There are cleansing pads great for facials. Cleansings are helpful; both physically, and spiritually. On a day like today, the Monday after the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus headed to the temple for a cleansing.  Not for Himself, nor did He mop the floors. No King-Pine. Nope, He wove a whip and drove away those who had turned its premises into a bazaar. Picture this:

 You’re on a long journey heading to Jerusalem.  You wonder if you’re forgetting something.  “I’ll pick one up from Gloat Goat by the temple,” you reason.  May not be as good as a perfect one, but it’ll do.  After all, who’s watching? you reason.  So, you drive your camel up to the valet, hand him the reigns, and he parks it. You get your “choice” lamb marred with a few scabs, and hand it to the priest. Job done.

These money-changers didn’t offer the best to God. They also short-changed customers.  The holy temple became a market place.  Jesus drove them away in what’s known as the cleansing of the temple.  Jesus told them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called the house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of thieves” (Matthew 21:13).

The temple cleansing is symbolic of our bodies which are God’s temples.  We’re suppose to do away with dishonesty, cheating, etc.  Besides, God doesn’t want you to offer sacrifices for me, or vice versa.  He wants “an unblemished lamb (sacrifice).  That means, your best.  We’re not to go through the motions of pleasing God; that’s religion.  He wants true sacrifice, that’s relationship.  He wants what we do to cost us something.  Because then, it has value.  But if I say, “Relax Sam, I’ve got it covered.” I’m deceiving myself.  Jesus wants first-rate devotion.

How’s cleansing going for you? You can ask Jesus to cleanse you right now.  Of what? You ask?  Of attitudes, of inner ugliness that spills under pressure.  On His last week on earth, Jesus was tidying up loose ends.  He was thinking of you and me.

Be cleansed today! Jesus is still preparing hearts worthy to stand before God the Father.
