It was 1974, and we were listening to hits like Love’s Theme (Barry White and The Love Unlimited Orchestra), Machine Gun (The Commodores), Could It Be Magic (Donna Summers), etc. Songs played an important part in our lives.  We’d sit and talk about them, what we thought about them and how they impacted us. We used to go to the local record shop and get 45s (RPM) at 3/$2.00.  To think we could get albums (12” LPs) for $1.99-$3.49 each! We definitely had stuff to talk about.

Talking about talk, one hot summer night, our friend, Ray was on the phone with his at-the-time girlfriend, Ms. D. for seven hours!  I don’t think it was sweet nothings they were talking about because it sure was something to go that long!  That sure was a call.  Let’s look at Calls.

In the song, Let’s Just Kiss and Say Goodbye (the Manhattans), a line says, “I called you here today for a bit of bad news…”

And a line in the Christian oldie, Lose My Soul (TobyMac & Kirk Franklin), we hear, “Since I got that call, no more Saul, now I’m Paul.” Meaning, just as Saul, who persecuted Christians was stopped in his tracks by Jesus and transformed to Paul-now an advocate for Christ, we’re changed once we get called by God.

We’ve all received calls in the past; waiting-for calls, unwanted-calls, interrupting-calls, past-due-calls, good-news calls, and bad-news calls, etc. that may have impacted our lives in some ways.

I remember getting a call one time.  As soon as I answered, a female began talking and talking. She went on and on. She explained some issues she was facing and I gave her some advice-as best I could.  Finally, after about twenty minutes when I told her that she should report her issues, she said, “That’s why I’m calling you!”  “Wait a minute, aren’t you Housing (office)?”  I told her I wasn’t.  That’s when she realized she was speaking to a stranger.  She asked why I didn’t stop her.  I told her I tried but she kept going.  Seems she was determined to speak her piece without letting anything stop her-which she did.

Have you made a call, a special call, as in one to God?  He says:

“Call unto Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).

Did you know God calls us? He has called us in righteousness (Isaiah 42:6).  Why? Because He loves you!  He’s made a personal invitational call to spend eternity with Him; not a mere seven hours!

In the first episode of The Chosen, Jesus calls Mary by name.  She immediately knew that it was God because Jesus had never met her before, yet knew her name.  God knows you better than you know yourself.   He knows your name. When you hear His voice, do not harden your heart (Hebrews 3:7,8)!   And like Samuel, (1 Samuel 3:9) answer the call!

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are Mine” (Isaiah 43:1)!

Don’t put Him on hold!

Answer Now!



Around 1967, our dad had bought our first car-a Comet. It was nice in sky blue with white portions. On a trip somewhere, my little brother Nels got sick.  Feeling like throwing up, I told our dad, and he said, “Put his head out the window.” Meaning, get some fresh air.  Instead, Nels released his contents!  My mouth opened wide in disbelief that the wind had taken it so fast!  It went swoosh right to the windshield of the car behind us! We saw the driver wave his hands in anger!  Quickly, I told my parents and my dad laughed.  He may have sped up some after that!

Isn’t that how life is-here one second, gone the next?  Many people don’t understand the differences between having and practicing a religion, and being saved. Being religious means man reaching up to God trying to appease Him through man-made ways. Salvation means God reaching down to man redeeming him back to fellowship with the Godhead, and only comes through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross.  Jesus put it this way: “The wind goes wherever it pleases.  You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.  So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8)

Translation: Through religion, man tries to appease God. But under salvation, the work’s already done by God.  Plus, we’re led by the Holy Spirit and He, like the wind, directs our steps.  Therefore, we’re led by the works of the Holy Spirit.

When we “do life” according to our will and ways, we’re moving in the wrong direction.  There are millions upon millions of people making sacrifices and pledges, paying indulgences, pursuing “saints”, tracking the stars, reading horoscopes, being superstitious or “good,” etc. but to no avail. We can’t meet God’s standard of goodness, which is why He did it all for us. He alone gets the glory.  Moving in the right direction begins with releasing what’s in our mouths-not throwing up (!), but a confession of sin, guilt, repentance, and acceptance of God into our lives.




Scully and Mulder were everywhere searching for clues that would lead them to alien life.  They left no stone unturned as they followed lead after lead pursuing an evasive truth.  They risked life and limb, faced the threat of insanity, endured death threats, and encountered forms of abnormalities as they inched closer but further from the truth that could bring them face-to-face with higher beings, intelligence, and the origins of life.

Man continues the pursuit.  Few have found the path leading to it.  Hundreds have claimed boarding a ship through abduction while others claim to have had close encounters with strange life forms.

