Around 1967, our dad had bought our first car-a Comet. It was nice in sky blue with white portions. On a trip somewhere, my little brother Nels got sick.  Feeling like throwing up, I told our dad, and he said, “Put his head out the window.” Meaning, get some fresh air.  Instead, Nels released his contents!  My mouth opened wide in disbelief that the wind had taken it so fast!  It went swoosh right to the windshield of the car behind us! We saw the driver wave his hands in anger!  Quickly, I told my parents and my dad laughed.  He may have sped up some after that!

Isn’t that how life is-here one second, gone the next?  Many people don’t understand the differences between having and practicing a religion, and being saved. Being religious means man reaching up to God trying to appease Him through man-made ways. Salvation means God reaching down to man redeeming him back to fellowship with the Godhead, and only comes through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.  Jesus put it this way: “The wind goes wherever it pleases.  You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.  So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8)

Translation: Through religion, man tries to appease God. But under salvation, the work’s already done by God.  Plus, we’re led by the Holy Spirit and He, like the wind, directs our steps.  Therefore, we’re led by the works of the Holy Spirit.

When we “do life” according to our will and ways, we’re moving in the wrong direction.  There are millions upon millions of people making sacrifices and pledges, paying indulgences, pursuing “saints”, tracking the stars, reading horoscopes, being superstitious or “good,” etc. but to no avail. We can’t meet God’s standard of goodness, which is why He did it all for us. He alone gets the glory.  Moving in the right direction begins with releasing what’s in our mouths-not throwing up (!), but a confession of sin, guilt, repentance, and acceptance of God into our lives.

