When our youngest daughter came into the world, it was really a time to be born! I dropped my wife off at the hospital and waited about 2 mins for the person in front of me to finish talking to the reception clerk.  When I went up, I began to ask if I… “Congratulations!” I was told. I said, I stepped back thinking she was talking to the guy who left.  She once again congratulated me.  “I want to know if I should leave my wife’s coat” I said.  “Your child was born and you’re a dad!” she told me.  My wife was wheeled in, the baby delivered, and, I was congratulated, all within 2-3 mins!  It was her time to be born.

All babies, born dead or alive, impact others’ lives.  Whether it’s the mom’s, or the deliverer, a birth is a magical thing; not of nature, but of God’s doing.

About 18 years ago, the birth of our grandson caused his dad to cry at the miracle of bringing a (tiny) life into the world.  And a few years ago, after several miscarriages, our daughter gave birth to her daughter, and years later, to a son.

From a tiny baby we grow into adulthood, and God has a divine plan for each person.  Nevertheless, our natural birth cannot get us into our heavenly Father’s home.  We need a spiritual birth.  Nicodemus, a teacher of the law went to Jesus in the night to ask Him some questions.  Jesus assured him that “Truly, truly, I say to you, ‘Except a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:3, 6).

At the birth of a tiny one, there’s rejoicing among loved ones and friends.  Likewise, when someone repents and accepts Jesus into their heart, not only do their friends and Christian family rejoice, but they are born again, they get their name written in heaven, and the angels also rejoice over them (Luke 15:7)!

To everything there is a time and a purpose under the heavens. Today is your day to be born (again).

God Bless!

Tiny El Tiny Tim