 Likewise, millions have paved their own path to God leaving no stone unturned; But it is far from the Truth. Jesus said that if man didn’t worship Him, the stones would cry out (Luke 19:40).

             Like Pilate, when Jesus told him that His reason for coming to earth was to bear witness to the truth, He was asked, “ What is truth (John 18:38)?                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jesus didn’t risk or lose His life for us; He laid it down in love, voluntarily.  He told the world, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man comes to the Father, except through Me.  And no man goes to the Son except the Father draws him (John14:6).

Yes, the Truth is out there; not in the form of a blob, not an alien, not strange phenomenon, or a jellyfish with tentacles emitting sound waves or aura, but a person; Jesus, and He’s looking for you.  Once you have found the Truth, your searching will be over. No abductions will happen, but adoption will take place as Jesus claims you for Himself.  No, you won’t go to the “Mother Ship,” but you will go to the Father’s abode.

So, look up and stretch your arms out.  Yell if you want.  Shout from the mountain top, “Where are you, Truth, where are you?  You’ll be amazed to know that the God who’s larger than the universe, is also small enough to dwell within your heart. The answer, my friend, is in a soft whisper saying, “I AM here within you.”

“Look! I stand at the door and knock.  If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends” (Revelation 3:20).

It’s not a coverup!
God Bless!



Sometimes parents tell their kids to leave certain toys or games behind. Sometimes teachers have taken things away from students, only to return them later. That doesn’t make parents or teachers mean or cruel. Sometimes those things can be a distraction in our lives.

Growing up, I remember experiencing an embarrassing moment!  It must’ve been Halloween, and in the evening, my mom had me walk with her from our second-floor apartment to the 5th floor where our “new” baby sitter lived. She was an old lady. As we turned past the second floor on to the third floor, I realized that I had with me a yellow pacifier which I sometimes used.  I was 4! I also had a very small box.  Mom told me to forget about it; meaning, we weren’t going back down to put it away.  So, I stuffed it in the small box. 

The problem was, there were kids on the stairways and they wanted to see the candies I had received! I refused to open the box! Up at the “new,” but old, baby sitter’s house, her granddaughter also wanted to see my goodies. I had to muster up some courage and get mean refusing to show them…I learned I should have left it behind!

God calls us to leave things behind in the sense that He doesn’t want other things competing with His position in our lives. Possessions aren’t the only things that can interfere with God’s plans for us, but there are things that weigh us down, including past decisions, hurting relationships, hang-ups, etc. Yes, even as embarrassing as they may be, He prefers we “box” them, be strong, and refuse to give in to outside temptations demanding we reveal them to the world.  You may or may not have candies in your box, but God’s sweetness is enough to saturate our lives. In this walk, you may have to climb several floors to reach your goal, it’s the same with God; He wants to take us heaven bound.  Make that your goal.

“Brothers and sisters, I know I still have a long way to go.  But there is one thing I do: I forget what is in the past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me” (Philippians 3:13 ERV).




If you’re an X-File fanatic, you know The Truth Is Out There. If you follow newspaper stories or TV shows on Aliens, you’ve heard of others’ encounters with those from beyond the galaxies.  From abductees to people who’ve visited spacecrafts or other planets, to those who claim to have engaged in physical contact with odd-headed beings, the numbers of those believing that aliens exist amongst us have increased in the past few decades.  Actor Dan Akroyd starred in a funny movie; My Step-Mother is an Alien.  An alien took on human form to experience life…sounds like God coming to earth in human form disguised as a child. Hmm.

If you closely examine old-world paintings from the 1400s, like The Madonna, you’ll notice small spacecrafts in the distance, or blimp-like objects that seem to show alien participation in daily, or special events. Actually, I think they were angelic beings present in the affairs of men.

 Needless to say, the world is obsessed with alien life.  I think that belief will soon play a significant role in the biggest event the world has known.  But, aliens aside, let’s see why scripture says we’re not alone.  Just before Jesus’s death, resurrection, and ascension, He told His disciples, “It is expedient that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.  And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement:” (John 16:7, 8). 

We are not alone because God the Father is omnipresent-Everywhere at all times.  Jesus is seated at the righthand of God interceding for us (Romans 8:34).

 The Holy Spirit, also known as the Comforter, is everywhere working in the hearts of men to draw them closer to the Father.

In the end, we’re not alone, not because of aliens, but because of God’s presence and His heavenly host.

God bless,



Growing up in the 50s & 60s, it seems everything was slapstick comedy.  Among them, slapping each other left and right, were Abbott and Costello, and The Three Stooges.  We laughed at it. We even had parents say, “I’m gonna slap you silly.” We thought it was normal.  Even some TV commercials told us it was the slap-happiest time ever.

