Let’s say you’re a saved person and you just dropped dead.  You’ve just arrived at heaven, and you’re entering through one of the 12 pearly gates.  I don’t know if there’s a main entrance with a huge marquee saying, “ENTER HERE” and there’ll be a finger pointing to it, but you’re going in. 

“The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each made of a single pearl” (Revelation 21:21a).

Using your imagination, let’s picture what might take place.  Say you’re an introvert, like me; but suddenly, you see several friends you knew from way-back-when.  They come cheering for you.  You break loose and start high-fiving them and hugging each other!  They have you follow them-practically pulling you as they show you the amazing things they’ve seen.  

You can’t believe that on your right hand are tables (probably going on for ten miles), packed with every cake you’ve ever seen and those you’ve never heard of.  On your left are more tables of candies, donuts, nuts, berries, and an infinite number of goodies.  Teo things you immediately notice: 1) that you can see clearly and sharply for miles!  2) you instinctively know none of it can harm you. No allergies here!  None of it can cause you to gain weight, and you can’t get sick, so that’s out!

On the way there, thousands upon thousands of people of all nationalities, call your name and wave at you!  You not only wave back, but you can’t believe you also know each one! You know their names, where they’re from, you even know their language!

Amazing! Your buddies show you waterfalls of crystalline waters in amazing colors.  Rainbows are all around.  You look to your surroundings and there are myriads of angels everywhere!

Looking down you notice the unmistakable streets of pure gold! “The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass” (Revelation 21:21b).

You are mesmerized by all the beauty you’ve seen! The sights, the smells, the beauty of trees and flowers are calming, spirit-lifting, and so soothing. In the near distance, there’s a mob of people; oh, they’re not after your autograph! They’re there like you taking in the l-o-n-g-e-s-t moment ever-ETERNITY!  You get on your tippy-toes and just barely make out an image like that of Jesus surrounded by the splendor of flashing lights.  It must be His throne room, you think. 

What’s so unbelievable is that you’ve already traveled to some places, seen multiple thousands of friends, have done a bunch of things, all without stress, tension, pain, or obstacles, and have enjoyed a teeny-tiny glimpse of what heaven offers, all in a matter of minutes which in earthly time, is actually years!

“But forget not this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Peter 3:8 ASV).

God Bless!