My father would sometimes joke by limping around. He’d say that was the way he had to walk because when my mom hemmed his pants, one leg usually came out shorter than the other! I know, some would call it cruel. Instead of telling her she didn’t do a good job, he’d say, “Perfect, exactly for the way I walk!” Mind you, this was back in the late 60s-70s when a housewife focused on home responsibilities and things were limited by their tiny budgets.
Did you know that according to God’s law, “No man who has any defect may come near: no man who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed…to the tabernacle to present food offerings to the LORD (Leviticus 21:18-21)?
There were spiritual significances for each deformity, but the lame meant they couldn’t walk straight. In other words, they were somewhat crooked.
Are you lame? Is your walk with God legit? Are your ways crooked? Are you “Straddling both sides of the fence” as they say? In other words, you’re trying to please the world with one stride and please God with the other? Are you faithful to the Lord, or do you walk with a limp around your buddies and upright around God? Are your words true? Can you be trusted? Whether your limp is real or spiritual, God can heal both.
Jesus healed men with withered hands and lame feet. Even healed the blind and the leprous in efforts to show that His coming to earth made a way for all the rejects to now draw near to Him. Want to make your crooked ways straight? God is the Master Seamstress. Both of your (pant) legs will be equal in His sight! All His promises are true and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20)!
“The lame will leap like a deer, and those who cannot speak will sing for joy! Springs will gush forth in the wilderness, and streams will water the wasteland” (Isaiah 35:6).
Walk up Straight!