About four years ago I read about a man who won a million bucks in the lottery.  Not wanting to go public, he hired his cousin to pick up the check for him for an agreed sum of $50k.  She went out of her way to get him the money.  Actually, to not get him the money.  She mailed in the ticket to claim $537k, and gave him over $13k saying he only won $20K. She produced phony documents to prove her allegations. After suing her, he recouped almost $318K, and she won a grand house-behind bars! 

There are all kinds of stories of liars, cheaters, and con men going the extra two-miles (inflation) to scam, steal, & cheat others.

How far will Jesus go to show you He loves you?  When with His disciples on the night just before being betrayed by Judas, Jesus showed them His greatness.  Did He stop the sun?  Did He command legions of angels to stand by His side? No, instead, He stooped low before them all removing His outer garments, and with a towel, performed the humbling task of washing and drying their feet (John 13:14).

A far cry from those whose words are: “Do y’all even know who I is??  And from those with big heads who pat themselves for their “greatness.”  Jesus, humble and meek, goes to the ends of the earth to get the lost. Being 100% innocent, He went to the cross voluntarily out of love for you. It wasn’t the soldiers or Judas or the crowds, or the scourging that took Him to the cross, nor the nails that kept Him there. It was YOU on His mind all the time.  He whispered your name over & over thinking, “I can’t let (put your name here) go to hell. I’m laying My life for him/her.

He even went down to the center of the earth to get His own. NO matter how far you will go running away, He still loves you, and, like the Jackson 5, He wants you back. Come to Him today.
