This school is the easiest to get into.  In fact, no one has to apply! Everyone gets in!  You don’t have to send in a video showing how you locked yourself out of your car or your apartment.  You don’t have to convince anyone that you don’t have what it takes to jump from one tree to another while holding a cup of water, and being suspended over infested waters…OOPPSS!

At the school of hard knocks, graduation comes at different levels and at different times for its students.  Some learn quickly, others, well-they’re still there.  This is the school that prepares one for life.  It’s where one requirement is for you to knock your head against the wall enough times to finally learn what you should, and shouldn’t do. Hard Knocks is a prestigious institution.  The most intelligent people, not to mention the smarty-pants, have attended its facilities throughout history.

This institution is established in every town, every city, every country, in every corner of the earth with an enrollment in the billions! Tuition is “On the House.” Whether you feel compelled to attend or not, it’s not an option.  Everyone ends up there one way or another.  Maybe you opened your mouth and said a barrage of things-to the wrong person, or put something together the wrong way as two guys I knew once said, (Edgar): “I know how to take apart a bike and put it back together.” Speedy: “Me too, with no parts left over.” And Georgie laughed ‘cause he knew sometimes there would be parts we didn’t know what to make of!

Yep, the School of Hard Knocks is a hands-on school! You don’t study the theoretics of it, you actually live the experiences!   Most people don’t even know they’re enrolled!  That’s how good the school is.  The ticket out comes through learning not to repeat the same mistakes. Many, graduate with honors! From awards for having the most bumps on their heads, to those with temperaments, some receive band-aids, head bandages, lotions, kerchiefs, and other goodies as proof of mastering some “hard-knock” areas! Here’s some counsel fit for every student, smart, foolish, and regardless of your major:

“The ways of fools seem right to them, but the wise listen to advise” (Proverbs 12:15 NIV).

Song/video on YouTube: The Hard Way-(DCTALK)

God Bless!

See you soon at re-enrollment-I’ll have a few head-bandages!