My wife and I recently watched the TV Hallmark movie, The Most Colorful Time of The Year.  The main star, Christopher Russell, an elementary school teacher, suffers from colorblindness and basically lives in a black and white world.  With the help of special glasses, he is able to see the world around him in full color.  He went from living in the shadows of color, to a bright, exuberant world of variety, textures, and exotic hues all around.

As we look around us, we see what the world offers.  We take in myriads of colors from everything we see.  We’re attracted to so much!  Yet, a life without Christ is basically, black and white.  Before surrendering our lives to Christ, we’re actually living in shadows; shadows of the cross; in the shadows of His blessings.  We’re wearing blinders.  We’re missing out on all He offers us. We’re living outside the realm of the holy.  Spiritually speaking, we’re dead.                                                                                         The cross paints a bright future for us. The cross is the bridge walking us from earth to God’s throne room. The cross removes blinders on our eyes and floods them with His glory.  The cross transports us from the world of darkness and shadows to the light of God’s glorious kingdom.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17,18).

Meaning?  There’s no opportunity for God to be unfaithful or unrighteous.  He doesn’t turn or shift or change His mind; He’s constant.  With Christ, we’ve put on “special glasses” that allow us to see life from a different perspective.  In Him, we move from the carnal realm to the spiritual realm.                                         “For to be carnal minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.  So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:6-11).

Let’s move from the bland and mediocre, to living in the light and the colorful!  Let’s move from shadows to the actual!

God Bless,


Song/video: Shadows-David Crowder Band (featuring Lecrae);  Also available without Lecrae.


We all want some kind of insurance, or warranties on possessions. Back around 1975 I purchased a living room set and every time I asked about warranties, I was told there weren’t any. When I asked why, I was told, “What do you mean warranties? You mean, you take a knife and slash them & then want us to replace them?” I said, “No! Warranty against defects!”  I had never heard of someone doing that to sofas.

About twenty years ago, a nephew of mine came to PR and rented a vehicle.  He opted not to get insurance.  What could go wrong? He visited a cousin and backed the car into a tree branch which went right through! It cost him more than the insurance! 

That’s life.  It’s like not extending a warranty on a small appliance warranted for 90 days. Then it breaks down on day 98!  Insurance is an assurance that “we’re covered” in the event of a breakdown. As the saying goes, “Son, there are only two things guaranteed in life: taxes, and death.”  Wouldn’t you like the assurance that you’re covered for the afterlife?  Beyond death isn’t a journey through mystical cities where one floats through abysses and happens upon mystical creatures and blah, blah, blah.

The afterlife is either being in the presence of God or an eternity away from Him and His goodness. “Yet we have this assurance: Those who belong to God shall live again.  Their bodies shall rise again!  Those who dwell in the dust shall awake and sing for joy!  For God’s light of life will fall like dew upon them” (Isaiah 26:19-21 TLB).

And this one: “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?  Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?  No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:35,37).

We have our insurance/assurance that nothing will separate us from the love of God, and that His blood has covered our sins!

God Bless!


My wife loves vanilla ice cream.  Her favorite sundae, straight from New York, is vanilla with pineapple chunks and tons of whipped cream.  My youngest daughter and I love chocolate, as in chocolate brownie with chocolate ice cream with hot fudge, with Oreos, M&Ms, and anything else chocolatey that can be added.

What a treat when we can get some yummy ice cream and enjoy it down to scraping the hot fudge at the bottom of the bowl (or of a cup, if you skimp)!  YUMMY!

We can compare these two flavors with light and darkness. Light always wins out. I see pictures of people living in darkness.  They don a mask attempting to cover their faces as they rob stores, steal packages, kill others, etc. It’s very obvious they don’t believe God exists.  They have got to know that masks don’t throw off God for a nanosecond -one billionth of a second (10 to the negative 9th power)).  See, regardless of how pitch black a room may be, and how dark the clothing one’s wearing is, God knows 1000% it’s YOU!

For starters, God knows all our words, thoughts, and actions before we do!  Secondly, He sees everything everywhere at once, all the time!!! Thirdly, “even the darkness is not dark to You. And the night is as bright as the day.  Darkness and light are alike to You” (Psalms 139:12 NASB).

