I’m officially the dish washer at home, at least for the past 19 years.  The rule is, every time my wife cooks (4-5 times/week), I wash.  When I cook, she washes.  Lately, my wife has hinted at having a dishwasher-such a luxury! Especially so in an area where water comes and goes unexpectedly.  Of course, my concern is they’re so big and therefore need a place for it.

But big isn’t our only concern.  About 18 years ago, we went to Florida to visit our two daughters, then in their early twenties.  The four of us had some food and then the youngest stood up and went to “wash” her plate.  I thought, “Wow, that was quick.” When the second daughter also went to “wash” her plate, I felt good knowing that the things they were taught at home were being carried out; mainly, getting straight to picking up after themselves.

When my wife finished her meal and went to the sink, she was surprised to find that the dishes were nowhere to be found-washed, dried, or otherwise!  She asked the girls where they were, and the youngest said, “Why, in the dishwasher, of course!  My wife said, “A dishwasher for two plates?!” “How long is that going to sit there, a month?” she asked. The girls laughed; we couldn’t believe it! My wife said, “Get outta here!” and quickly washed both their plates.

Yep, so how long will it take for us to fill an empty dishwasher?  Our oldest daughter is now married and it takes two hours for a load to get done. Well, we found some portable dishwashers; the type fitting on a countertop; the type that squirts like a water gun.  But where should we put it? Next to the microwave?  Nah. The air fryer is there right next to the coffee maker.  On the other side of the sink, we have the blender next to the food processor, next to the onion/potato bin, next to the ice maker.  And we can’t forget our toaster…I guess I’ll continue washing by hand.

How we wash or who washes, isn’t important to Jesus.  Being cleaned, is.  But He’s not referring to dishes.  He’s concerned with our lives, with our souls.  He’s not interested in what we WERE, but what we are NOW after receiving Him into our lives.

“But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God”                             (1 Corinthians 6:11 NIV).

Whether you have the space or not, and whether it’s two minutes or two hours of washing, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

That’s why we do water baptism.  As you go down, it represents your dying to self; and as you come up, it represents resurrection to new life!  Just like Jesus! Water-washing is symbolic of newness in Christ and public confirmation you now belong to Jesus.

God Bless!