If a person counts his chickens as a form of projecting his earnings, that is, thinking he’ll have 1000 chickens before they hatch, and makes plans with his figures, he may be disappointed should dozens of them not hatch as expected.  In other words, don’t jump the gun. It’s easy and tempting to celebrate before triumphing. Celebrations can end up being embarrassing.

Take King David in the Bible, he had four wives. One, Haggith, had a son named Adonijah.  Another wife, Bathsheba, was the mother of Solomon. David had promised the throne to Solomon, but Haggith saw the opportunity to declare himself king of Israel when he learned that King Daid was in bad health and in another city.  Plus, he wasn’t fully functioning in his role as king.

Adonijah got fifty of his buddies to parade him about in his chariot.  Were it today, he’d probably soup it up with double exhausts pipes, mag wheels, and ear-shattering stereo system sure to blow his speakers apart. Adonijah counted on becoming the next ruler of Israel. In prep for a party, he had animals slaughtered and made ready to feast on.  However, his plans were discovered and shared with Bathsheba who went to King David and reminded him that Solomon would be king as promised by him.  So, while Adonijah was tootin’ his horn, Solomon was getting sworn in as king by the king.  Adonijah’s toots faded away (1 Kings 1)!

 Satan did the same thing.  Having tried unsuccessfully to kill Jesus at birth and several times throughout His life, he was sure he had finally struck gold.  As Jesus was nailed to a cross, His side pierced, confirmed dead; and amidst the tears mixed with the pouring rain upon onlookers, Satan rejoiced with his demonic host of the long-awaited victory. They may have had their party; which probably had deviled eggs, Devil Dogs, hot, chili peppers and hot sauce- for starters!

Having witnessed the traditional, albeit, imaginary count down, he was certain his chicks would all be hatching and selling at the weekend’s marketplace.  Unbeknown to him, the countdown was the beginning of Jesus’ victory!  After being fully dead three days and three nights, Jesus, not only went down to the pits of hell to disrupt Satan’s celebration, but He took back all captive souls, and defeated Death by taking back His life!

How could this have happened?  Simple. Satan isn’t omniscient: all-knowing like God.  Although he deceived Adam, he couldn’t deceive Jesus.

“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory.  Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1Corinthians 2:7,8).

We can’t be satisfied with the stories.  There has to be an application.  Are you “counting your chickens?” Are you 100% sure you’re going to heaven?  Are you already rejoicing, celebrating, killing the fatted calf in preparation for the  P-A-R-T-Y of all parties based on your merits?  Have it all worked out? You have your invite list so people can go visit you?  Why?  Because of your good works? NO!  Because you’re a “good” person? NO!  

“For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:8-10).

*After we’re saved, we do good works.  But without accepting Christ, our good works don’t count towards getting us saved.  Only He saves.  Make sure your name is on His Invite list (Revelations 21:27)!

God Bless!



Have you been to church lately? Recently?  Been a while?  Have you sat next to someone with an operatic voice that pierced your ears? Whose voice was louder than the singer on stage-7 rows down? A few weeks prior, you were next to someone who couldn’t carry a tune?  He missed all the notes?   During worship time, the raised arms kept slapping you around? Someone poked you on your right and another person, 6’8” tall, raised his arm right over your head-nearly suffocating you?

That’s probably a good description of some churches.  The church, the true church of God, is comprised of believers worldwide.  When you think of believers in Belieze, Russia, China, Panama, Australia, Canada, Africa, Switzerland, the US, you know God has to be behind it all.  It’s impossible for anyone to cohesively organize such a group of believers to live together and genuinely love each other for all eternity. Not that it’s gonna take all of eternity to sort things out, God has it all worked out already and looks forward to that gathering!

A sea of believers forming one church with only One Leader, Jesus the Nazarene, comprises the true Church, His body.  Quirks and all, faults and all, we’re all trying as best we know how, to honor God with our lives.  Far from perfect we are; at least for now; but then, we shall be perfect, and we shall all know, recognize, and understand other believers!  Now, we briefly understand some things, but then, we’ll all be saying, “Now I get it!”

