So, let’s journey again to heaven!  “Just take my hand and I’ll lead ya” Candida (1970 Tony Orlando),and let’s head over yonder!

Upon arriving there, picture these scenes: Multitudes of people are gathered around God’s Throne room.   As time exists no longer and people will have eternity at their disposal, Jesus suddenly announces: “All the way from the lands of the eastern part of the world, let’s welcome Indonesia, China, Australia, South Korea, etc. And wild applause shatters a few glasses.  All the countries from each region presented from every corner of the world may take weeks and years parading their cultural identities, their beautiful colors, and special music dedicated to God!

It will be much more than their cultural uniqueness that will be displayed.  We will know how they triumphed over evil, over sicknesses, over temptations, over hardships and persecutions of every type imaginable to be present at this meeting!

 We will both cry and rejoice, able to identify with them when considering our own trials. Though we don’t currently know these people, we will know they’re united to us in Christ.  From the ends of the world, a string connects us all: our love for each other through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.

Were it not for the love of Christ, many of us could never get along with Russians, Nigerians, Europeans, Japanese, Hispanics, Scottish, etc. This is where God’s love truly shines!

See, some people, even entire families can be of a particular  religion like Hindu or Muslim, or belong to a sect or cult.  They can sing, It’s A Family Affair (Sly and the Family Stone). Together, they might even say to outsiders, “Get away from me boy…you bother me” (W.C. Fields).  However, religion plays no part in God’s world! It’s all about relationship with Him!

Salvation is individual and only comes through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross (Acts4:12).  It doesn’t depend on what your family practices.  Salvation through Christ’s love, allows us to desire fellowship with others of different backgrounds.  His love is more than enough to overcome barriers of all types. His love is amazing!  He said,                        “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:34, 35).

See, if you keep His commandments of Loving the LORD with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself, you’re honoring God because the rest of the commandments hang on these two (Matthew 22:39, 40).

Heaven will be unlike anything we can ever imagine!  God gave us culture for the sake of identity and variety!  He’s not a boring God!  We will all bring our uniqueness to Him in person!  He ’ll be thrilled to see us in our splendor.  “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.  He who has ears, let him hear” (Matthew 13:43 ESV).

We will succeed at everything!  We will do it with all our might!  We’ll be our best for Him because sin will exist no longer! No one will harm us. Death will be NO MORE!  Nothing will hinder us!

As we picture the nations parading before Him, let’s take it all in!  Bask in His presence!  Let’s enjoy this glimpse of heaven.  Better yet, let’s make sure we’re on the invite!  As Mickey and Becky sang back in the early 80s, “I’m cleaning out my closet spaces, I’m dusting down my room…” (Closet Spaces).  Clean your life of all hindrances by yielding to Him.  You CAN’T do it on your own!  Have you made yourself ready?? 

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city” (Revelations 22:14).

I’ve got my seat saved, right up front-behind several billion others!  Come, sit next to me! We’ll enjoy the parade!!

“The nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of it, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it” (Revelation 21:24).

Love your neighbor as yourself!
