The holiest week of the year will soon be upon us. This is a good time to clear up some misunderstood things. During Moses’ time with Israel, God instructed him to have the people sanctify themselves before Him. That’s a word that scares people. Gives them the “Willie-Nillies.” God sought His people to separate themselves for His service and presence. It’s similar to an athlete about to make a jump, or run a race, or take a shot. They will focus on what they’re about to do.  Ridding ourselves of distractions before Him, is to be dedicated to His voice and His presence in our lives.

In the midst of a wilderness, a barren land, in a desert area, Israel initially learned to pursue God, but then left Him by the wayside. In our often-barren lives; broken through relationships and dried-out experiences, we can pursue God.  When dry winds blow, when winter chills run through our bones, and snow clouds our thinking, His ear is always attentive.

Many of us will be focusing on God next week as we recall Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, known as Palm Sunday.  One can go from “Holy Moly” and “Holy Cow,” to pure holiness before God’s throne room. His presence is void of sin and uncleanliness. Nothing but myriads of angelic beings worshipping Him voicing “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Revelations 4:8) back and forth amongst them permeates the ambience. God’s holiness descends upon His people when we enter into His presence individually or corporately.  Want a teeny taste of His holiness? Tag along this week as we visit Jesus’ last days on earth with His loved ones.  Confess your sins before Him, and receive Him into your heart today through repentance, and experience His holiness.  He hears repentant sinners!                                                            “Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.  But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear you” (Isaiah 59:1,2).  

God Bless,
