Some decades ago, the Transformers came out.  First, they were in cartoons and later, in toys.  They eventually made it to the big screen.  One minute there was a robot, the next, it transformed itself into a vehicle.  Transformations were eye-catching!  They stimulated kids’ minds from creativity to possibilities!                                                                                People are into various types of trans, some are transiting from point A to point B.  Others are transporting goods, some transmitting messages across the globe, and some are undergoing some type of transformation.

Jesus is into the art of transformation.  Regardless of where you find yourself right now, He can transform your life.  Feel an emptiness that nothing fills?  Confused by the latest “trans” movement and aren’t sure where you fit? Not sure if anything is real anymore?  Do you have an addiction?  Cravings? Can’t keep your hands out of the cookie jars?  Or, perhaps you feel like you’re perfect and can’t figure out what others are going through?

Are you crying all the time because you can’t bear this life any longer? People can be cruel and not trust-worthy. But God can transform your life.  Like a tender hurting birdie, he can place you in His hand and cuddle away your hurts and fears. Read this:

“You will never again be called the People that God Left, nor your land the land that God Destroyed.  You will be called the People God Loves, and your land will be called the Bride of God, because the Lord loves you.  And your land will belong to him as a bride belongs to her husband” (Isaiah 62:4).

God’s changes are there!

God’s plans for your life are incredible! You’ll be kicking yourself like that old wolf in the cartoons with a wooden leg pulling down on the lever saying, “Yowl!” if you don’t yield to Him NOW!

Being transformed is so important that Jesus wanted His three chosen disciples to experience what no one else did. 

“Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves.  And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white as the light.  Just then appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus” (Matthew 17:1-3).

The transfiguration showed the disciples that Jesus was more than a man; He was God.  They got a glimpse of His Deity. They saw there was more to Him than met the eye.  It’s the same with us.  He has so much more for us.

No, Christians don’t believe you’ll come back as a roach, a lizard, or a peasant, but we do know allowing Him to work in us will transform our lives. Soon, we’ll be transported to His kingdom forever with new bodies; will be given new names (Isaiah 43:1), and will remember no more the hurt and evil that has shaped our lives. 

Let’s look forward to that new, holy city!                                                “And the street (broad way) of the city was pure gold, like transparent crystal” (Revelation 21:21b).

God Bless!