Many movies featured a woman slap a guy and say stuff like, “How dare you!” And, “Why, you two-timing, good-for-nuttin’ beast!” followed by a slap. 

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, King Herod killed James, John’s brother.  He planned on killing Peter too, but first placed him in jail surrounded by 16 guards.  I can just picture him saying, “Let’s see you get out of this one!”

Check out the story:

“The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.  Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell.  He struck Peter on the side and woke him up.  “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrist.  Then the angel said to Peter, put on your clothes and sandals.”  And Peter did so. “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me,” the angel told him.  “Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision.  They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city.  It opened for them by itself, and they went through it.  When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him” (Acts 12:5-10).

Here was an amazing rescue by an angel of God!  He led Peter out of the jail by first slapping him awake!  As you can imagine, the soldiers searched high and low for Peter, who managed to escape 16 men while half asleep!  I’m sure Herod thought, “Why did I have to challenge him?” Read it to see that it was such an embarrassment, all the guards were put to death.

God’s powerful angels will do what it takes to minister to His people.  No, they’re not little chubby kids as angels, and no, they’re not sexy girls in lingerie as men often wish them to be.  They’re God’s mighty warriors and messengers-usually, scary, or intimidating to look at.

Have you been visited by an angel? I’m sure you have, but you’ve probably chased them away many times.  Most of us have unknowingly. How?

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14)?  Every time you turn away those “religious nuts,” you’re turning away angels sent to rescue and save you.  Turning away from God, now, that’s a slap in the face.

God Bless,



This day is dedicated to those dads who have fulfilled their duties as dads in their kids’/or their wives’ lives. Dads aren’t perfect, and some have popped in and out of their family’s lives. They come with all kids of baggage.  Some carry small bags, while others may carry shopping bags.  This day celebrates the courage for being counted in a role determined by God for the existence of the family unit.  I thank all fathers who have braved daughters, sons, and wife.  It’s not an easy calling, but doable.

We can get all the tips needed from our heavenly Father who “showers us with all kinds of blessings” (2 Corinthians 9:8), “For he cares…” (1 Peter 5:7).  God is the epitome of what constitutes a dad.  He sacrificed His Son to bring us into His Family. He forgives all our sins, He heals our afflictions, and He provides not only sustenance, but sun, air, and life.  Remember your heavenly Father today.  Honor your dad this day.

God Bless,



Tomorrow we were going to have a weekend of romance! That’s right, a full weekend of watching romance movies on TV!  But, being the Father’s Day weekend, I convinced my wife to swap it for a weekend of Mysteries.

It’ll be romantic trying to solve all those mysteries together!  Hey, I’m not the only romantic in this relationship!  Just this afternoon my wife invited me to the pharmacy!  I asked, “What for, to drool over the meds?” “YEP” she replied with stars in her eyes…she loves me so. Now that’s taking it to the next level!  

Now consider God, He knows romance.  Say, What? Do you picture God with a whip and an angry face?  That’s not Him! He’s madly in love with His creation. His arms are stretch-out wide waiting for you.  He poured out His love for you on the cross.  Took YOUR place there.  That’s right; you who’s crying, you who’s at the end of your wits, you, contemplating ending it all, He’s calling out to you right now!  He’s calling your name!

Yes, with all our quirks, habits, and sometimes unruly behavior, God is still crazy in love with us.  He’s romantically in love with you! Can you believe the God of the universe has forever had His eyes on you?!  Can you believe He’s prepared a place for you to live at in heaven, and is returning to take you there?  Now that’s a mystery!  Read His words directed at us:

“You have captured my heart, my sister, my bride! You have captured my heart with one glance from your eyes, with one strand of your necklace” (Song of Solomon 4:9 CEB).

Don’t let your heavenly mansion be given to another!  Claim yours today!  How? Love Him back! Tell Him! He’s listening for the voice of His beloved! Take refuge in His arms.

“The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry” (Psalm 34:15).

“In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your righteousness, rescue me and deliver me; turn your ear to me and save me” (Psalms 71:1-3 NIV)

Spend this weekend romantically in love with God! Not watching TV romance, but in His presence!

God Bless!


It’s easy to miss the mark in some areas of our lives.  My youngest daughter jokes a lot and gets jokes.  The other daughter says about one joke a year-and misses everyone’s jokes. While I’m good at funny stuff, I miss lots of points when watching movies.  My wife will say, “They’re explaining it RIGHT NOW!” and I’m missing it! One point, however, we can’t afford to miss is that of eternal life. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with salvation: Two very different things. Salvation, only God can do.  Religion, we do.