So, we’re uncovered before His presence. Chocolate is just like Vanilla in His sight.  Our actions don’t surprise Him.  Even when we feel we’ve outdone ourselves, He’s known it for eternity.  We will NEVER have an upper hand over God.

Therefore, go ahead and enjoy that treat with a clear conscience. In the end goodness outdoes evil.  Light outdoes darkness; or vanilla outdoes chocolate.  So, go ahead and sprinkle it with hot fudge and chocolate sprinkles!  Hmm! I think I’ll join you!

God Bless!


Tons of songs from the 1960s and 70s dealt with people being on the move.  From people Leaving on A Jet Plane (written by John Denver, best performed by Peter, Paul, and Mary), to taking a Taxi (Harry Chapin); to being someone’s Vehicle (The Ides of March), to people moving to other places Midnight Train to Georgia (Gladys Knight and The Pips), and Bobby McGee (written by Kris Kristofferson, best known by Janis Joplin). There have always been people dreaming of going to a better place-I’ll Take You There (The Staple Singers), to Why Can’t I Touch You (Ronnie Dyson) Some want to go back in time-If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time (Tyrone Davis); while others want a clean slate, or a brighter future-I Found Someone of My Own (Free Movement), to: Keep Movin’, Keep Movin’ I Sings (Mary Mary featuring BB Jay).

The Prophet Daniel, in Scripture, foretold of people moving across the globe as a sign of the Last Days (Daniel 12:4). The Pandemic moved people from California to NY.  From NY to Florida, and from Puerto Rico to all parts of the country. As people travel, neighborhoods change; and the way people live has been affected.  As people continue on the move, God’s plans for humanity become clearer.  Each move causes more changes. Each toppling domino affects the next. The world is on the move.  God, however, remains constant.  Like true north, He’s always dependable and trustworthy.

Like the overwhelmingly tall mountains surrounding us, God remains our refuge (You Are My Refuge by Shannon Wexelberg, Matthew Ward).  Like their protection, He hides us from uncertain danger.  “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore” (Psalm 125:2).

God’s always into something new!  Our well-being is His concern.

“He shall cover you with his feathers. And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler” (Psalm 91:4 NKJV).

  God’s love for you never changes. Scenes and seasons do, but He’s steadfast. You can fall asleep by His feet and wake up in full security because He’s faithful. He doesn’t budge.

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 NLT).

Are you on the move? Feel Like Jason Bourne-someone’s always after you? Are you searching for your next assignment?  Meet God! He’ll stop you on your tracks! And boy, has He an assignment for you!  It’ll last you a lifetime!

“Be still, and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10 NIV);

God Bless!


Finding lost money and hidden treasures are two words that make men go wild.  They drool and howl at the wind as their tails wag at the thought of possibly finding something.  Strike it rich, and flagging takes place.  But who isn’t intrigued by the discovery of hidden, or lost, treasure?  Men go on life-long quests digging up even a tiny pearl or diamond.

Some men, unfortunately, spend their lives seeking fool’s gold: treasures after the heart and wisdom of man, rather than after God’s heart.  Hunting for treasures that leave you empty will leave both pockets and hearts dry as well. Why are treasures dangerous?  Because we tend to pour our hearts into them; blinding us to other important matters.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Luke 12:34).

God wants us to “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39). He wants us to hunt through scriptures like an egg hunt, leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit.

God provides warnings to the dangers of getting into treasures that end up stealing our hearts and turning them away from God.  Man, in general doesn’t seek after God’s ways because he feels he doesn’t need God. Going after treasure, only cements those feelings all the more.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal;

On earth, no matter where you live your treasures are in constant danger.  In fact, the better the neighborhood, the more thieves are “eyeing it” and eager to get it. Instead:

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19:20).

How? “Seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

“God’s kingdom is like a treasure hidden in a field for years and then accidentally found by a trespasser. The finder is ecstatic-what a find!- and proceeds to sell everything he owns to raise money and buy that field” (Matthew 13:44 MSG).

