In sweltering heat, we all welcome cold water and cold drinks. When heat gets to us, we welcome relieve, as in air conditioners or fans.  Some people can only live in cold climates.  I remember in NY back in the early 90s it being in the single digits and people were cold and complaining.  In the news, someone interviewed a hotdog vendor about the cold.  Being from Russia, the weather was a welcomed relief because he was accustomed to -20 degrees F.

Speaking of cold, everyone has had experiences where people have been indifferent, or have done cold things; leaving us scratching our heads.  Maybe people have given us the cold shoulder, or relationships have sometimes gone cold.  Getting dumped, or dumping someone, is considered a cold act.  Cold can impact us.

Around 1997, we officially moved into our log cabin.  We eventually bought a 400-gal water tank and connected it to a water pump.  Showering was like this:  Stepped in the tub, turned on water, held our breath, did a little wiggle dance (for mental purposes), and took a plunge into the cool water, which we sometimes welcomed, yet oftentimes, it was outright cold! For sure, it was a quick shower!  

Cold, we know, refreshes us.  Like being in a stuffy room sweating bullets and then stepping into a fully air-conditioned room!  Ahh, what a relief!  We feel revamped, restored, and renewed!

God wants us refreshed.  He gave us cold weather to soothe our souls.  And while heat is good, it is the cold that replenishes us.  Here’s a refreshing thought: all of this world’s commotions will soon end! Evil will be eradicated forever!  God’s good news Gospel will be lived out! Great news will be delivered by His messengers, the angels!  Consider: “Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad, and let us give the glory unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7 ASV).

Talk about crisp, cold, and pleasing news!  “God’s word is so satisfying!  “Warm” up to it!  Please the Master-serve Him!

Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the soul of his masters” (Proverbs 25:13).

God Bless!
