We all know some people are stingy and don’t like to share, much less give.  But then, there are plenty of generous folk out there.  They give for almost any cause.  From helping the poor and needy, to helping those who have lost it all, and from animal lovers wiping cat tears, to those overthrowing governments.  As much as we love to give, there’s one area God’s most interested in.  He’s not asking for your home, your job, your kidney, or your eyesight. He wants us to give Him our hearts.  In doing so, He’ll have all those other things we have.  Why??? Because, out of love for Him, we’ll give up all we have knowing it’s in good hands.

“My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways” (Proverbs 23:26).

Be A Giver.

God Bless,
