My wife and I have been trying to put together a bifold closet barndoor.  Its track hardware is from another company.  The “instructions” for both items are in drawings. Missing are actual steps on how to get things done, and most importantly, words!  I looked up some videos and comments and found one person who took seven hours to hook up two doors-with a nagging wife rushing him to get it done! Another comment said his door or wall looked like Swiss cheese from all the in-the-wrong-places he had drilled trying to stabilize the door!  Someone else ended up with a screw sticking out and said he’d fix it at a later date.  In short, simple projects can take a long time.

Sometimes our lives can feel like Swiss cheese; everything falls out or leaks through in a thousand directions, and we figure on fixing them at a later date, which never comes.  Each time we’re confident of a decision, commitment, a move, or a relationship, we “drill” a new hole for stability, but it doesn’t always line up with God’s will for us.  Pick up the pieces* of your life and lay them at His feet.  He’s the Door leading to the Father and is as square and aligned as can be.

 Maybe your life doesn’t resemble Swiss cheese. Maybe it’s a bit more solid like Limburger cheese. Nevertheless, without Christ, we’re still stinky (cheese)!

In your heart, talk to Him.  You don’t even need words! God understands images, heartbeats, silence, and also hears you!

About Jesus, it’s said,

“Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high” (Hebrews 1:3).

As bearing the image of God, Jesus can handle all things cheesy, or not! He dealt with your sins.  Hang in there.

“Everything’s falling apart on me, God; put me together again with your Word.  Festoon me with your finest sayings, God; teach me your holy rules” (Psalms 119:107, 108 MSG).

He left us clear instructions! Read the Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth)!  Enter through the Door!

*(song, by AWB, 1974)

God Bless!
