If you live in Puerto Rico, you soon learn that nothing is instant! Everything takes forever!  It’s great for those wanting to “slow down.” Slow down takes on a new meaning here, unless you have a full-membership to the SLOTH CLUB!

Today, we’re tired.  We walked up and down Sam’s Club, as well as throughout Costco.  The drive there and back is through bumpy, potholed-filled roads-just like, probably 99% of Puerto Rico roads; not to mention the treacherous roads from, and to, our house.  These roads were treacherous BEFORE Hurricanes Irma (Sept. 6) and Maria hit the island (September 20, 2017) exactly two weeks apart.  With many bridges down, the masses had to make use of alternate routes.  Here we are six and a half years later, and in spite of the island receiving hundreds of millions of dollars ANNUALLY from the US specifically for road repair and maintenance, yet, they don’t get touched.  Millions of dollars vanish into pockets somewhere.

So, tired from the day and putting away the tons of stuff we bought, we opted for a quick, almost instant meal.  Simple enough: pop into the microwave two chicken sandwiches that should be ready in 95-105 seconds. I placed both patties on a regular micro-ready plate, and set it for 45 secs. Then, for 55 sec. Flipped them over for 33 secs. Then 55 secs. Then 20, then 25, then 55, then 35, then 45, then 22 seconds, and they still weren’t ready!  So much for a quick meal; heck, almost instant. 

Why??? Puerto Rico lowers everyone’s voltage in our area.  I reported it in 2021 and several supervisors came out to see.  They confirmed two things: that at just after 9 a.m. it was really low. AND, that they could fix that!  However, because of the pandemic, they couldn’t tackle it-even though everything they needed to touch was outdoors!

 Would you believe that they could not believe when I showed them the light post right near them and told them it only took 30 years for them to FINALLY install a streetlight I had been requesting since July, 1990? 

Others can’t believe we had no running water running water for 17 yrs., 11 months.  And then, we only received it 7 hrs. one day and 4 hrs. the next, and so on.  Or, that it took TWENTY-FIVE years to finally get water “full-time.”  Water, like electricity, are services we pay a lot of money for, and are withheld ANY TIME the companies feel the need to take them.  And they do. Two weeks ago, and into next week, we spent 11 days without water.  Got it for one day, and then several more days without any. Puerto Rico’s motto?  “Puerto Rico Does It Better!”

The only thing instant I look forward to, will be God’s coming!  Trust me, it will be instant! No waiting! Potholes won’t stop us!

“In an instant, in the blink of an eye, at the final trumpet. The trumpet will blast, and the dead will be raised with bodies that won’t decay, and we will be changed” (1 Corinthians 15:52 CEB).

Hurry Up, Come Lord Jesus!