We’ll all be praising God throughout eternity-even those of us who can’t carry a note or a tune, or even a bag of groceries; or sing the loudest when we should be singing “solo”-so low that no one should hear us.  Or, tenor; ten or fifteen feet away!  What can I say?! We’ll be so happily excited we won’t be bothered by such trivial things.  Eternity is so long; we’ll have plenty of time to worship God as He deserves. And, not to worry, we’ll learn how to correctly worship from His holy angels

In the meantime, let’s belt out our praises to Him who alone is worthy to receive all the glory and honor as we consider each other in fellowship!

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being” (Revelation 4:11).

God Bless!



Growing up in the 60s it was natural to be told, “I’m gonna kill ya!” We knew no one meant it. “Remind me to kill you later” was also used a lot. During my last year in NY as a teacher I took a portrait shot with a best friend-a female worker. She said to me, “Sam, if your wife kills me, I’m gonna strangle you!”
Today we live in an age where people’s lives are often dictated by others’ comments. If someone does something one doesn’t like, others put them down. They go on a rage wanting people killed, etc. Read comments on some news and if someone lost a loved one, the comments go from what the democrats and republicans are doing, to migrants picking bananas in Costa Rica, and why they should all be annihilated. Completely lost.
I have a true story (but packed away) from my daughter where something like this took place: A professor asked his students to express their feelings of anger and rage towards a person who wronged them by throwing darts at a picture he had put up. After they all finished and were satisfied with their expressions, he removed the picture to reveal an image of Jesus behind the first picture. Everyone grew silent. He then said Jesus’ words, “Inasmuch as you have done this to the least of these, you have also done to Me” (Matthew 25:40).
See, we picture killers as ruthless, tattooed, bald, missing every other tooth, and reeking of garlic smell (applies to men too)! And those people might indeed exist-why there’s one…but you have probably never seen one. Nevertheless, Jesus said, “Everyone who is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment; and whoever shall say to his brother, ‘Raca! Shall be in danger of the council” (Matthew 5:22). The word Raca means worthless, empty-headed, a brainless idiot, foolish, witless.
Jesus also said, “Anyone who hates a brother or a sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him” (1 John 3:15).
So, you might not have killed anyone, but if you hate someone, you’re on the same level as a murderer-and have no chance of entering heaven. Meaning what exactly? Jesus equates hate with murder. He is love (1 John 4:16). When we hate, we’re “murdering” His creation-even if the person is evil, God knows there’s a chance he can be saved because Christ died for them. So, when you look in the mirror, you’re coming face-to-face with a killer.
And hate, is gonna kill ya; not figurative, but literally. Replace it with love. How? Ask Jesus into your heart. He’ll change you from the inside out.
God Bless,


Some people, happy for accepting Jesus into their hearts, imagine that they’ll now be the envy of others.  They think they’ll be special because they’re the King’s kid.  They might even expect an introduction like, “Here’s Maribel who serves the King of kings.”  Or, “Make sure to run it by Henry, since he has close contact with the Man upstairs.” The disciples may have thought the same thing.  But actually, the opposite awaits all who follow Him. There’s a price to pay.  Listen to Jesus’ words:

“And you shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endures to the end shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).  “If the world hates you, keep in mind they hated me first.  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.  As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.  That is why the world hates you” (John 15:18, 19).

Serving comes in different forms, and I’m reminded of a Twilight Zone episode (To Serve Man) where aliens come in peace and are bent on serving man…Watch it for the ending!

Jesus taught us through His examples how to serve others. The most radical way is mind-boggling. Being the Son of God, the King of Kings; and being the God of the Universe, He could have done what most of us would do: “Hey guys, I want to show you how to serve me- “Thomas, bring me this,” “Andrew, please go to Joe’s Fish Market and bring us some fish-n-chips and then serve us at the table…”

Instead, He took off His outer tunic, took a towel and a basin, filled it with water, and got down on His knees and began to wash their feet.  “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet” (John 13:13,14).

His lesson to all? He who wants to be greatest of all, let him be your servant (Matthew 23;11; John 13:16).

