Interesting that this fell on Christmas week! There’s a time for all of us to declare peace in our homes, in our neighborhoods, our workplace, and in our lives.

Since man lives in turmoil, God knowing it, sent His only Son to break confusion and the chaos surrounding us.

God came wrapped in swaddling cloths, ready to take on the world.  He entered earth in an unexpected fashion.  Although everyone enters through birth, His, was so different that the religious leaders were caught off guard.  He came via way of a virgin.  Therefore, no one suspected He’d come since no rich husband was known. 

They awaited news from some princely family where they’d be invited to a feast ladened with riches galore.  They probably couldn’t wait to lay their gold coins, trinkets, and clothing at its crib. Pomp and Circumstance would be the number played as they’d make their grand entrance.  They’d bow at the applause of the common people as they’d enter a palace to view and pay respects to the newborn king.  Each, presenting a costlier gift than the previous person. Someone, no doubt, wanted to present a fine Arabian horse, while someone else, would bring gold-studded sandals, and another, a diamond-encrusted shawl.

But as usual, God had other plans! When no one was looking, where no one would dare to stay, much less, look, God made His arrival.  Without any human hoopla, He gently took His place amongst the “humble and noble:” The shepherds!  He came to the lowly.  He came to the poor.  He came to those who’d believe in miracles!  Jesus came in the humblest possible way: A delicate fragile infant dependent upon His earthly parents and God’s faithfulness to guide His every step.

But before His entrance into the world, some 600 years earlier, God had plastered a marquee with an upcoming announcement:

“For unto us a child is born.  Unto us a Son is given; And the government shall be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6,7).

 Man’s life is riddled with sin, trouble, confusion, doubt, shame, and inner wars fighting for his soul.  The Father made His way to earth through His Son, Jesus, to undo the works of Satan and bring us everlasting peace within our lives.

May this Christmas be a Time of peace within your walls, and most importantly, within your soul.  Welcome Jesus into your life today.  He won’t come down a chimney wearing a red suit.  But He came down from heaven as the ultimate gift to mankind, later to die and shed His red blood for you.  He is your peace. 

And He says, “Come now, let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).

Under the tree there’s a wrapped gift for you with your name on it.  It’s time to celebrate Jesus’ birth within your heart.  May His peace fill you the way vanilla potpourri’s scent fills a room from end-to-end.

It’s now the Time and Season to celebrate Peace On Earth

God Bless!
Merry Christmas!