Interpretation: When you discover God and His word, you have found treasure in an open field.  You find it so valuable that nothing you possess matters.  You’ll want it badly.

Live for God, work for Him.  Everything you do for Him builds your treasures in heaven. You’re doing it because you love Him, and when you get there, you’ll learn He has treasures for you beyond your expectations. Look at it this way: Build treasures here, and you only have a short time to enjoy them.  Build them in heaven, and you’ll live an eternity enjoying them-and no worries!  That’s a much better yield!

Heaven will be ladened with treasures galore for you to explore!

God Bless!


Do you remember when those 45rpm records were $.15 each? You’d swap them and play ‘em till the artists got sore throats from singing. Every teen and preteen had a collection to get them through the hardships of going to school, doing chores, hanging out, putting up with parents, and even fighting the system.

A line in the famous Dooby Brothers’ 1972 song, Listen to the Music, says “And we’ll dance, Oh, we’re gonna dance our blues away.”  Now, I’m no dancer cause I’ve got no moves, but I believe dancing moves you to becoming one with your partner. Who doesn’t want to enjoy a great time listening to fine music encouraging you to take in some country time with your friends? 

Now, 45s have come a long way.  Back in 1977-78 DISCO produced 45s in 12” format and people were really dancing their blues away.  But there’s another way to dance off our struggles.  There’s another way to dance even if we have no Blues.  Dance for God!

Psalms 149:3 says, “Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp.”

You CAN’T rejoice before God with your hands in your pockets all the time and your feet still.  Rejoicing and delighting signify movement and excitement.  Of course, you can state how thrilled you are using Ben Stein’s facial expression, but few would believe you!

2 Samuel 6:14 reads, “And David danced before Jehovah with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.”

In his inner garments, King David praised God.  Now, he wasn’t boogying and he wasn’t twisting, or Discoing, but he was expressing himself with adoration before Him.  And he did so with all his might.

You might not be a king-excuse me, didn’t know you were, but king, prince, queen, princess, or your average Jo-anne, once your life is His, praise Him in the heavens with your rightful moves. It’s your expression to Him because of Whom He is.   

And what does God think of this???!!! Ever asked yourself that? Huh? Ever wonder what HE thinks?  Read what Zephaniah 3:17 says:

“[God] will [dance] over you with singing.” Or rejoice over you…

He’s in your midst rejoicing over YOU, His creation, especially if you honor Him.  So, go ahead and dance your blues away; soon we’ll meet in the “country” (Heaven) for more than a day!

God Bless,



I love the heat. When we lived in New York I loved the cold and snow.  Right now, in the past week, we’ve had running water for about 12-14 hours. Everyday there’s an issue.  If the pumps didn’t need a part, then they needed cleaning.  If they were cleaned and had their parts then there hasn’t been electricity. We haven’t had a 12-hour period with electricity since Weds. (8/14) at 2:34 a.m.  Yesterday, it came and left about 5 times.  Thankfully, we have our water tanks with about 1200 gals of fresh, clean water and 450 gals of collected rain water from the storm.

Last week before a storm was on the horizon, our hot water heater died on us.  We took it for repairs last Monday, August 12. Due to the storm on the 14th, it isn’t ready yet. We’ve been showering the old-fashioned way: heating water and adding it to cooler waters in a large bucket and pouring it over ourselves. This Friday, August 16, my friend, Andres, called me and we spoke about the water and heater situation.  I told him it’s easier to shower with cold water at night because our bodies are hot and sweaty.  However, in the mornings it’s harder to do.  He said one really has to pray hard to lunge in there under cold water for a shower! I reminded him that decades ago he told us he showers mornings under ice cold water!  He laughed at the fact that it’s true and that I remembered it!  Then I said, “You pray a lot!” And we both laughed at the thought.

True, heat is needed when it’s a bit colder out and when our bodies are aching. In terms of heat, I’m sure you’ve noticed how hot it’s been getting around the world. Is it a coincidence? NOPE!