And so, there’s a simple reason why some Christ-followers miss the mark in following Jesus. Probably millions of people live by the Gospel According to Me (Religion).  It’s not the gospel of following Christ; It’s a gospel where Christ is expected to honor me and my ways.  People walk around in lust and expect God to bless their shame.  God stipulates holiness but people want sinfulness. God calls for humbleness but man wants extravagance. 

God wants man to walk uprightly but man stoops to desires of  luxurious cars, yachts, or expensive planes. God wants us to draw near to Him to know the signs of the times, but man wants ridiculously expensive watches to see the time of day.  God expects us to be examples to others, but we want others to see us as examples of what we’ve accomplished on our own. 

Jesus has covered us with His righteous robe so that when others (the Father included), look at us, they’ll see nothing but Christ’s cloak of righteousness over us.  Our sin is hidden from view because we’re now hidden in Him.  “For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).

But when we insist on showing the world our greatness, Christ is hidden, and only we shine.  And just like the slip on a woman showing, our “slips” show.  Frightful words of Jesus haunt every man who fears Him: But those who don’t, pay no mind.  No one wants to imagine hearing Christ’s awful words when we face Him.

Forget a sentence of 25 years to life; On that day, people will realize how long eternity is. Hence, why there shall be hysteria, heart attacks, and utter madness when Christ says to them, “Depart from me thou wicked, I never knew you” And the angels will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:42).

But know, friend, it’s not too late to change! It’ll be too late when you die in your sins. DISMISS the ridiculous false doctrine that others will bail you out of a non-existent Purgatory; the time for repentance is NOW ON EARTH.  On that day, you’ll be so thankful, a trillion times thankful that you changed course and accepted Christ into your life NOW.  Miss the mark and you’ll miss Christ.

“For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten” (Ecclesiastes 9:5 ESV).

God Bless!


If you live in Puerto Rico, you soon learn that nothing is instant! Everything takes forever!  It’s great for those wanting to “slow down.” Slow down takes on a new meaning here, unless you have a full-membership to the SLOTH CLUB!

Today, we’re tired.  We walked up and down Sam’s Club, as well as throughout Costco.  The drive there and back is through bumpy, potholed-filled roads-just like, probably 99% of Puerto Rico roads; not to mention the treacherous roads from, and to, our house.  These roads were treacherous BEFORE Hurricanes Irma (Sept. 6) and Maria hit the island (September 20, 2017) exactly two weeks apart.  With many bridges down, the masses had to make use of alternate routes.  Here we are six and a half years later, and in spite of the island receiving hundreds of millions of dollars ANNUALLY from the US specifically for road repair and maintenance, yet, they don’t get touched.  Millions of dollars vanish into pockets somewhere.

So, tired from the day and putting away the tons of stuff we bought, we opted for a quick, almost instant meal.  Simple enough: pop into the microwave two chicken sandwiches that should be ready in 95-105 seconds. I placed both patties on a regular micro-ready plate, and set it for 45 secs. Then, for 55 sec. Flipped them over for 33 secs. Then 55 secs. Then 20, then 25, then 55, then 35, then 45, then 22 seconds, and they still weren’t ready!  So much for a quick meal; heck, almost instant. 

Why??? Puerto Rico lowers everyone’s voltage in our area.  I reported it in 2021 and several supervisors came out to see.  They confirmed two things: that at just after 9 a.m. it was really low. AND, that they could fix that!  However, because of the pandemic, they couldn’t tackle it-even though everything they needed to touch was outdoors!

 Would you believe that they could not believe when I showed them the light post right near them and told them it only took 30 years for them to FINALLY install a streetlight I had been requesting since July, 1990? 

Others can’t believe we had no running water running water for 17 yrs., 11 months.  And then, we only received it 7 hrs. one day and 4 hrs. the next, and so on.  Or, that it took TWENTY-FIVE years to finally get water “full-time.”  Water, like electricity, are services we pay a lot of money for, and are withheld ANY TIME the companies feel the need to take them.  And they do. Two weeks ago, and into next week, we spent 11 days without water.  Got it for one day, and then several more days without any. Puerto Rico’s motto?  “Puerto Rico Does It Better!”

The only thing instant I look forward to, will be God’s coming!  Trust me, it will be instant! No waiting! Potholes won’t stop us!

“In an instant, in the blink of an eye, at the final trumpet. The trumpet will blast, and the dead will be raised with bodies that won’t decay, and we will be changed” (1 Corinthians 15:52 CEB).

Hurry Up, Come Lord Jesus!
