Thieves and murderers in God’s arms??! There’s hope for the hopeless, for the helpless, and for the criminally insane.  God has a plan of hope for evildoers-and it’s not what most people think.  Read on.

We’ve read stories of Good Samaritans-people going out of their way to help others. As told in the Bible (Luke 10:25-37), a traveler going from Jerusalem to Jericho was robbed, beaten, hurt, left for dead. A priest went by, but did nothing; then a Levite (people that knew the law and what to do) …but ignored the dying man.  Finally, a Samaritan (enemy of Jews) stopped, treated his wounds, took him to a clinic, and paid his bills.  We’ve read of people risking everything to: rescue others from fires, from gunpoint, victims from drowning, or interrupted muggings, or intercepted kidnapping, etc.  All great and heroic acts deserving acknowledgement. 

On the other hand, daily, there are terrible, horrific, and senseless acts of violence and injustices committed by evildoers.  But to the surprise and dismay of many, there is a place for them too; the arms of God.  “NO WAY!” You say?

Religion teaches us that God chose us because “we’re pretty good folks, not like the others.”  Buzzer!!  However, salvation teaches “there is none that does good” (Romans 3:10-12).  We are saved not because we’re any more special than the next person. Salvation is available to everyone.  No matter what you’ve done. If you’ve done terrible things, God’s your best bet. Satan will have you believe it’s useless, impossible, or a waste of time…it isn’t.  In fact, God has forever known what you were about to do-and He’s waiting for you to reach out to Him.  Nothing you’ve done or are about to do, is news to Him.  He’s reserved a place for you near His heart and in His warm embrace.  He knows your brokenness and heartaches.

Take Saul, of Tarsus (Acts 9), he approved the stoning death of Steven-the first disciple martyred.  He breathed threats against Christians, and was on his way to Damascus to arrest any followers along the way when he was stopped in his tracks by God, and converted!  God changed his ways!

What about Rahab-a harlot?  She was an outcast; frowned upon. However, God used her to hide and protect the Israelite spying the land.  As result, she and her family were spared death (Joshua 2).  She even got into the “Hall of Fame” (so-to-speak) of genealogy making it into Jesus’ family tree (Matthew 1:5,16)!

I know, everyone’s sent you to hell, but if you confess your ways to Him, sincerely repent (feel sorry/bad) for all your actions, He’ll save you right now. He’ll pick you up and place you on a different path-the one leading to everlasting life in His presence, in His Place.

Welcome Home!
