Today, some people are show offs, proud, and sometimes full of themselves who expect great applause and fanfare everywhere they go. Their entourage paves the way for them: “Move, it, move it! Let’s go, outta our way! The grand master’s here!” they’ll shout.  And people just love that admiration.  There’ll be golden chains all around their necks, and rings on every finger as they strut their stuff with super-expensive attire, and maybe even a “piece” tucked on the belt so that folks will know, “The man’s serious and has got dough.”

On the other side of the spectrum, born and raised in poverty, with no possessions or amassed properties, the King of the Universe, the creator of all things, dropped all His stuff back home on His (probably) pure gold, and diamond-encrusted throne.  Dressed in humility, He made it His business to get on humanity’s level by becoming one of us. Didn’t show up in exotic outfits, fancy chariots, expensive Paso Fino horses, or pure gold crowns.  Instead, He trudged into Jerusalem lowly-in-spirit on a donkey in His regularly worn and dusty attire. No designer outfit or shoes, not even rejects.  The only chains attributed to Him were all the ones He cast off demon-possessed people. Twelve poor disciples were His entourage.

As He entered the city on a day like today over 2000 years ago, people paved the way for Him by laying down their coats and palms shouting, “Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!” ‘Blessed is the king of Israel” (John 12:12,13)!

The masses knew their king was in their midst. They worshipped Him through praise, music, and by paving His path.

Today, we too can shout, “HOSANNA!”  “Blessed is the king!” Redirect your path, if needed, to intersect His. He’s looking for seekers. What a wonderous opportunity that you should both meet on such a path! Wave your palm at Him today. Lay down, not your garments, but your life at His feet and acknowledge Him as Lord and King over your life. Eh, not sure why? The events of His life during this coming week, will show you why.

