Is another man’s treasure, the saying goes. And it’s true! We’ve all seen it. Someone dumps a few items, and another person gathers them and makes something out of it. We can repurpose many things.  We can even turn them into works of art.

Sometimes we may not feel too good or worth too much.  Maybe our self-esteem is down; or maybe, others have picked on us so much, we feel worthless.  Now that’s a word Satan is good at using.  He makes us feel worthless, cheap, or like garbage. He wants us to believe we’re unwanted, refuse, repulsive, reckless, or ruined.

Jesus, though, searches about.  Where others might give up on us, He doesn’t. He might find you outside a bar or down an alley.  He might rappel down a ravine to find you at the bottom of a valley; or scale mountain to reach you beyond heights.  He can confront a bear and protect you from the enemy’s claws, or simply shuffle in to an upscale club and snatch you up from a heap of “trash.” 

What Satan deems trash and of no value to him, Jesus finds, rescues, reclaims, restores, and redeems for His glory and purposes.  We are then reconciled to the Father.  But He expects us to grow by remaining in Him that we may bear fruit.

No matter how clean you are, no matter where you study, work, live, or the clothing you wear, where you work, who your cronies are, or how much moolah you own, until claimed by Jesus, you’re nothing but waste in Satan’s eyes.  Just as reclaimed wood is worth much more than regular wood, you’re of extreme value to God.  In fact, you’re irreplaceable.  You’re priceless to Him!  He left His throne in heaven to live in this trash-like earth just to find you and let you know your worth.

So, get yourself appraised and praised by the LORD of Lords and King of kings.  He thinks the world of you!  You’re His Beloved (Song of Solomon 6:3)! You’re the reason He went to the cross-to be rescued from Satan’s gripping claws. Satan loves garbage.  Satan loves keeping people in bondage. Jesus, however, loves all of His creation and longs to give you freedom from sin and death.  Seek Him now!

“But I am come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

Get Cleaned Up By Jesus!