Scully and Mulder were everywhere searching for clues that would lead them to alien life.  They left no stone unturned as they followed lead after lead pursuing an evasive truth.  They risked life and limb, faced the threat of insanity, endured death threats, and encountered forms of abnormalities as they inched closer but further from the truth that could bring them face-to-face with higher beings, intelligence, and the origins of life.

Man continues the pursuit.  Few have found the path leading to it.  Hundreds have claimed boarding a ship through abduction while others claim to have had close encounters with strange life forms.

 Likewise, millions have paved their own path to God leaving no stone unturned; But it is far from the Truth. Jesus said that if man didn’t worship Him, the stones would cry out (Luke 19:40).

             Like Pilate, when Jesus told him that His reason for coming to earth was to bear witness to the truth, He was asked, “ What is truth (John 18:38)?                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jesus didn’t risk or lose His life for us; He laid it down in love, voluntarily.  He told the world, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father, except through Me.  And no man goes to the Son except the Father draws him (John14:6).

Yes, the Truth is out there; not in the form of a blob, not an alien, not strange phenomenon, or a jellyfish with tentacles emitting sound waves or aura, but a person; Jesus, and He’s looking for you.  Once you have found the Truth, your searching will be over. No abductions will happen, but adoption will take place as Jesus claims you for Himself.  No, you won’t go to the “Mother Ship,” but you will go to the Father’s abode.

So, look up and stretch your arms out.  Yell if you want.  Shout from the mountain top, “Where are you, Truth, where are you?  You’ll be amazed to know that the God who’s larger than the universe, is also small enough to dwell within your heart. The answer, my friend, is in a soft whisper saying, “I AM here within you.”

“Look! I stand at the door and knock.  If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends” (Revelation 3:20).

It’s not a coverup!
God Bless!