There are tons of beliefs out there.  People believe Jesus isn’t the Son of God.  Some teach He’s the devil’s brother, while others believe He was a good prophet or a good teacher, but nothing more.  We can believe what we want.  We can choose to believe the world is flat and that little green men live on the red planet-which has never made sense to me: green from red…

When we hold on to our belief system as far as salvation goes, it become a religion-a controlled set of ideals.  When we believe what God says, even when it’s against what others say, it’s called having a relationship with God.  Meaning, you’re checking in with Him on a daily basis through prayer, the reading of His Word, or through other means such as listening to inspired music/songs, teachings, etc.  So, what does matter?

If you figure, “We’re all gonna die, right?” So, what’s the beef?” Death is a serious part of it.  But it’s what happens before it, that counts.  You see, once dead, you can’t go back to fix anything or return by showing a stamp or code on your wrist.  Once you’ve entered eternity, you can’t return.

You can choose to believe the teaching that after you die, you’re going to purgatory and friends and family members will pay indulgences to bail you out.  But that’s nowhere in the Bible.  It just isn’t true.  Purging time is now!

God’s not going to judge you on whether you believe one team’s better than another.  Or, if you’ve always doubted mankind really set foot on the moon.  Only believing that Jesus is the Son of God, the very likeness of the Father; indeed, being God Himself in the flesh, is what’s going to get you into heaven.  You won’t be there because you prayed to certain saints, or because you gave to certain needs…not even because you helped others.  Certainly, not because you’re a good person.  “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).

This crucial step will have you, “Go directly to Boardwalk,” so-to-speak.  You’ll skip the White Throne Judgment designated to judge all the unsaved; the liars, the murderers, the fornicators, effeminate, thieves, unbelievers, etc. and be cast into the lake of fire (Revelations 21:8) which is the second death; meaning no chance of ever getting near God’s goodness/presence.

So, holding on to what you believe, if it doesn’t include belief in Jesus as the Son of God, will do you more harm than good. Therefore, let’s change those beliefs and get you skipped to front of the line! What’s up front? you ask?  Eternal life with the Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) in the Goodness of God, and eternal joy in their presence.  There’ll be no pain, no sorrow, and, we’ll be forever young!

Bottom line: Make sure that what you believe, lines up with scripture.  It’s what really matters.

God bless,
