Last words can be some of the hardest to listen to.  They can be heartbreaking words. Like when a loved one says their goodbyes and walks out the door; or when a loved one on a dying-bed strains to whisper an “I love you forever.” We hang on to every word. Generally, we tend to dislike last words that are disheartening. Unfortunately, they come.

The disciples hung out with Jesus for three years. He ministered to them teaching them the Word.  Being the Word (John 1:1,14), He made sure they understood what the religious leaders didn’t.  One day, He gave them His last words. He told them He would be leaving and would return again.  Of course, they didn’t understand Him, and were sad.

 No one could understand someone telling you, “I’m going to die and will take up my life again and will return,” (John 19:17)when such a thing had never before happened.  Shock and disbelief filled His follower’s hearts when He was apprehended. Their  seemingly unstoppable Master was now in enemy hands.  They couldn’t comprehend why a teacher of peace and righteousness was getting tortured and crucified.  Heartbroken, scared, and fearful for their lives, they would hang on to His last words for as long as they could.  Thankfully, The Holy Spirit comforted them and guided them to understand all things.  He gave them courage to go on.

On occasions, last words can be the ones we need, the ones that grab ahold of the seats of our pants and lift us up. The ones that encourage us and bring us hope.  Jesus’ last words were meant to encourage His followers; and He did.  But He also shared other last words to us, His body, the church, to make sure we knew He didn’t abandon us.  He spoke to give us insight of things to come.  He wants us ready for His soon return!  He’s on the horizon!  Read them:

“And, behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work” (Rev. 22:12).

Be Ready!