Have you been to church lately? Recently?  Been a while?  Have you sat next to someone with an operatic voice that pierced your ears? Whose voice was louder than the singer on stage-7 rows down? A few weeks prior, you were next to someone who couldn’t carry a tune?  He missed all the notes?   During worship time, the raised arms kept slapping you around? Someone poked you on your right and another person, 6’8” tall, raised his arm right over your head-nearly suffocating you?

That’s probably a good description of some churches.  The church, the true church of God, is comprised of believers worldwide.  When you think of believers in Belieze, Russia, China, Panama, Australia, Canada, Africa, Switzerland, the US, you know God has to be behind it all.  It’s impossible for anyone to cohesively organize such a group of believers to live together and genuinely love each other for all eternity. Not that it’s gonna take all of eternity to sort things out, God has it all worked out already and looks forward to that gathering!

A sea of believers forming one church with only One Leader, Jesus the Nazarene, comprises the true Church, His body.  Quirks and all, faults and all, we’re all trying as best we know how, to honor God with our lives.  Far from perfect we are; at least for now; but then, we shall be perfect, and we shall all know, recognize, and understand other believers!  Now, we briefly understand some things, but then, we’ll all be saying, “Now I get it!”

We’ll all be praising God throughout eternity-even those of us who can’t carry a note or a tune, or even a bag of groceries; or sing the loudest when we should be singing “solo”-so low that no one should hear us.  Or, tenor; ten or fifteen feet away!  What can I say?! We’ll be so happily excited we won’t be bothered by such trivial things.  Eternity is so long; we’ll have plenty of time to worship God as He deserves. And, not to worry, we’ll learn how to correctly worship from His holy angels

In the meantime, let’s belt out our praises to Him who alone is worthy to receive all the glory and honor as we consider each other in fellowship!

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being” (Revelation 4:11).

God Bless!
