Tomorrow we were going to have a weekend of romance! That’s right, a full weekend of watching romance movies on TV!  But, being the Father’s Day weekend, I convinced my wife to swap it for a weekend of Mysteries.

It’ll be romantic trying to solve all those mysteries together!  Hey, I’m not the only romantic in this relationship!  Just this afternoon my wife invited me to the pharmacy!  I asked, “What for, to drool over the meds?” “YEP” she replied with stars in her eyes…she loves me so. Now that’s taking it to the next level!  

Now consider God, He knows romance.  Say, What? Do you picture God with a whip and an angry face?  That’s not Him! He’s madly in love with His creation. His arms are stretch-out wide waiting for you.  He poured out His love for you on the cross.  Took YOUR place there.  That’s right; you who’s crying, you who’s at the end of your wits, you, contemplating ending it all, He’s calling out to you right now!  He’s calling your name!

Yes, with all our quirks, habits, and sometimes unruly behavior, God is still crazy in love with us.  He’s romantically in love with you! Can you believe the God of the universe has forever had His eyes on you?!  Can you believe He’s prepared a place for you to live at in heaven, and is returning to take you there?  Now that’s a mystery!  Read His words directed at us:

“You have captured my heart, my sister, my bride! You have captured my heart with one glance from your eyes, with one strand of your necklace” (Song of Solomon 4:9 CEB).

Don’t let your heavenly mansion be given to another!  Claim yours today!  How? Love Him back! Tell Him! He’s listening for the voice of His beloved! Take refuge in His arms.

“The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry” (Psalm 34:15).

“In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your righteousness, rescue me and deliver me; turn your ear to me and save me” (Psalms 71:1-3 NIV)

Spend this weekend romantically in love with God! Not watching TV romance, but in His presence!

God Bless!