Tons of songs from the 1960s and 70s dealt with people being on the move.  From people Leaving on A Jet Plane (written by John Denver, best performed by Peter, Paul, and Mary), to taking a Taxi (Harry Chapin); to being someone’s Vehicle (The Ides of March), to people moving to other places Midnight Train to Georgia (Gladys Knight and The Pips), and Bobby McGee (written by Kris Kristofferson, best known by Janis Joplin). There have always been people dreaming of going to a better place-I’ll Take You There (The Staple Singers), to Why Can’t I Touch You (Ronnie Dyson) Some want to go back in time-If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time (Tyrone Davis); while others want a clean slate, or a brighter future-I Found Someone of My Own (Free Movement), to: Keep Movin’, Keep Movin’ I Sings (Mary Mary featuring BB Jay).

The Prophet Daniel, in Scripture, foretold of people moving across the globe as a sign of the Last Days (Daniel 12:4). The Pandemic moved people from California to NY.  From NY to Florida, and from Puerto Rico to all parts of the country. As people travel, neighborhoods change; and the way people live has been affected.  As people continue on the move, God’s plans for humanity become clearer.  Each move causes more changes. Each toppling domino affects the next. The world is on the move.  God, however, remains constant.  Like true north, He’s always dependable and trustworthy.

Like the overwhelmingly tall mountains surrounding us, God remains our refuge (You Are My Refuge by Shannon Wexelberg, Matthew Ward).  Like their protection, He hides us from uncertain danger.  “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore” (Psalm 125:2).

God’s always into something new!  Our well-being is His concern.

“He shall cover you with his feathers. And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler” (Psalm 91:4 NKJV).

  God’s love for you never changes. Scenes and seasons do, but He’s steadfast. You can fall asleep by His feet and wake up in full security because He’s faithful. He doesn’t budge.

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 NLT).

Are you on the move? Feel Like Jason Bourne-someone’s always after you? Are you searching for your next assignment?  Meet God! He’ll stop you on your tracks! And boy, has He an assignment for you!  It’ll last you a lifetime!

“Be still, and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10 NIV);

God Bless!