Throughout my high school years, I always thought it was obnoxious for guys to get stoned.  Worse, some pretended to be stoned and acted out the part.  They all wanted attention.  Most everyone thought it was cool.

The word, stone, had a different meaning in Jesus’ time, as it does today in some Arab countries. People accused of serious crimes, primarily women, get stoned to death.  Jesus Himself escaped on several occasions getting stoned by mobs of religious folk for His message from God which didn’t sit well with their teachings.  Did you know Jesus was once stoned? Not the way it sounds!

But for envy, they accused Him of blasphemy, and other trumped-up charges, and handed Him over (Matthew 27:18).  All lies. He was apprehended, scourged, stripped bare, paraded before all, crucified, and silenced, forever…so they thought!

He was taken down from the cross and buried.  He was stoned-in a tomb with a huge stone at the entrance and guarded by soldiers.

 But no one can silence God! As He had prophesied, “He shall rise the third day” (Mark 9:31b). He arose to victory having silenced death and the underworld.  His tomb remains empty since that third day. The stone was rolled away by an angel and only His outer garments remained.  He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father and in communion with the Holy Spirit, as they have always been, even before time began: “And now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began” (John 17:5).

Happy Resurrection Sunday!