If a person counts his chickens as a form of projecting his earnings, that is, thinking he’ll have 1000 chickens before they hatch, and makes plans with his figures, he may be disappointed should dozens of them not hatch as expected.  In other words, don’t jump the gun. It’s easy and tempting to celebrate before triumphing. Celebrations can end up being embarrassing.

Take King David in the Bible, he had four wives. One, Haggith, had a son named Adonijah.  Another wife, Bathsheba, was the mother of Solomon. David had promised the throne to Solomon, but Haggith saw the opportunity to declare himself king of Israel when he learned that King Daid was in bad health and in another city.  Plus, he wasn’t fully functioning in his role as king.

Adonijah got fifty of his buddies to parade him about in his chariot.  Were it today, he’d probably soup it up with double exhausts pipes, mag wheels, and ear-shattering stereo system sure to blow his speakers apart. Adonijah counted on becoming the next ruler of Israel. In prep for a party, he had animals slaughtered and made ready to feast on.  However, his plans were discovered and shared with Bathsheba who went to King David and reminded him that Solomon would be king as promised by him.  So, while Adonijah was tootin’ his horn, Solomon was getting sworn in as king by the king.  Adonijah’s toots faded away (1 Kings 1)!

 Satan did the same thing.  Having tried unsuccessfully to kill Jesus at birth and several times throughout His life, he was sure he had finally struck gold.  As Jesus was nailed to a cross, His side pierced, confirmed dead; and amidst the tears mixed with the pouring rain upon onlookers, Satan rejoiced with his demonic host of the long-awaited victory. They may have had their party; which probably had deviled eggs, Devil Dogs, hot, chili peppers and hot sauce- for starters!

Having witnessed the traditional, albeit, imaginary count down, he was certain his chicks would all be hatching and selling at the weekend’s marketplace.  Unbeknown to him, the countdown was the beginning of Jesus’ victory!  After being fully dead three days and three nights, Jesus, not only went down to the pits of hell to disrupt Satan’s celebration, but He took back all captive souls, and defeated Death by taking back His life!

How could this have happened?  Simple. Satan isn’t omniscient: all-knowing like God.  Although he deceived Adam, he couldn’t deceive Jesus.

“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory.  Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1Corinthians 2:7,8).

We can’t be satisfied with the stories.  There has to be an application.  Are you “counting your chickens?” Are you 100% sure you’re going to heaven?  Are you already rejoicing, celebrating, killing the fatted calf in preparation for the  P-A-R-T-Y of all parties based on your merits?  Have it all worked out? You have your invite list so people can go visit you?  Why?  Because of your good works? NO!  Because you’re a “good” person? NO!  

“For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:8-10).

*After we’re saved, we do good works.  But without accepting Christ, our good works don’t count towards getting us saved.  Only He saves.  Make sure your name is on His Invite list (Revelations 21:27)!

God Bless!
