I love the heat. When we lived in New York I loved the cold and snow.  Right now, in the past week, we’ve had running water for about 12-14 hours. Everyday there’s an issue.  If the pumps didn’t need a part, then they needed cleaning.  If they were cleaned and had their parts then there hasn’t been electricity. We haven’t had a 12-hour period with electricity since Weds. (8/14) at 2:34 a.m.  Yesterday, it came and left about 5 times.  Thankfully, we have our water tanks with about 1200 gals of fresh, clean water and 450 gals of collected rain water from the storm.

Last week before a storm was on the horizon, our hot water heater died on us.  We took it for repairs last Monday, August 12. Due to the storm on the 14th, it isn’t ready yet. We’ve been showering the old-fashioned way: heating water and adding it to cooler waters in a large bucket and pouring it over ourselves. This Friday, August 16, my friend, Andres, called me and we spoke about the water and heater situation.  I told him it’s easier to shower with cold water at night because our bodies are hot and sweaty.  However, in the mornings it’s harder to do.  He said one really has to pray hard to lunge in there under cold water for a shower! I reminded him that decades ago he told us he showers mornings under ice cold water!  He laughed at the fact that it’s true and that I remembered it!  Then I said, “You pray a lot!” And we both laughed at the thought.

True, heat is needed when it’s a bit colder out and when our bodies are aching. In terms of heat, I’m sure you’ve noticed how hot it’s been getting around the world. Is it a coincidence? NOPE!

It’ll be getting seven times hotter in the near future! And during the great tribulation, for those still on earth not serving God but fussing, complaining, and raising their fists at Him, here’s what’ll happen:

“And the people were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory” (Revelation 16:9 NASB).

Instead of repenting, they curse God all the more.

 Want to escape this inescapable event that will be coming upon the earth-an extremely hot event, albeit, that will pale in comparison to the heat in hell?  Ask Jesus into your heart now and enjoy His presence when He walks with you in the cool of the day as He did with Adam (Genesis 3:8).

Update: Got our heater back today, Tuesday, but we still have no running water.  That’s how Puerto Rico works.

Update, Update: Got water all the way through Weds night. Thursday morning power had gone out during the night as well as the water.

God Bless!