It was November, 1997 when our youngest daughter, a freshman, shared with us her plans to run in her school’s turkey trot. Not exactly a runner, but a determined young lady willing to face obstacles, we backed her up. Having moved to Puerto Rico two and a half years before, and unable to find jobs, we thought winning a turkey would benefit us.
At the back of the runners was a small dump truck with helpers overseeing the event. Stragglers and quitters had the chance to get in on the truck for a ride back to the school. During the trot, there were plenty of people cheering on. Our daughter went from long strides to shorter ones. From running, to trotting. From almost skipping to teeny-tiny steps. But she kept going.
In her case, she was being cheered off course! “Quit!” “You’ll never finish!” “Get on the truck!” they told shouted. Before the race I had told her to listen to my voice only, and not that of others. And so I was coaching her to stay on and keep going just a little bit more. Finally, she crossed the finish line with maybe 2-4 girls behind her. We were glad she stayed the course. “Oh well, I guess we’ll be heading to Econo Supermarket for our bird,” I thought. But to our surprise, not to mention to everyone else’s, she returned with a turkey!
Turns out she was the only runner in her grade-the others had quit! Now the comments were, “How she get a turkey when she was last?” I ran over, hugged her, and carried her all the way home and put her in the fridge. She was a nice bird! The rest of the family walked our daughter home.
Last month, our five-year-old grandson competed in a 50-meter swimming competition against older kids. Pretty much, right off the blocks he was in last place. Everyone was cheering him on. “Go Trueman!” “Keep going.” “You’re almost there!” people shouted. He continued at his pace until he finished to the shouts and cheers of onlookers.
Jesus wants us to stay the course; to finish the race. It doesn’t matter where you find yourself along the way: in the middle, at the front of the pack, or trailing in last place. Don’t lose focus. Don’t listen to the cheering crowds, especially the nay-sayers. Listen only to His voice. The prize, His rewards, for you are very nearby.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me”(John 10:27a).
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothey 4:7).
“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win” (1Corinthians 9:24)!
“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be” (Revelation 22:12).
Stay in the race!