It’ll be getting seven times hotter in the near future! And during the great tribulation, for those still on earth not serving God but fussing, complaining, and raising their fists at Him, here’s what’ll happen:

“And the people were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory” (Revelation 16:9 NASB).

Instead of repenting, they curse God all the more.

 Want to escape this inescapable event that will be coming upon the earth-an extremely hot event, albeit, that will pale in comparison to the heat in hell?  Ask Jesus into your heart now and enjoy His presence when He walks with you in the cool of the day as He did with Adam (Genesis 3:8).

Update: Got our heater back today, Tuesday, but we still have no running water.  That’s how Puerto Rico works.

Update, Update: Got water all the way through Weds night. Thursday morning power had gone out during the night as well as the water.

God Bless!


So, let’s journey again to heaven!  “Just take my hand and I’ll lead ya” Candida (1970 Tony Orlando),and let’s head over yonder!

Upon arriving there, picture these scenes: Multitudes of people are gathered around God’s Throne room.   As time exists no longer and people will have eternity at their disposal, Jesus suddenly announces: “All the way from the lands of the eastern part of the world, let’s welcome Indonesia, China, Australia, South Korea, etc. And wild applause shatters a few glasses.  All the countries from each region presented from every corner of the world may take weeks and years parading their cultural identities, their beautiful colors, and special music dedicated to God!

It will be much more than their cultural uniqueness that will be displayed.  We will know how they triumphed over evil, over sicknesses, over temptations, over hardships and persecutions of every type imaginable to be present at this meeting!

 We will both cry and rejoice, able to identify with them when considering our own trials. Though we don’t currently know these people, we will know they’re united to us in Christ.  From the ends of the world, a string connects us all: our love for each other through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.

Were it not for the love of Christ, many of us could never get along with Russians, Nigerians, Europeans, Japanese, Hispanics, Scottish, etc. This is where God’s love truly shines!

See, some people, even entire families can be of a particular  religion like Hindu or Muslim, or belong to a sect or cult.  They can sing, It’s A Family Affair (Sly and the Family Stone). Together, they might even say to outsiders, “Get away from me boy…you bother me” (W.C. Fields).  However, religion plays no part in God’s world! It’s all about relationship with Him!

Salvation is individual and only comes through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross (Acts4:12).  It doesn’t depend on what your family practices.  Salvation through Christ’s love, allows us to desire fellowship with others of different backgrounds.  His love is more than enough to overcome barriers of all types. His love is amazing!  He said,                        “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:34, 35).

See, if you keep His commandments of Loving the LORD with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself, you’re honoring God because the rest of the commandments hang on these two (Matthew 22:39, 40).

Heaven will be unlike anything we can ever imagine!  God gave us culture for the sake of identity and variety!  He’s not a boring God!  We will all bring our uniqueness to Him in person!  He ’ll be thrilled to see us in our splendor.  “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.  He who has ears, let him hear” (Matthew 13:43 ESV).

We will succeed at everything!  We will do it with all our might!  We’ll be our best for Him because sin will exist no longer! No one will harm us. Death will be NO MORE!  Nothing will hinder us!

As we picture the nations parading before Him, let’s take it all in!  Bask in His presence!  Let’s enjoy this glimpse of heaven.  Better yet, let’s make sure we’re on the invite!  As Mickey and Becky sang back in the early 80s, “I’m cleaning out my closet spaces, I’m dusting down my room…” (Closet Spaces).  Clean your life of all hindrances by yielding to Him.  You CAN’T do it on your own!  Have you made yourself ready?? 

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city” (Revelations 22:14).

I’ve got my seat saved, right up front-behind several billion others!  Come, sit next to me! We’ll enjoy the parade!!

“The nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of it, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it” (Revelation 21:24).

Love your neighbor as yourself!



Some decades ago, the Transformers came out.  First, they were in cartoons and later, in toys.  They eventually made it to the big screen.  One minute there was a robot, the next, it transformed itself into a vehicle.  Transformations were eye-catching!  They stimulated kids’ minds from creativity to possibilities!                                                                                People are into various types of trans, some are transiting from point A to point B.  Others are transporting goods, some transmitting messages across the globe, and some are undergoing some type of transformation.