Mankind equates greatness by how many people are under his control to serve him.  Jesus showed us by example that greatness humbles itself before others.  He didn’t talk about it.  He didn’t just write about it.  He lived it and demonstrated it.  His examples of how we ought to humbly follow Him, goes against all that the world believes and teaches.  Those who serve Him will reap their rewards in heaven.  Man’s acclaims mean zilch when God’s number one in your life.

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9).

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).

Are you willing to pay the price?

God Bless!


In sweltering heat, we all welcome cold water and cold drinks. When heat gets to us, we welcome relieve, as in air conditioners or fans.  Some people can only live in cold climates.  I remember in NY back in the early 90s it being in the single digits and people were cold and complaining.  In the news, someone interviewed a hotdog vendor about the cold.  Being from Russia, the weather was a welcomed relief because he was accustomed to -20 degrees F.

Speaking of cold, everyone has had experiences where people have been indifferent, or have done cold things; leaving us scratching our heads.  Maybe people have given us the cold shoulder, or relationships have sometimes gone cold.  Getting dumped, or dumping someone, is considered a cold act.  Cold can impact us.

Around 1997, we officially moved into our log cabin.  We eventually bought a 400-gal water tank and connected it to a water pump.  Showering was like this:  Stepped in the tub, turned on water, held our breath, did a little wiggle dance (for mental purposes), and took a plunge into the cool water, which we sometimes welcomed, yet oftentimes, it was outright cold! For sure, it was a quick shower!  

Cold, we know, refreshes us.  Like being in a stuffy room sweating bullets and then stepping into a fully air-conditioned room!  Ahh, what a relief!  We feel revamped, restored, and renewed!

God wants us refreshed.  He gave us cold weather to soothe our souls.  And while heat is good, it is the cold that replenishes us.  Here’s a refreshing thought: all of this world’s commotions will soon end! Evil will be eradicated forever!  God’s good news Gospel will be lived out! Great news will be delivered by His messengers, the angels!  Consider: “Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad, and let us give the glory unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7 ASV).

Talk about crisp, cold, and pleasing news!  “God’s word is so satisfying!  “Warm” up to it!  Please the Master-serve Him!

Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes the soul of his masters” (Proverbs 25:13).

God Bless!



This school is the easiest to get into.  In fact, no one has to apply! Everyone gets in!  You don’t have to send in a video showing how you locked yourself out of your car or your apartment.  You don’t have to convince anyone that you don’t have what it takes to jump from one tree to another while holding a cup of water, and being suspended over infested waters…OOPPSS!

At the school of hard knocks, graduation comes at different levels and at different times for its students.  Some learn quickly, others, well-they’re still there.  This is the school that prepares one for life.  It’s where one requirement is for you to knock your head against the wall enough times to finally learn what you should, and shouldn’t do. Hard Knocks is a prestigious institution.  The most intelligent people, not to mention the smarty-pants, have attended its facilities throughout history.

This institution is established in every town, every city, every country, in every corner of the earth with an enrollment in the billions! Tuition is “On the House.” Whether you feel compelled to attend or not, it’s not an option.  Everyone ends up there one way or another.  Maybe you opened your mouth and said a barrage of things-to the wrong person, or put something together the wrong way as two guys I knew once said, (Edgar): “I know how to take apart a bike and put it back together.” Speedy: “Me too, with no parts left over.” And Georgie laughed ‘cause he knew sometimes there would be parts we didn’t know what to make of!

Yep, the School of Hard Knocks is a hands-on school! You don’t study the theoretics of it, you actually live the experiences!   Most people don’t even know they’re enrolled!  That’s how good the school is.  The ticket out comes through learning not to repeat the same mistakes. Many, graduate with honors! From awards for having the most bumps on their heads, to those with temperaments, some receive band-aids, head bandages, lotions, kerchiefs, and other goodies as proof of mastering some “hard-knock” areas! Here’s some counsel fit for every student, smart, foolish, and regardless of your major:

“The ways of fools seem right to them, but the wise listen to advise” (Proverbs 12:15 NIV).

Song/video on YouTube: The Hard Way-(DCTALK)

God Bless!

See you soon at re-enrollment-I’ll have a few head-bandages!