In Indiana Jones, the Last Crusade, Indy is ordered to search for the cup of Jesus. Based on demographics, logical reasoning, he locates the correct one.  Were the cup to be found today, like many other ancient archeological finds, people would kill for them.   Everything today, it seems, is worth selling for wealth, fame, and social media acknowledgement.  Indy, had to get it for his dad’s recovery, and would have donated it to a museum.  We tend to idolize everything around us. People pay big bucks for artists’ handkerchiefs, vehicles, homes, and even undies.  The cup of Jesus would break the bank.  First, because it ‘d prove Him real, and second, because He drank from it. But a cup is so much more than its purpose or use.

                                    I’LL DRINK TO THAT

When we agree on something, we’ll say, “I’ll drink to that.”  In other words, “I’ll offer a toast to it,” or, “I’m for that.”  But when we think we’ll be toast, we’ll pass.

In heaven, in respect to saving the human race, God asked, “Whom shall I send?” “Who will go for us?” And, No one could go.  No one was capable of redeeming mankind.  But One was!  “Then said I, Here am I; send me” (Isaiah 6:8).  Jesus was willing to go rescue humanity from the hands of Satan and his demonic host; from sin, eternal darkness, and perpetual separation from God.

At the appointed time, when Jesus was facing the cross, when in agony He prayed to the Father, He said, “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt” (Matthew 26:39b).  A little later, after being apprehended, when Peter swung his sword and slashed a servant’s ear, Jesus confirmed His stance to Peter, “Put up they sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it” (John 18:11)?

When faced with a life and death scenario, the first Adam, failed by not drinking the cup of temptation and thereby keeping sin at bay.  Instead, he passed the cup (of blame) to Eve and both sinned.  But not this second Adam, Jesus, He drank the cup-the bitter cup of humility, punishment, shame, and torture; the sacrifice for sin, and saved us all!


Drink the cup of eternal life!