Jesus is into the art of transformation.  Regardless of where you find yourself right now, He can transform your life.  Feel an emptiness that nothing fills?  Confused by the latest “trans” movement and aren’t sure where you fit? Not sure if anything is real anymore?  Do you have an addiction?  Cravings? Can’t keep your hands out of the cookie jars?  Or, perhaps you feel like you’re perfect and can’t figure out what others are going through?

Are you crying all the time because you can’t bear this life any longer? People can be cruel and not trust-worthy. But God can transform your life.  Like a tender hurting birdie, he can place you in His hand and cuddle away your hurts and fears. Read this:

“You will never again be called the People that God Left, nor your land the land that God Destroyed.  You will be called the People God Loves, and your land will be called the Bride of God, because the Lord loves you.  And your land will belong to him as a bride belongs to her husband” (Isaiah 62:4).

God’s changes are there!

God’s plans for your life are incredible! You’ll be kicking yourself like that old wolf in the cartoons with a wooden leg pulling down on the lever saying, “Yowl!” if you don’t yield to Him NOW!

Being transformed is so important that Jesus wanted His three chosen disciples to experience what no one else did. 

“Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves.  And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white as the light.  Just then appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus” (Matthew 17:1-3).

The transfiguration showed the disciples that Jesus was more than a man; He was God.  They got a glimpse of His Deity. They saw there was more to Him than met the eye.  It’s the same with us.  He has so much more for us.

No, Christians don’t believe you’ll come back as a roach, a lizard, or a peasant, but we do know allowing Him to work in us will transform our lives. Soon, we’ll be transported to His kingdom forever with new bodies; will be given new names (Isaiah 43:1), and will remember no more the hurt and evil that has shaped our lives. 

Let’s look forward to that new, holy city!                                                “And the street (broad way) of the city was pure gold, like transparent crystal” (Revelation 21:21b).

God Bless!


I’m officially the dish washer at home, at least for the past 19 years.  The rule is, every time my wife cooks (4-5 times/week), I wash.  When I cook, she washes.  Lately, my wife has hinted at having a dishwasher-such a luxury! Especially so in an area where water comes and goes unexpectedly.  Of course, my concern is they’re so big and therefore need a place for it.

But big isn’t our only concern.  About 18 years ago, we went to Florida to visit our two daughters, then in their early twenties.  The four of us had some food and then the youngest stood up and went to “wash” her plate.  I thought, “Wow, that was quick.” When the second daughter also went to “wash” her plate, I felt good knowing that the things they were taught at home were being carried out; mainly, getting straight to picking up after themselves.

When my wife finished her meal and went to the sink, she was surprised to find that the dishes were nowhere to be found-washed, dried, or otherwise!  She asked the girls where they were, and the youngest said, “Why, in the dishwasher, of course!  My wife said, “A dishwasher for two plates?!” “How long is that going to sit there, a month?” she asked. The girls laughed; we couldn’t believe it! My wife said, “Get outta here!” and quickly washed both their plates.

Yep, so how long will it take for us to fill an empty dishwasher?  Our oldest daughter is now married and it takes two hours for a load to get done. Well, we found some portable dishwashers; the type fitting on a countertop; the type that squirts like a water gun.  But where should we put it? Next to the microwave?  Nah. The air fryer is there right next to the coffee maker.  On the other side of the sink, we have the blender next to the food processor, next to the onion/potato bin, next to the ice maker.  And we can’t forget our toaster…I guess I’ll continue washing by hand.

How we wash or who washes, isn’t important to Jesus.  Being cleaned, is.  But He’s not referring to dishes.  He’s concerned with our lives, with our souls.  He’s not interested in what we WERE, but what we are NOW after receiving Him into our lives.

“But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God”                             (1 Corinthians 6:11 NIV).

Whether you have the space or not, and whether it’s two minutes or two hours of washing, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

That’s why we do water baptism.  As you go down, it represents your dying to self; and as you come up, it represents resurrection to new life!  Just like Jesus! Water-washing is symbolic of newness in Christ and public confirmation you now belong to Jesus.

God Bless!