This day is dedicated to those dads who have fulfilled their duties as dads in their kids’/or their wives’ lives. Dads aren’t perfect, and some have popped in and out of their family’s lives. They come with all kids of baggage.  Some carry small bags, while others may carry shopping bags.  This day celebrates the courage for being counted in a role determined by God for the existence of the family unit.  I thank all fathers who have braved daughters, sons, and wife.  It’s not an easy calling, but doable.

We can get all the tips needed from our heavenly Father who “showers us with all kinds of blessings” (2 Corinthians 9:8), “For he cares…” (1 Peter 5:7).  God is the epitome of what constitutes a dad.  He sacrificed His Son to bring us into His Family. He forgives all our sins, He heals our afflictions, and He provides not only sustenance, but sun, air, and life.  Remember your heavenly Father today.  Honor your dad this day.

God Bless,
