearts (2 Corinthians 3:3)! Meaning, within our hearts we know right from wrong.

See, God wants us to know Him for real, not in theory.  While He wants us to go to church to fellowship with others and to seek His face (Hebrews 10:25), He’s made sure we have access to Him at all hours of the day by making our bodies His temple (church building), and by indwelling us (Ephesians 4:30).  We’re His church, and He lives within us (2 Corinthians 6:16).  That’s why we need to take care of our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19,20).

So, now that you know where the ten commandment tablets are, call Him in the morning! 

“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up” (Psalm 5:3).

Up is where God is.  Always on His throne, reigning forever!

God Bless!
